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Warts in intimate places: what is condyloma, and how to get rid of it

Warts in intimate places. How many problems do they cause when walking or during intercourse. But you can also fight with them if you know what kind of bulge has appeared on your skin.

Doctors call a wart under the arm or on the foot of the papilloma. It is a benign tumor covered with epithelium. Moreover, the inner part of the wart is filled with blood vessels, which tend to bleed profusely if one tries to get rid of the build-up alone or accidentally injure it.

Not all warts have a smooth surface. If such a nipple in the lesion is not in a single specimen, then all its components grow, in different directions, so that often the warts resemble a cauliflower with a white coating on the edges.

Warts on the intimate places do not appear as often as on the feet, palms and fingers, but if the virus of the papilloma made itself felt, then their spiky brainchild will soon be born on the mucous membrane of the genitals. This form of wart is called condyloma. In men, the glans penis under the foreskin is often affected. Women suffer from labia and the area of the vagina.

Special concern warts in intimate places do not cause, but discomfort during physical exertion occurs constantly. Another thing is when condyloma blocks the way of urine. Without intervention of the surgeon here not to manage, otherwise constant irritation near the urethra will transform the wart into an unhealthy ulcer.

Why do not all warts appear in intimate places? It depends on the state of health of each individual and his sexual partner. Sex with the use of a condom reduces the risk of the disease several times, including with oral caresses. Given that infection occurs not only through the damaged area of the skin that can be seen, but also through microcracks, it is not excluded that the disease penetrated the human body after visiting the common areas: baths or toilets.

This does not mean that from visiting saunas it is worth to refuse, just do not sit on the surface of benches that are not unshielded by the towel. If you had to use a public toilet, then you can protect the surface of the hips from the toilet with toilet paper. On the rules of personal hygiene should not be forgotten and on a visit: if you are offered to use a master's washcloth, it is better to politely refuse it.

How does wart removal occur ? Moscow, as one of the most developed medical centers, offers two proven methods: laser and liquid nitrogen. The latter method is considered not only effective, but also painless. The area affected by the wart is frozen and after a while it is rejected by itself. But this method is not recommended for every patient. Installation occurs only in cases where condyloma causes permanent pain, grows, changes color, reproduces. Sometimes you can find a whole track of "children", and with a smooth surface.

Laser surgery suggests removing warts if they are located on the mucous membranes or inside the body and require surgery under the microscope, since the depth of damage is significant. This method does not exclude anesthesia, which not all patients are well tolerated. However, after the removal of condyloma, the wound does not bleed, quickly heals without leaving scars.

Removal of warts can be done at home. One of these methods is the application of dandelion milk to the surface of the affected area. While this flower is able to give its juice, use the advice: in one season you can get rid of a benign tumor forever, if you lubricate the bulge with salubrious "milk" 2 times a day.

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