
We understand how to plant apple in autumn

It is worthwhile once planting an apple tree in your garden, so that it gives you excellent fruits for at least 20-30 years. The main problem is that beginning gardeners often do not know the mass of elementary things. By the way, and when to plant apples? In autumn - the most suitable time.

Yes, some experts practice spring planting (especially in arid autumn). But the autumn type is much preferable, since it gives the seedlings time to get used to and prepare for the subsequent vegetation.

The soil should be light enough and well permeable for air and water, and the depth of groundwater can not be more than two meters.

If you want to plant several trees at once, then between each seedling is a gap of three meters, and between rows - at six meters. So how to plant an apple tree in the fall?

It is necessary to know that the fossa for the seedling is prepared strictly in a month. The soil is digging a depression with a diameter of one meter and a depth of 0.7 m. The top layer of fertile soil is removed and folded separately.

Then a peg with a diameter of 5 cm is driven into the center of the pit. The upper part of it should protrude beyond the hole by 0.4 m. To prevent the stick from rotting, its lower part should be burned on fire.

Before planting an apple tree in autumn, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture. To do this, the removed fertile soil is mixed with peat and humus, sand is also added to the clay soils. After that, the resulting mixture is poured into the hole, and above the surface of the rest of the soil must form a mound (stock shrinkage).

Since you can plant an apple tree in the fall only with the fact that the seedling will be perfectly healthy, properly inspect it. Cut off some roots at the ends: if the cut is white, then they are alive and not overdried. Sick and dry places need to be cut, covering the resulting wounds with a garden silt.

After that, in the well prepared place digging hole, and its diameter should exactly match the diameter of that for the root system of the tree. Lay the required fertilizers (depending on your locality), and pour on the humus so that the roots of the tree do not get burned.

Before correctly planting an apple in autumn, it is necessary to determine the sides of the world. It is necessary to do this in order to arrange a landing peg (which was driven into a previously excavated pit) on the southern side of the apple tree. In the hole the seedling should be planted so that the root neck rises above the soil surface by 5 cm.

In no case can it be buried in the ground, since in that case your tree is unlikely to bring at least one harvest. The above is also not worth it, since in the hot summer the apple tree will simply dry out.

When planting, you need to carefully spread out the roots in the pit, cover them with earth and tamp them lightly. In the process of falling asleep on the root system of the soil, the seedling should occasionally be shaken so that the voids between the roots are evenly filled with soil.

After this, the tree is tied to the landing peg. Sprinkle the seedling with two or three buckets of water, after which the soil surface is mulched with humus.

We hope that you have learned how to plant an apple tree in the fall. Carefully read this manual and you can proceed.

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