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What does native language mean for a person? The role of the native language for a person

Permanent residence in the same environment does not provide an opportunity to fully understand what the native language means to a person. When there are no difficulties in overcoming the language barrier, few people think about the role of communication for the psychological, moral state of each individual. To shake confidence and rest sometimes can only the arrival of foreigners. Even the slightest difference in the languages with the inhabitants of the near abroad countries makes it clear how difficult it is for a person without understanding the interlocutor's speech.

The Importance of Conversational Skill in Human Life

From birth, the child is taught the knowledge, skills that will help in life. And it is speech - this is one of the most important skills that a small person is mastering. Remember how awkward you feel when you can not understand what exactly a two-year-old wants from you. Lepping and distorting words, he struggles to convey his point of view, desire, emotions. And if it is simply difficult for adults to understand such a "conversation," the child is sometimes even more difficult. Despite all his efforts, he remained unheeded. It is from this age it is important to form in children an understanding of what the native language means to a person, to inculcate love for the word.

How to raise a child's love for their native language?

It is very important to help children learn the language. And this applies not only to the school curriculum. In educational institutions, pedagogues polish the base already obtained by the baby, expanding the vocabulary, correcting some errors that are present in the speech of the child and his environment. But one can not rely solely on the school curriculum, which is limited in scope, time and methods. Teachers can not always convey to their students the role of the mother tongue in a person's life. Discussions, reading, watching movies, listening to songs in a home-like environment will be a pledge not only of sharing pastime, but also the preservation of their native language.

The language of the people is the mirror of his soul, the cultural heritage

Language is not only a tool for communication between different people. The importance of the native language in a person's life is much deeper and more important. He is the bearer of culture, mentality, traditions and history of each people. In the world there are more than 6 thousand different languages. Some of them are similar, and representatives of several countries can understand each other's speech in full or in part, others are absolutely incomprehensible and have nothing like a native for the person dialect. Even within the same country, different dialects may be in use.

Each of them - this is the highlight of the edge, his soul. After all, language is a reflection of thought as a single individual, and a group of people, a whole nation. This is the defining component of national unity, uniting different in spirit, mode of existence, social aspects of people. Saying of E. Sapir characterizes the role of language in the formation of culture as a phenomenon and culture of a single person: "Culture can be defined as what this society does and thinks. The language is what they think. "

Away is good, but home is better

The easier it is to understand what the native language means to a person, the farther away he is from his home. This problem is very acute for emigrants, who, due to various circumstances, were forced to leave their homeland. The need for communication, which can not be fully satisfied by speaking in a foreign dialect, encourages people to create interest groups, communities, diasporas. Very often such communities keep centuries-old traditions much more reverent and reliable than their compatriots who do not experience difficulties of this nature.

It is very important to be able to hear, speak, understand the native language daily. In human life, he is a kind of pathway that connects him with the house and close people. No wonder many, unable to withstand the separation from their native land, suffering from nostalgia, can not get accustomed to foreign countries. Often the reason for this is not only the economic aspect, different mentality and habits. The impossibility of free communication in the language in which you think, becomes an insurmountable obstacle to permanent residence abroad.

After all, the absence of conversational practice, writing, reading can lead to forgetting, distortion even of the native language that a person uses since birth. Of course, some everyday phrases soaked with the mother's milk will not disappear forever, but the vocabulary, the ability to talk freely and without accent can be lost. The more important it is to try to preserve a part of your homeland, to cherish and glorify it through the word.

Is it necessary to teach a child a native language while living abroad?

For each person, the native language is the language he speaks at birth, these are lullabies, the first questions and answers. However, what about the children born in a foreign country for the parents, or those who have moved to the new area still quite a baby? How to determine which language is native to them? How can one explain the difference between two different ways of expressing one's thoughts and feelings?

The tendencies of the modern world are such that the knowledge of several foreign languages is no longer a whim or a desire of the parents. Most often this is a necessity, without which in adult life it is difficult to orient, get a good job. Psychologists and teachers say that it is much easier for a child to learn a language than an adult. At the same time, the main base is laid at a very young age, even before school. The ability of the brain to perceive information in this period of life is colossal. Children living in a bilingual country or family can freely communicate both in the generally accepted and native language.

It is very important for parents to pay much attention to their native speech, because the school, communication with peers will help the child to competently and clearly express themselves in the language necessary for life. But a complete absence or lack of practice will lead to the fact that the native language is completely erased from memory, the invisible thread connecting man and his homeland will be forgotten and broken.

How to overcome the language barrier

Often problems in communication arise because of a person's inability to solve this problem. Extensive vocabulary, understanding the basics of grammar, ways of constructing sentences still do not allow for free communication. Such difficulties are due to a misunderstanding of the spoken language. Acquisition of the necessary skills occurs only during live communication, through reading fiction, periodicals, watching movies. It is important to remember to improve the pronunciation of individual words and phrases. What does it mean a native language for a person, will help to find out the possession of several adverbs. And only feeling the difference, you can really understand how much you love your country and its language.

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