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What is objective idealism?

Objective idealism - this is the direction of philosophical thought, whose representatives considered the primary principle of the world an individual spiritual principle. Different schools called different reasons for the emergence of life on the planet - theologians believed in God, Hegel mentions the absolute spirit, and Schopenhauer - the world's will. The first representatives of this direction were the ancient scientists Plato and Pythagoras, and in the teachings of all their followers, there is recognition of the world and matter by real elements that are subordinated to specific ideal principles.


Initially, before the development of philosophical thought in this direction by ancient scholars, objective idealism is manifested in the ancient Indian religious and artistic book "Upanishad." In it, the material world is described as the veil of the great Maya, hiding the true reality of the manifestation of the divine first principle. In the completed expression, this doctrine is first described in the philosophical works of Plato, and in the Middle Ages, scholastic realism comes to replace idealism. In modern times , G. Hegel, F. V. Schelling and G. V. Leibniz dealt with this issue.

The Teaching of Hegel

Objective idealism in the XVIII-XIX centuries was already significantly different from the ancient doctrine, and a special place in this direction occupied in the philosophy of Hegel. So, he recognizes the spirit primary, which appeared before the emergence of the material world, but calls it not "God", but "absolute idea". In his book The Philosophy of Nature, his idealistic views are quite clear, because the material world is called secondary, derived from the original spirit and dependent on it. The scientist was engaged in the study of social life, which is also influenced by the divine idea that was born before the time of humanity.

Basically, Hegel's objective idealism concentrates on the notion of "absolute spirit", which is considered by scientists in development and movement. Dialectics in the teaching of the philosopher is sharply opposed to metaphysics, but the following three positions are the cornerstone of his teaching. First, he believed that the quantity under certain conditions could turn into quality. Secondly, objective idealism in the works of the scientist considers the contradiction as the main source of development. Thirdly, Hegel did not accept negation as such, and believed that it was impossible to be sure of any question accurately.

However, the universal laws of development occupy a special place, and dialectics consists in contradictions inherent in phenomena, and such a concept has appeared for the first time in philosophical science . Hegel spoke against metaphysicians who absolutized the analysis, and also expressed the idea of the interconnection of concepts among themselves. The dialectical method and the metaphysical system are sharply opposed to each other, since the scientist recognizes the movement forward, the change in objective reality and the movement of the world to something new.

The teachings of Schelling

Objective idealism of Schelling concerned the development of the philosophy of nature, which becomes an independent subject of analysis. He concentrated on a detailed study of the dynamic process, since the period of his activity coincided with the era of the most important discoveries in the field of physiology, physics, chemistry, electrodynamics. Objective idealism was fully manifested in the view of Schelling, as he spiritualized matter itself. The scientist did not confine himself to the views of the naturalness of the development of the surrounding world, but sought in the object under study real dynamic opposites. The philosopher convinced that the world around us can be known through reason, which led to the appearance of logical thinking in man.

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