Self improvementPsychology

We are building our own lives. Suspense is unproductive

In the dictionary of Ephraim, the word "suspiciousness" is interpreted as a propensity to increased anxiety about the health and life of loved ones or oneself. From my point of view, the definition is accurate, but not quite complete. A suspicious person, according to my observations, is inclined to exaggerate all events that are negative from his point of view, whether it be the health of a loved one or simply the malevolent glance left in a bus or subway.

The suspicion is a person's inclination to be sure that everything in life is directed solely against him, and all those around him are concerned with bringing harm to him, beloved, as much as possible. Sometimes hypochondriacs seem ridiculous. Sometimes they are annoying. Rarely cause sympathy. And it's always difficult to communicate with them.

What to do? First of all, one must keep in mind: excessive suspiciousness is a kind of disease, psychological (not to be confused with a psychic!) Deviation. It can have many causes, one of which is incorrect parenting in childhood. Constant parental punishments, threats, insults, lack of parental love, hanging labels in school can forever ruin a person's life by making him fearful. The suspiciousness is a fear not to please someone, to appear in a ridiculous way, to be in the center of attention, to make a mistake. Another cause of this phenomenon may be strong emotional experiences that have befallen a person. Loss of loved ones, war, betrayal of friends, health problems that have arisen can provoke exaggerated, overly exaggerated experiences, make you live constantly in anticipation of a repeat of the traumatic situation.

In order to overcome the suspiciousness, treatment is usually not required. But without consulting a psychologist, it is difficult to manage, although it is quite possible.

First you need to take a sheet of paper, a pen, try to write down what exactly is troubling. Read carefully the resulting list. You will immediately see how unjustified is the part of the experience. Worry health? Go to the doctor, get tested. Has someone looked badly in your direction? So what? Switch, think about the pleasant.

Try to ignore all disturbing situations. At first it will be difficult (it will just need the help of a psychologist), then it will get better and better.

Remember: like everyone living on Earth, you have the right to mistakes and shortcomings.

Understand: the most unflattering opinion is just a subjective opinion of one person. Learn to skip evaluative, but non-constructive words past yourself, and for advice that brings reasonable suggestions, be grateful to the one who expressed them.

Realize: rudeness on the part of others is their, not your problems.

Firmly assimilate: it is impossible to like all at once.

Try to do something interesting. Concentrate on what you do best, raise self-esteem.

In order to defeat your problem, you need to undergo a full medical examination to make sure that there are no fatal health problems.

True, it may happen that an increased anxious suspiciousness is the first symptom of any deviation, for example, panic attacks. But in this case there is nothing to worry about. Millions of people (according to statistics every fifth on the Earth) suffer from this psychological-behavioral deviation. It has long been found ways to treat this disease, and timely treatment can get rid of it altogether.

Attentive people should always remember one thing: their life depends entirely on working on themselves. The harder a person will work to get rid of unproductive fears, the more active and cheerful the everyday life will be, the more successful life will become.

Work on yourself, adjust your character, your behavior, and be happy!

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