Food and drinkChocolate

What is useful for bitter chocolate? Real chocolate: composition

, которое растёт в Южной Америке. Chocolate is made from the fruits of the tropical evergreen tree Theobroma cacao , which grows in South America. This rich taste of people knew already in the time of the ancient Olmec civilization, more than a thousand years before our era. After Europeans discovered America, chocolate has become very popular all over the world. Gradually, new varieties and recipes for this delicacy were invented.

It is well known that real bitter chocolate is more useful than milk and white varieties. Ideally, it is made from fried beans "chocolate tree", cocoa butter and sugar. The share of cocoa varies from 70% to 99%.

Bitter chocolate taste is less sweet than milk. That is why it is a success for many people around the world.

One ounce of this fragrant treat contains many antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins. Other healthy nutrients present in dark chocolate are soluble fibers, potassium, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium and iron.

Like other types of this delicacy, dark bitter chocolate is quite caloric and contains sugar. But when used in moderation, it can positively affect your health. Many studies carried out independently in different countries have confirmed this fact.

What is useful for bitter chocolate, and what are the benefits that lovers of sweets derive from their addiction?

The right tool for students

Is there a responsible mental work, a difficult exam or dinner with relatives? Studies conducted at the University of Nottingham, showed that one piece of dark chocolate is enough to temporarily, within two to three hours, stimulate the brain. This effect is achieved due to the fact that flavonol, one of the key components of dark chocolate, has a useful property to dilate blood vessels. Because of this, more oxygen can enter key areas of the brain, improving concentration, reaction time and memory.

By the way, some other foods with a high content of flavonol also have a similar effect: green tea, blueberries.

Chocolate helps the eyes

For the same reasons, that is, due to a more intensive inflow of blood to the retina and brain, dark chocolate can improve eyesight. The researchers found that eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate has a beneficial effect on a person's ability, for example, to notice movement and to distinguish between weak contrasts.

Sweet antidepressant

In order to relieve stress or raise a bad mood, dark (the most delicious) chocolate is an excellent remedy. The fact is that it helps to increase the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts as a mild natural antidepressant.

A study conducted by Swiss scientists from the Nestle research center confirms that eating half a tile of dark chocolate per day for 2 weeks helps to reduce the level of stress hormones. In addition, dark chocolate contains a lot of magnesium, which is also indispensable in the fight against stress, fatigue, depression and irritability.

Dessert for hypertension

More than useful bitter chocolate? If you have a slightly increased blood pressure, a small piece a day helps to normalize it. According to medical research, cocoa polyphenols helped reduce hypertension in 18% of participants aged 56 to 73 who consumed about 6 g of dark chocolate (containing 30 mg of polyphenols) per day for 18 weeks.

How it works? Flavonol stimulates the endothelium (artery walls) to produce nitric oxide. Further, in turn, nitric oxide helps to relax the arteries. Resistance to blood flow is reduced, and thus the pressure is normalized.
In the future, it helps chocolate lovers avoid problems such as heart failure, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and reduces the risk of various cognitive impairments (eg, dementia).

The most pleasant prevention of diabetes

Chocolate contributes not only to preserving the health of blood vessels, but also helps protect the body from type 2 diabetes. Flavonoids reduce insulin resistance, which allows cells to function effectively and use their body's insulin. At the same time, black bitter chocolate has a rather low glycemic index, in other words, it will not cause huge jumps in the level of sugar.

Delicacy for heart health

Dark chocolate can slightly reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL), according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In addition, cocoa can increase the level of HDL (the so-called "good cholesterol"). It is not yet clear whether this is due to the presence of flavonoids and theobromine in cocoa.

Pamper yourself during a cold

Talking about what is useful for bitter chocolate, we can not fail to mention that it contains a special substance - theobromine, which helps to curb cough.

Scientists from the British National Health Service offered to take theobromine twice to three hundred patients suffering from a chronic cough. Two weeks later, they found that 60 percent of people taking the substance felt a relief from the cough. Another study conducted in London confirmed these findings.

Delicious solution to delicate problem

More than useful bitter chocolate? It has long been noted that it can alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea. Why is this happening? Flavonoids bind and inhibit a specific protein (CFTR) regulating the secretion of fluid in the small intestine, and the result does not make you wait.

Moderation decides everything

Over the past few years, chocolate has received many negative reviews in the media. Its use was associated with the occurrence of acne, obesity, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.

But, despite its unenviable reputation, the dark one is the most delicious chocolate, moreover it is not too bad for the figure and health. Today it is appreciated for its huge antioxidant potential. A relatively recent discovery of bioactive phenolic compounds contained in cocoa, stimulated research on its effects on aging, hypertension and atherosclerosis. And when choosing sweets for tea, the main thing to remember: the higher the content of cocoa, the more chocolate in the tile health benefits and less unnecessary sugar.

Thus, this tasty dessert can be a useful pleasure - but only as long as it is consumed in reasonable quantities.

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