
VAZ-2110 - refinements. Completion of the VAZ-2110 with their own hands. Completion of the VAZ-2110 generator

Many motorists prefer to modernize their own car with their own hands. In principle, with the availability of relevant information, as well as the right tool, this is quite a feasible task for everyone. Let's look at a specific example - VAZ-2110. Updating the various units and elements of the car will be discussed further. But first, a little bit about common concepts and definitions.

Completion of the VAZ-2110 with their own hands

It would seem that you can change here? Indeed, in most cases, especially when the car is still completely new, no adjustments and modifications are required. But when the car has already passed a decent number of kilometers and the wipers in the rain and mud no longer work so efficiently, and the stove does not warm in the cold, as before, it's just the moment when you need to take up your own car. It should be noted right away that the VAZ-2110, the modifications of which are carried out with their own hands, can go no worse than in the service. To do this, you will need a little time, as well as a minimum set of tools. The first, it is the main thing, with what it is necessary to begin, is with the choice of the node, which we want to modernize. It is also not advisable to climb there without a reason, since it is fraught with trouble.

It's good to have a solvent with you, for example WD-40 or something like that. It will be needed for adjustments, especially for door hinges that have not been lubricated or cleaned for a long time. It will be necessary to have several screwdrivers (flat, cross), a set of spanner keys, etc. It should be noted that if you decide to capitalize on upgrading the small parts of your own car, then it's best to start with the clutch adjustment, the steering rack and finish with the engine valves. That is, it is necessary to go from simple to complex. This gives an optimal result.

We carry out all kinds of adjustments

So, let's go straight to work with the steering rack and worm. In principle, this mechanism serves about 15 years in conditions of proper operation - timely lubrication and driving on normal roads. If with the first we can still somehow fight, then the second factor does not depend on us. Due to constant impacts and vibration, there is a disruption in the adjustment of the gearing of the transmitting pair, the hinges fail. All this leads to the fact that the ride becomes uncomfortable and sometimes even dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the steering rack VAZ-2110. The first sign that you need it is a tight steering wheel. The first thing you need to do is carry out a suspender. It is carried out by means of a special screw in the steering mechanism.

It is advisable to carry out work in the garage in the presence of a pit or on the jacks. We will need a lyftometer, although you can do without it. Lifting should be carried out slowly, periodically it is necessary to check the course of the rudder. According to GOST, the play should not exceed 10 degrees. After you have done everything, you need to check whether this is so. For this we should drive by car. If the course of the handlebars is tight, then the adjusting screw should be slightly loosened and again the test should be carried out. If there is no knock and the steering wheel returns to its original position after the turn, the problem can be considered solved. And now let's see how to adjust the doors of the VAZ-2110. To do this, we need a little patience and some tools.

A little bit about adjusting locks and loops

So, immediately it is worth noting that the adjustment of the doors of the VAZ-2110 is required for all cars that have passed about 40,000 kilometers. The same applies to the machines, the doors of which were removed, and then incorrectly installed. As you may have noticed, adjustment of the VAZ-2110 rail is quite simple and quick. The same applies to locks with loops. Let's get down to business right away.

I would like to note that it is very easy to adjust the lock. This does not require the participation of a specialist. Do not use silicone, as it only helps for a short time. First you need to remove the door map, then you will see a few plastic nuts, which we take off the hairpin and wind it back. We put on the door map. In order for the doors to close as quietly as possible, you can apply lithol.

It is recommended to pay attention to the gaps in closed doors. They must be exactly the same everywhere. If this is not the case, then we need to remove the door, and then reinstall it. For this, it is fully opened and supported from below by special racks. After that, the wiring is disconnected. To do this, the retainer is removed, the circlip rotates. Sometimes you can see petal caps. In this case, the axles are knocked out using a hammer and a chisel or a knockout. Installation is in the reverse order. It is desirable to lubricate all rubbing surfaces.

