
What does a good birth control pill mean?

More and more women come to the conclusion that contraceptive pills are a more reliable way of contraception without compromising the quality of sex. But how to choose among the present abundance of funds of this kind are good birth control pills? Here, in order not to cause harm to health, a very delicate approach is needed.

There is no single answer to this question: like any medications, good contraceptive pills for each organism are their own, and only the doctor can make the right choice by studying the individual characteristics of a particular female representative. Considering the fact that birth control pills are hormone-containing drugs, the production rate and level of all women are different, drugs that are the most suitable for one person may be completely useless for another. Therefore, choosing good contraceptive pills (by the way, like contraceptive cream), one can not rely on the advice of girlfriends or screaming advertising slogans. In general, the word "suitable" is more appropriate here, and not the best or good ones.

Good contraceptives justify themselves only when they are appointed by a specialist after a proper examination, especially since a woman may have any contraindications to certain drugs that she herself may not have a clue about (for example, this method of contraception is excluded when Presence of a cyst or fibromyoma). In addition, age must be taken into account.

An independent approach to the choice of contraceptives can lead to disastrous consequences: nausea, spotting, overweight, the appearance of acne, increased hair growth, etc.

Listening to the advice of the World Health Organization, girls under the age of 20 are better off using combined contraceptives, such as Trikvilar, Logest, Tri-regol, as well as Mersilon, Jess, Silest, Rigevidon, "Microgonon", "Novo-ring." These funds have less influence on the young organism and do not violate the menstrual cycle.

According to many doctors, before the age of 25, it is better not to opt for contraceptive pills as contraception, as the hormonal background is not yet established. Although with the proper choice of special harm to the body this method of protection will not cause. For this age category, we have proven to be good contraceptive pills, Logest, Triregol, Mersilon. For non-generic people, preference is given to such drugs as "Diane-35", "Silest", and all the same "Logest".

Ladies 30-40 years of age are often prescribed drugs "Marvelon", "Pharmatex", "Novinet". Also for this age in the category of "good contraceptive pills" are "Trikvilar" and "Triziston."

Women breastfeeding, often appointed tablets "Microluc", "Charozetta", "Eksluton" (they are absolutely harmless not only for mom, but for the baby).

In certain situations, the tablets "Zhanin" and "Yarina" are considered good. Rely on the experience and knowledge of the doctor, and the choice will satisfy you.

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