Spiritual developmentMystic

What is the dimple on the chin

To think that science, which studies the features of appearance, appeared only recently - is fundamentally wrong. Just for a while, she was not taken seriously. They did not attach much importance to the peculiarities of the structure of persons and their connection with the character of man. Only recently this ancient science acquired the name - physiognomy. But our distant ancestors though did not give names, already then knew how much the shape and structure of a person can tell about a person. Even in ancient China, the sages foretold the fate of these signs. And very successfully! So one of the emperors received a prediction of a brilliant future, when he was only a poor, unknown orphan.

Chin shape value

The Chinese called the forehead "the sky of the face," and the chin, respectively, "earth." A considerable number of sages relied in their conclusions on these two components, considering them to be the most important for a person. And it is interesting that the shape of the forehead was much more important for men. About women's fate could tell the chin more. This is due to the fact that the lower face of the Chinese people was associated with the land, which means the feminine. While the sky was the male principle. A narrow and short bottom of the face was considered a bad sign, which would adversely affect future destiny. A wide chin, both in men and women, on the contrary, meant well-being in the future.

He promised a happy quiet old age, in which the possessor knows more happiness than adversity, will enjoy the benefits that he has acquired throughout his life by hard work. Foreshadowed comfortable living, lack of health problems, prosperity and glory. Also a very good sign for a person was called in every possible way the acting chins: upturned (then the type of person was called "heaven and earth, looking at each other"), fleshy and massive, full, protruding forward. They talked about the strong will of man, his ability to cope with any adversity, as well as love of earthly goods and increased sexuality.

Favorable form of the Chinese people considered a real gift from above, a gift of the gods. People with a "correct" face shape were automatically ranked as successful, if not now, then in the foreseeable future. And certainly they were not threatened by a miserable old age in poverty, however it really was. Nobody knows for sure whether their predictions were true, but this tradition lasted very, very long.

Double chin

However strange it may seem in our age of struggle against overweight, the Chinese considered the double chin to be the most favorable sign . However, this form can be not only in people who are overweight. Contrary to the common misconception, the double chin is also in slender people. In China, this was the best guarantee of well-being after fifty years of age.

Such chin presaged comfort and calm after reaching old age. But at a younger age, its owners became successful in their profession, they received financial stability. It was believed that such people rarely deny themselves sensual pleasures, and even in old age. Also, their desires throughout life coincide with opportunities.

The dimple on the chin: the value

A simple tongue is the so-called indentation on a person's skin. If we are talking about the face, then most often refer to dimples on the cheeks, which arise in some with a smile, or dimple on the chin. Often they are most noticeable at an early age, and with age they are smoothed out or completely disappear. This is due to the fact that our facial muscles are gradually lengthening. But some retain this feature until old age. Also, at present, dimples can be created artificially - with the help of plastic surgery.

Every feature in physiognomy has a definite meaning. So dimple on the chin means in the popular interpretation of the good man. This definition is especially true for men, and the shape of the chin for them is of greater importance. Surprisingly, here we and the inhabitants of Ancient China have almost unanimous opinion. The dimple on the chin in the science of physiognomy characterizes man as the owner of a strong, unbending will.

Such men are real fighters, they are determined and have a strong and even tough character. But at the same time they can be described as lovers of the fair sex, who have a bright temperament. It is believed that such people attract the attention of women and are therefore spoiled by them. Sometimes a dimple can mean a two-faced character. Her resourceful owner is very versatile, able to achieve his goals, both with the help of cunning and enviable obstinacy.

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