Clutch and engine valves

It's no secret that during the operation of the car all the nodes wear out, go out of order, and also become weaker. We'll deal with the latter right now. For sure, every third motorist faced with the fact that it required adjustment of the VAZ-2110 clutch, in particular a brace. It is necessary to open the hood and find there the cable fixing nut, then loosen it a little. At this time, it is desirable to control the clutch pedal. It should not be more than 130 millimeters and not less than 120. When the nut is loosened, the distance from the pedal to the floor will decrease. After this, it is desirable to press the pedal several times and again check the distance. If necessary, repeat everything again.

And now I would like to say a few words about how the valves are adjusted correctly on the VAZ-2110 . Many car owners do not take on their own for it, because they think it's too difficult. But actually it is not. First you need to remove the valve cover and lift the front wheel to the jack. After this, we put a special device for pressing the valves. It costs only 500 rubles. Next, we need to calculate where the exhaust and intake valves are located. After that, we need to turn the wheel until the knee of the shaft is at the top. At this time we measure the gap of the first valve and consider which puck we need to take. To do this, you can use a special cam, which allows us to freely reach the puck with tweezers or something like that. With the other valves we do the same.

A little about the generator and its improvement

The battery must be powered while the vehicle is in motion. At this time, all devices are powered by a generator. The voltage should be within 14 volts. So, if you have too many electrical appliances and the voltage drops to about 11-12 volts, then there is one way to increase the device's power by about 10%. Such a revision of the VAZ-2110 generator implies the installation of a single diode. First of all, we need to disconnect the battery terminal, and then disconnect the wire marked "D". Next, you need to remove the clamps from the back cover of the generator. After that you will see a voltage regulator. We need wires from a pre-prepared diode to pass through the holes in the generator cover.

After that, we connect the wires. To do this, the "mother" connects to the PH, and "dad" - to the regular wire. After that, we need to close the back cover and screw everything in its place. This completes the completion of the VAZ-2110 generator. The voltage should rise to about 13 volts, which is closer to normal. By the way, it is desirable to use a diode with a breakdown of not more than 20 V and a current of 5 amps. As for the voltage drop, it should be within the range of 0.6-0.7 volts.

How to modernize the wipers

In most cases, the windshield cleaning zone is being improved. In principle, there is nothing complicated. But you can change the wipers first if they can not cope with their function. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that the driver's review should be 100%, especially on the left. Just from the left rack and there is dirt, which the wipers can not cope with. One of the outputs is the adjustment of the position of the device. In our case, it is necessary to slightly raise the driver's janitor, that is, change its initial position. But this method will not be pleasant to everyone, and the result from it is not 100%, since some of the dirt still remains. In this case, a slightly different revision of the VAZ-2110 wipers will be required.

Sometimes the whole cause of the windscreen, which does not allow evenly to clean the glass. In this case, for a more tangible result, the jabot leash must be bent. You can direct the hook under the brush, near it, and we need to bend the leash slightly. There already is a factory bend, which we need to do a little more. In addition, you need to bend and end the spoiler of the janitor slightly up. This is done so that he does not grasp the brush. After this, it is advisable to check whether you have succeeded. Here, perhaps, and all that needs to be done on the VAZ-2110. Completion of janitors, of course, are different, but they are performed quite quickly and simply, so you will succeed. And now let's pass to no less important - to the stove of the car, which warms us in the cold. There is much to be done, but we will talk about the most important thing.

A little about the modernization of the VAZ

There are a lot of reasons why the radiator does not heat well. This can be a clogging, which, in principle, can be considered a normal phenomenon in the process of active exploitation. Also, the cause may be a defective damper and much more. In any case, it will be necessary to refine the VAZ-2110, especially since it is not so difficult, as it might seem at first glance. First we need to completely disassemble the panel. You can do this with a few keys and a screwdriver. Next, you can build corrugations that would blow out windows. This is 80-90% will eliminate their fogging. In some cases, it is quite common to glue the slits, because of which the air is lost along the way.

