
Absorbents - what is it? Effective drugs

The human body can sometimes be so clogged with slag, toxins or poisonous substances that this has a very negative effect on the functioning of many systems. Such an aggressive effect often becomes a source of poisoning, allergies, intoxication. It can lead to diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system. In such situations, the patient is prescribed absorbents. What is it and what is the benefit of such drugs? Let's consider in more detail.

Absorbents - what is it?

Since a long time, such substances have been used to purify the human body. However, in the past they had the appearance of medicinal plants. Today, based on these components, drugs have been created.

To understand the absorbents - what it is, how they act, you need to understand what these medicines are. These medicines contain substances of artificial or natural origin, absorbing harmful components in themselves.

Thus, if you take the absorbent, it will pass through the digestive tract. In this case, the drug will absorb from the system all the poisoning substances and, having rendered harmless, will come out naturally.

In medical practice, the most common are the following absorbents:

  • Smecta.
  • Polysorb.
  • Enterosgel.
  • "Activated carbon".
  • "Sorbeks".
  • "White coal".
  • Polyphepan.
  • "Sorbolong".

In addition to preventive cleansing, these medications have clear medical indications.

Appointment of drugs

Absorbents are recommended to be taken at numerous pathological processes taking place in the body.

Their use is shown when:

  1. Food poisoning. This condition is provoked by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.
  2. Poisonings. The medication helps to cope with intoxication, dictated by various causes. Absorbents are effective in poisoning with stale products, chemicals, alcohol, various denaturants.
  3. Psoriasis. Development of the disease is dictated mainly by allergic components.
  4. Atherosclerosis. Pathology is associated with inadequate fat metabolism, resulting in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders. Medicines effectively cope with the symptoms of diseases, accompanied by circulation in the body of bacteria or toxic substances. They are prescribed for flatulence, dyspeptic syndrome.
  6. Oncological diseases. Especially they are useful after a course of chemotherapy.
  7. Allergic manifestations.

Varieties of medicines

Absorbent preparations are classified according to the active ingredient:

  1. Activated natural charcoal. This group includes a number of medicines: "Carbolong", "Carbolen". And of course, this category includes the drug "Activated Carbon", absorbent, the most famous and popular.
  2. Siliceous preparations. These include "White Coal", "Polysorb", "Enterosgel".
  3. Potassium-magnesium medicines. In this category, drugs are taken: "Almagel", "Fosfalugel", "Gastal".
  4. Medicines containing medical clay. The representative of the group is the medicine "Smecta".
  5. Means based on natural sorbents: cellulose, pectin.

Now consider the most popular drugs.

Active Activated Carbon

This is the most famous tool. It is based on a variety of medicines. It is recommended to use such absorbents for poisoning:

  • Products;
  • Medicines;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Various chemical compounds;
  • Various aggressive substances.

In addition, the drug "Activated Carbon" helps with:

  • Flatulence;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Asthma;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Dermatitis.

The drug Enterosgel

Means refers to siliceous preparations. These absorbents are used to purify the body.

The medicine "Enterosgel" is prescribed for patients who need correction of various pathological conditions:

  • Infectious-toxic liver diseases;
  • Ailments of the kidneys;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Allergic manifestations.

The drug is effective in the treatment of intoxications, infectious diseases, diarrhea, various skin pathologies, dysbiosis.

The medicine "Smecta"

It is an effective medication that is characterized by a high level of safety. The medicine "Smecta" can be used even for children up to a year.

The drug is prescribed mainly for the correction of chronic or acute diarrhea of various nature. It is effectively used to eliminate bloating, heartburn. The medicine allows to eliminate negative symptoms, provoked by an ulcer, colitis, gastritis.

The preparation "Polyphepan"

It is an excellent medication that has excellent sorption properties and pronounced detoxification properties.

The drug effectively promotes withdrawal from the body:

  • Different bacterial particles;
  • Poisons;
  • Toxins;
  • Alcohol;
  • Medicines;
  • Metals.

The drug eliminates the excessive content of metabolic products, such as bilirubin, urea, cholesterol.


So, now you know, when it comes to absorbents, what is it? These drugs can eliminate the unpleasant consequences of virtually all poisoning, taking place in any degree of complexity. They, entering the digestive system, bind all the intoxicating substances and eliminate them. Thus, the patient's body is cleared, the painful symptoms are eliminated, the condition is normalized.

However, do not forget that absorbents are medicines. Along with the above advantages, they have contraindications and can lead to side effects. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor and find the most suitable remedy for you.

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