
What can be attributed to the symptom of high blood sugar

Hyperglycemia is called increased blood sugar. For the normal functioning of our body, it should not contain more than five and a half mmol / l in the blood. And if suddenly the glucose level becomes larger, then we can talk about increased sugar, which, in turn, leads to serious destructive processes. Each person should carefully monitor their diet, avoiding the use of foods that are excessively rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, and periodically take a blood test. Hyperglycemia, as a rule, does not come asymptomatically, and by some indications a person can himself suspect a health problem. In this case, a visit to a doctor can not be postponed in any case.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

The first symptom of elevated blood sugar corresponds to a constant thirst and dry mouth. The fact is that in the blood one molecule of glucose binds several molecules of water and removes them from the body. In this case, frequent urination occurs, which, in turn, is a great burden on the kidneys. The body experiences a constant shortage of water, which is why all metabolic processes are violated.

The following symptom of high blood sugar can be attributed to a sharp decrease in weight or, on the contrary, excessive completeness. The first case, mainly, is typical for type I diabetes, and the second case is for type II diabetes. At the first type there is a complete insufficiency of insulin production, and the cells are in a state of constant energy hunger. In type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, but the receptors responsible for hormone binding are not functioning correctly, so cells receive glucose in insufficient quantities.

The third symptom of increased sugar in the blood corresponds to severe fatigue, dizziness, general weakness of the body and frequent headaches. Since for the central nervous system, glucose is the main source of energy, then, in its shortage, the brain has to be reconstructed into other sources of energy, which in turn affects the person's poor health. With glycemia, fat and lipid oxidation occurs. In this case, there is an increased content of ketone bodies in the blood, so the breath smells of acetone in the exhaled air.

The next symptom of high blood sugar is the long healing of wounds. The fact is that glucose is a suitable nutrient medium for microbes and bacteria. And against the backdrop of hyperglycemia, all sorts of abscesses and purulent processes often develop.


Why the sugar in the blood is raised, it is necessary to determine the doctor and prescribe the appropriate treatment, eliminating not only the consequences, but also the cause. Everyone should know that hyperglycemia is very dangerous, because it destroys the body. To prevent disease, you must adhere to simple rules. First, from the diet it is necessary to remove foods containing sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates: sweet soda water, confectionery products, potato starch and so on. Also, the doctor will prescribe medications appropriate to your case, which will help to normalize the glucose level.

Fruits and vegetables that affect blood sugar

People suffering from hyperglycemia should also remember about products that can complicate the situation. Fruits that raise sugar in the blood should be completely excluded. This apricot, banana, melon, peach, grapes, dates. But citrus and pineapples, on the contrary, it is lowered. Be always healthy!

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