And now let's talk about the stove flap, which is responsible for the fact that the air comes to the windshield. Usually the reason for fogging is that the valve does not fit completely, and again the flow is lost along the way. Here you can use scotch, which can glue all the cracks and, in fact, the latch of the stove. You can also pay some attention to blowing the feet of the driver and passengers. It is best to use corrugation, so the result will be noticeably better. It is desirable to completely remove the plastic block of the air distributor (also called "fir-tree") and replace it with several corrugations. By the way, there are special branch pipes for VAZ-2110. Improvements of this kind, though laborious, but they are worth it. Now go to the last, most important and responsible.

On how to make the engine "dozens" better

Before increasing the capacity, it is necessary to ensure the inflow and outflow of air from the environment, more precisely, to increase its quantity. To do this, the filter is replaced by a zero-resistance filter or a low-pass filter. It should be noted immediately that this will give you a few percent of the power, about 5-6, which, in principle, is already quite good. Also, there is something to change and in the throttle knot. Here it is desirable to use a flap of increased diameter, for example 54 millimeters. Pay attention to the intake receiver, which will make your car more sensitive. The engine will gain momentum by an order of magnitude faster due to elongated nozzles. At this, the revision of the VAZ-2110 engine does not end, but only begins, since the most complex, namely the camshaft, goes further.

The camshaft is responsible for the moment, as well as the opening time of the intake and exhaust valves. This figure affects directly the engine power. Of course, you can replace the regular camshaft with a new, more efficient one. It is worth paying tribute to the exhaust manifold, which is responsible for pushing out the exhaust gases with the least resistance. In conclusion, you can perform a chip-tuning, but for this you will still have to contact an experienced electrician who understands this issue. In principle, on this engine revision the VAZ-2110 car can be considered complete. The total power can be increased by 20%.

A few important points

I would like to note that any refinement of the VAZ-2110 car should be carried out in the place prepared for this. If you are going to modernize the carburetor, it is desirable that the room is well ventilated, because you will deal with gasoline vapors. It is also better not to smoke during work, sometimes you even need to wear special glasses. It is worth paying attention to the fact that with you it is desirable to have clean water and a dry rag. All this will help you one way or another. When it comes to working with the engine, then remember that if you are not sure about something, it's better to read it again or to find out from a familiar mechanic, because you can only make it worse, and engine repair is not cheap. It should be noted once again that if you are finishing the stove, then it's best to buy corrugations in the car dealer, as they are more suitable for your purposes.

Also, many car owners want to make the car work a little quieter, for this they put their own noise insulation. Here, too, it is desirable to go to a specialized store and not save, then the result will please you. Remember that the car VAZ-2110, the completion of which you will perform with your own hands, although it is the brainchild of AvtoVAZ, but it's a pretty good and demanding car. Therefore, before adjusting the steering rack, add oil there, perhaps the situation will be corrected. Before you sin on a faulty carburetor, change the fuel and air filters.


And now I would like to sum up some of the above. In this article, we have understood with you how various adjustments are made, tightening of the clutch, increasing the generator's power and much more. All this can make your car a little better. But if you do not follow it during operation, then it is likely that the completion of the VAZ-2110 car will be needed again, only with large losses of material assets. This is true for the timely replacement of all consumables, which have not that much value. In time, the changed oil is a guarantee of good and reliable engine performance for a long period of time.

In any case, the completion of the VAZ-2110 with their own hands is possible. The main thing is to know what you are doing and how to do it, and the rest comes with experience. If you decide to install the rear window lifters, then the chances are that the first time you will not get it, but do not despair, because with the 2nd or 3rd everything will turn out. Here, perhaps, and all that can be said about how to modernize the car VAZ-2110, make it a little better, quieter and more powerful. There is nothing very difficult, but there are important moments that can not be avoided, especially in the absence of practical experience in this area.

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