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What is the worldview - movies, books

What is a worldview and how does it affect the life of a person? Philosophy responds to this question in this way: it is a system of views, beliefs, values, ideals that determine the attitude to the surrounding reality and people's activities. The carriers can be a separate person, professional or social groups. The surrounding reality affects the worldview of people. In turn, a person, relying on his awareness of the world, changes it around himself. This process depends on the activity and purposefulness of both the individual and the society as a whole.

Not only philosophy, but psychology also explains what a worldview is - a person's views of the world around him and the phenomena that occur in him, which are associated with the awareness of his personality in his life. In psychology, too, individual and collective world-consciousness are distinguished. The second is the worldview of the tribal, ethnic, social and other types of collective consciousness.

It is important not just to find out what a worldview is, but to know how its change can affect the life of each individual person. Here is an example, one might say, Anecdotal. If you instruct a Scandinavian worker that you have to twist the nut by turning the key eight times, he will do it exactly today, tomorrow and a year later. And tell this to the Russian worker. For interest, once he does according to the instructions, perhaps even enough for two or three times, but no more. And then he will do his own thing or just take a hammer and score it. The reason for this difference in attitude towards what is happening is precisely in a different worldview. Therefore, most likely, the answer to the question of why we can not build our life as in the West lies in this.

The formation of views on the world largely depends on the people around them, literature, cinema and the media. Books that change the world view exist, probably, since antiquity. Literature has always contributed to the development of the individual. Therefore, a good education is valued in society, it gives an opportunity not only to form views and ideals, but also teaches people not to think in templates, but to expand their horizons. A person who does not have his moral attitudes, is not able to analyze his actions and deeds of other people, does not resist disorganizing conditions. Add to this a more patterned thinking. In the end, we get an individual who is not burdened with morality, who does not care about others who think only of their own benefit, even if they are clearly harmed by others. Does not it look like anything? This, too, can serve as an answer to the question of what a world view is and how it affects the life activity of a person.

For the current generation of "Pepsi", another factor is of particular importance: these are films that change the worldview. Cinematography refers to a large layer of modern culture. Our youth live in an era of incredible freedom. But many freedom is confused with permissiveness, without realizing the essential difference between them. If we add to this the clichés that the films instill, and in most cases these are Hollywood films, is it any wonder at what speed globalization takes place?

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