HealthAlternative Medicine

What are the benefits of rose hips for humans?

Rosehip has been serving people for many centuries as an excellent remedy for many diseases. Mainly due to the content of a huge amount of valuable and useful substances. Fresh infusion of berries from this plant has truly miraculous properties that strengthen the human body and help it resist various infections. Such a medicine in moderate amounts can be used at any age to prevent diseases and strengthen immunity. Let's consider, than the infusion of dog rose for the person, and how it to prepare independently.

First of all, the bush fruits are a natural source of vitamins C, B2, E, K and P, as well as carotene, riboflavin, potassium salts, citric acid, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and tannins. In the plant world, the berries of this plant are considered to be one of the richest in composition of nutrients. For medicinal purposes, the most commonly used are rose hips, which have a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for hips application :

- beriberi;

- infectious and catarrhal diseases;

- nephritis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;

- dermatoses;

- accumulation of toxins and radionuclides;

- pressure jumps;

- disruption of the gastrointestinal system;

- decrease in general tone;

- Atherosclerosis;

- weakening of the walls of blood vessels;

- cardiovascular problems;

- violation of blood circulation.

In addition, the rose hips contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, which is very useful for people who are overweight.

Preparation of wild rose hips

To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins, the berries of the plant must be ground before brewing, after which the brew of the dog rose should be prepared . The recipe for this medicine is simple enough: a handful of prepared raw materials are poured into two glasses of boiling water, we insist 15 minutes on a hot plate or water bath, and then filter to get rid of the hairs that are inside the fruit.

How to take medicinal infusion?

For therapeutic purposes, this drink is consumed before meals in half a cup for 1-2 months. In winter, infusions of dog rose are recommended to drink instead of tea to replenish the body with vitamins, and as a tonic, but you should not do it every day and preferably not more than three glasses per day. In some cases, excessive consumption of drinks from this plant can trigger unpleasant symptoms. With beriberi and anemia, it is useful to have a weekly treatment course, in which the hips are used in large quantities, replacing teas, water and other beverages.

Contraindications to the use of dog rose:

- high acidity ;

- Peptic ulcer disease;

- gastritis;

- endocarditis;

- Thrombophlebitis;

- Inadequate blood circulation.

After taking the infusion it is necessary to rinse the mouth with clean water, since the substances contained in the drink have a negative effect on the tooth enamel. Abuse of dog rose can provoke constipation, which is promoted by the high content of tannic substances in its fruits, therefore, before resorting to such treatment, it is better to make a preliminary visit to the doctor.

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