
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include a whole group of drugs. Their principle of action is based on the blocking of a certain type of enzyme, which is the cause of pathological reactions. The main effect of using these medicines is their ability to reduce inflammation, to remove fever and to anesthetize. NSAIDs are shown to lower the temperature and reduce blood coagulability. In addition, they are able to relieve headaches, joint and muscle pain.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have undesirable side effects. When taking these medications, peptic ulcerative processes in the duodenum and stomach can be exacerbated. In addition, the occurrence of allergies is likely.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not belong to steroid hormones. Inflammatory processes, painful sensations, and also a rise in temperature serve as symptoms of many ailments. All these indicators are controlled by biologically active substances in the body, called prostaglandins. This group of enzymes is produced in tissues that are the focus of the disease. When these substances are exposed to nerve fibers and blood vessels, there is swelling, pain, and redness. Prostaglandins activate the brain center regulating body temperature and, thereby, provoke its increase.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the formation of prostaglandins. As a result, pain passes, the temperature normalizes and inflammations stop. Anti-inflammatory drugs also increase blood flow. This ability is widely used in the treatment of various diseases of the heart muscle.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs find their application in the following cases:

  1. To reduce body temperature, both adults and children, resulting from various ailments.
  2. To reduce the inflammatory processes caused by diseases of the osteoarticular system.
  3. For anesthesia with migraine, as well as in the treatment of gynecological diseases and renal colic.
  4. To reduce the viscosity of blood with ischemia, heart attack and stroke.

Representatives of this group of drugs are: Acetylsalicylic acid, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen and many others. For external use, a fastus is used.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation have properties not to cause ulcerative formation in the stomach. This makes it possible to increase the dose for a faster cure of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory drugs in dentistry are used for toothache, myalgia of the maxillofacial sites, arthritis of the temporal and maxillofacial joints, and also for lupus erythematosus. The greatest analgesic effect has Tromethamine ketorolac, which is weaker than morphine only three times. However, long-term use of this drug is not recommended, due to undesirable effects on the stomach. When prescribing high dosages of aspirin, it is also necessary to consider the likelihood of internal bleeding and toxic effects on the auditory nerve. With local anesthesia, dentistry uses Benzydamine and Mafenamine sodium salt.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory properties are also found in some plants. Antimicrobial and antipyretic action has a bark of willow, tea and jam from crimson branches. When topical use is a powerful antiviral effect, there are infusions of calendula and chamomile. On the basis of natural vegetable raw materials, pharmacological preparations and homeopathic remedies are produced, such as tincture of the saber, Revma-gel and others.

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