HealthWomen Health

Was the birth begun, or how to recognize the contractions?

Throughout the third trimester of pregnancy, a pervasive woman is concerned about one important question: "How to recognize contractions?". It seems that such a moment is difficult to confuse with something, but it is not so.

Training, or false fights.

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, a woman may experience some discomfort associated with so-called "false labor". They are not the forerunners of childbirth, but only in a peculiar way they train a pregnant woman's body before real birth pains or warn the future mother about her wrong behavior. Training bouts are irregular, and in most cases do not give the woman a special pain.

How do you know that the fights began?

Most often, training fights begin with the 30th week of pregnancy. That's where the question arises, how to learn the labor of birth, distinguishing them from false or training. Labor fights have their regular cycle. The uterus enters the tone for up to 15 seconds, after which it relaxes for 15 minutes. At the same time, a woman who is in labor usually feels a drawing pain, which goes away with the tone. In addition to the uterus, fights are felt in the lower back. Pain can be both "noisy", and similar to a sharp flash. Further, the duration of the bout increases, and the interval between them decreases.

It is worth noting that the transition from a short-term contraction to a full-blooded birth can take a pervious woman about 16 hours. Therefore, if the pregnant woman has felt drawn and regularly repeated pain, then she should not neglect the visit of the obstetrician-gynecologist, who will accurately determine the nature of the bout.

Signs of the beginning of true labor.

The above process is not the only sign of the onset of the first stage of labor. There are two more signs of how to recognize fights.

The first of these is the departure of the cork - a mucous transparent clot with possible bloody inclusions. However, the cork can go away a week before the onset of labor. Therefore, if this happens, and the contractions do not begin, you need to see a doctor.

The second sign can serve as the outflow of amniotic fluid. During the period from 37 to 42 weeks of pregnancy, this process is physiological. As a rule, in this case, the period of contractions described above is started. With the outflow of amniotic fluid before the onset of labor, the parturient is stronger afterwards sensing them. In this case, the duration of the bout can start immediately from 30 seconds, and the interval between them - to be reduced to 5 minutes.

Some reservations

Many are afraid that they will not be able to answer in time for themselves the question: "How to recognize the fights?". At the same time, fears are to some extent justified. Feel the bout allows those painful sensations that they bring. But for some women in labor, the pain threshold is high enough, and they understand that contractions began when the opening of the cervix is 5 to 8 cm.

In addition, the separation of the cork, as well as the outflow of amniotic fluid, can happen when the mother is in the shower. In that case, how do you know the fights? Everything is simple enough. Being in the last trimester of pregnancy, a future mother should clearly listen to her body, noting the slightest changes. Labor contractions are inevitably accompanied by a gradual increase in pain at the peak, and the uterus shrinks more strongly. And, therefore, it is not difficult to recognize contractions for the first-born, and for the re-birth of a woman.

As a rule, the question of how to find out that the fights have begun, arises only at the first pregnancy. The female body will remember all those sensations that he experienced during the first childbirth, and then it will be easy to distinguish the birth pains from the false ones. Therefore, during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, it is advisable to read or refresh the information on how to recognize the contractions. Only in this case the first period of birth will be ideal.

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