Food and drinkCooking tips

What to cook for lunch?

In most cases, the answer to the question of what to cook for lunch depends on what products are currently available. This approach is wrong, because each person needs a balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, it is recommended that you purchase products in advance, based on knowledge of what kind of appetite and needs family members have. In this case, you can make a menu of future dinners, based on which and make purchases.

Before you start cooking dinner, you need to figure out what time it should be ready. In the case of a small amount of time, it is recommended that you select products that will allow you to do everything as quickly as possible. However, here the question arises: what to cook for lunch quickly? In this case, you can use meat, fish or vegetable semi-finished products. Also, lunch is quickly prepared from various canned foods, for example, meat or fish soups, stew and others. And if you combine canned food and convenience foods, the cooking time of lunch will decrease several times. For example, it can be cutlets from a semi-finished product and a garnish of green peas or canned beans.

In any case, no dinner can do without soup. Therefore, thinking about what to cook for dinner, you need to pay attention to the fact that soups are an indispensable part of any dinner. In addition, they are prepared quite quickly. You can boil broth in the evening, and the next day decide on the final choice of the first dish, or use for its preparation a piece of meat, cut into many small pieces. In any case, it takes at least forty-five minutes to cook the soup.

Many will ask, and what to cook for lunch as a second dish? As a rule, in this case, meat or fish with a garnish of vegetables or cereals is cooked. If there is very little time, you can prepare spaghetti with tomato sauce, or boil sausages, cut them and fry in a pan with cabbage and onions.

Consider how to prepare a dinner consisting of three dishes.

Soup "Summer"

Ingredients: four potatoes, one hundred grams of rice, one bunch of sorrel, one onion, three eggs, one spoon of vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste, sour cream, greens.

Onions and potatoes are cleaned, cut into small cubes. Rice boil until half cooked and washed. Potatoes are lowered into boiling water, and after a few minutes rice is cooked and cooked for up to seven minutes. Separately fry onion in oil and dip it into the soup, after which add the chopped sorrel, salt and spices and cook for another five minutes. Soup is poured on plates, add sour cream, a few slices of boiled egg, and sprinkle with herbs.

Chicken chops

Ingredients: two hundred grams of chicken fillet (breast), two eggs, one hundred grams of biscuits and vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste, one cucumber and sweet pepper, two tomatoes, greens.

The fillet should be slightly discouraged, sprinkled with salt and spices, dipped into eggs (whipped) and breadcrumbs. The chops are deep-fried until ten minutes. Of the chopped vegetables, prepare a vitamin salad and serve it as a garnish.

Let's notice, that to prepare for a dinner it is cheap it is possible and meat cutlets. In this case, you can use ready-made minced meat or semi-finished products.

Pumpkin Kissel

Ingredients: two hundred grams of pumpkin, two tablespoons of starch and sugar, three tablespoons of milk, salt to taste.

Pumpkin should be cleaned, rubbed on grater. Starch is diluted with a spoonful of milk, the rest of the milk is brought to a boil, add sugar and salt to it, and gently poured the diluted starch. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil, dip the pumpkin into it and boil for several minutes, after which the kissel is cooled.

So, we considered an example of what to cook for dinner. It should be noted that it is necessary to start with those dishes that require more cooking time, most often meat and broth.

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