Food and drinkRecipes

Vegetable sauce for different dishes: a selection of the best recipes

We are limited in the choice of side dishes. Potatoes, cereals, pasta ... How to make it so that the garnish is not boring? The gravy will not only make the dry porridge more juicy, but also unrecognizable will transform a familiar dish. The sauce is different - meat, cream, mushroom. The vegetable gravy to which this article is devoted will help you in days of fasting or in the vegetarian mode of life. It is basically inexpensive, and yet it gives the body much needed vitamins. With a selection of the best recipes of vegetable gravy, you can see below.

Recipe "In a hurry"

Fresh vegetable sauce has its canons of cooking. An indispensable ingredient in it is flour. It gives the sauce a consistency, makes it thick and viscous. Extremely delicious is a vegetable sauce on sour cream, milk or cream. This sauce does not require a variety of ingredients. Components can be very basic. And if unexpected guests have suddenly come to you, put spaghetti on and quickly prepare for them a vegetable sauce "In a hurry." Bulb of medium size is cleaned and finely shredded. We rub the carrots with large shavings. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan. When it warms up well, we spread the onions, and then the carrots. Fry about four minutes. When the onion becomes golden, put a tablespoon of flour in the beaker. We stir and protrime for another three minutes. Carefully we shall douse a little water - so that it hardly covered vegetables. We now add two finely divided cloves of garlic. Now it was the turn of the tomato paste. It should be added two tablespoons. If the tomato paste in the house was not, it can successfully replace ketchup. But it needs more - spoons three or four. And salt the sauce should be carefully - in the ketchup already have seasonings. When the contents of the frying pan boil, you need to reduce the heat and leave it to languish under the lid for a quarter of an hour. During this time, spaghetti will arrive.

Recipe for vegetable sauce on cream

This sauce is ideal for those pasta that have inside the hole - horns, feathers, etc. First, fry in olive oil finely chopped onion and clove of garlic. We put four tomatoes with boiling water, take off the skin, cut it and send it to the frying pan. In this recipe you can use canned tomatoes. Add half a teaspoon of sugar, salt, spices (especially basil and oregano). After half of the liquid, let out by tomatoes, evaporates, we will add a spoonful of butter and half a glass of fat cream. We'll simmer on a slow fire for five minutes. If the vegetable sauce remains too liquid, we settle its density with flour.

Than to fill buckwheat porridge

Open the secret: each side dish requires its gravy. And even the sauce for different types of pasta is different from each other. And as for buckwheat, then this grain and so gives a lot of fiber, so that flour will not be required. Vegetable sauce will become thick by extinguishing the ingredients. Bulb, carrot, sweet pepper, two cloves of garlic and a large tomato (we will not forget to peel it off) will cut it. Also we will sow a celery stalk. We pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the frying pan. First fry onions with garlic, literally five minutes. Then add carrots, bell peppers, celery. Reduce the heat and stir-fry. If it starts to burn, you can pour a little water. Then salt, season with spices and stew under the lid for about ten minutes. Only when vegetables become soft, you can add tomatoes. We continue to extinguish, pouring water if necessary, seven minutes. If the sauce comes out too acidic, sprinkle a pinch of sugar.

Sauce for rice

This groats differ in neutral taste. Vegetable sauce for garnish of their rice porridge will give the dish a juiciness. Finely chop the onion. Carrots and three Bulgarian peppers of different colors are cut into strips. Vegetables put in a saucepan or deep frying pan. Fill a glass of mushroom broth (the recipe allows you to use broth cubes). Add two tablespoons of tomato paste. We will stir up all well. Once the broth boils, reduce the fire. Season the sauce with salt, laurel leaves and spices. Add two tablespoons of wheat flour. You can vary the gravy to the rice and make it tender-creamy. To do this, two spoons of flour diluted with half a glass of sour cream. After that, add the mixture to the sauce and boil.

Sauce from a tomato

Tomato sauce fits any garnish, as well as meat and fish dishes. Especially if it's made from fresh tomatoes. We shred the onion with semirings. Put it in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. From half a kilogram of tomatoes, we take off the skin and cut out the middle. The remaining blend. Puree from tomatoes is added to the onion. When the sauce from the tomato boils, we add to it a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt and a little cinnamon. This sauce can be served separately, pouring it into the bowl and decorating with chopped fresh greens of coriander.

Cooking a gravy in a multivark

Such sauce will also be useful, because for their preparation you can use less fat. Any vegetable sauce in the multivark is prepared on the same principle as in a pan or stew-pan. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl. We stack vegetables: onions, garlic, carrots. If desired, this classic set can be complemented with green beans, Bulgarian pepper, champignons. Turn on the "Frying" mode for ten minutes. Vegetables should become rosy. Add the flour. Stir with a wooden spatula and continue to fry. Then we pour in water or broth. We install the "Quenching" mode on the machine and prepare another forty minutes.

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