
Vacuum tubes for blood collection. Technique of blood sampling by vacuum tubes

Almost every visit to a therapist or any other doctor ends with the need to take a blood test. Most often this process is accompanied by excitement and unpleasant sensations, as well as experiences about the quality, sterility of the instruments and the reliability of the information that will give the results of the fences. Since medicine and the technical industry do not stand still, every modern hospital and laboratory is equipped with the proper materials and instruments. Their quality and modernity provide a painless and comfortable, and most importantly, safe for human health analysis. Among the modern equipment for analysis should be noted vacuum tubes for blood sampling.

What are these test tubes?

It should be noted that any modern technology and equipping it with laboratories simplifies and speeds up the work of the staff of the institution. For the past few years, in the process of qualitative and rapid blood sampling, conventional laboratory tubes have given way to vacuum "brethren." Vacuum tubes are oblong thin hollow bowls in the form of a pipe with a rounded bottom and a special hermetic lid. Modern vacuum tubes for blood collection work according to the principle of the action of a bulk vacuum, into which the necessary and pre-designated amount of blood is absolutely sterile. A medical tourniquet, a needle and a holder always come with the vacuum tubes.

What are the vacuum tubes for blood collection made of?

These blood test tanks are manufactured in the factory and delivered to hospitals and clinics in a sealed form. They are distributed according to the reagents and additives that are already inside them. Of plastic, specialized glass and polyethylene terephthalate are vacuum tubes for blood sampling. Photo and instructions on the package indicate the purpose of a particular device. Polyethylene terephthalate is the material best suited for such devices, because it is biologically inert plastic. This means that it does not affect the results of the study in any way and does not enter into chemical reactions with additives. There are different capacities for the color of the cover and have a clear instruction on how to use them. In addition, the main feature of these tubes is dosed blood sampling for research.

Advantages of vacuum tubes

The main advantages of vacuum tubes is that the process of taking blood with them is an absolutely sterile and quick measure. Also, perhaps the most significant positive point in the operation of such devices is that they initially contain a number of chemical elements that are necessary for diagnosing and determining a particular indicator. It is enough just to determine which indicator you want to know, choose a tube that is marked with a marking corresponding to the world standard, and make a blood sampling with the help of a medical worker. Due to the fact that the technique of blood sampling with vacuum tubes does not involve direct contact with blood, this process is considered absolutely safe. Taking the material for analysis is absolutely the same as the classical one, which occurs with the help of a syringe and a needle.

How to use these devices correctly?

How does the blood take place with vacuum tubes? The algorithm of action by the first item assumes the correct selection of the device with the corresponding marking analysis. After determining the appointment of the device, the nurse in the laboratory prints the package with it, wraps the disposable needle with one side in the holder in the test tube, and with the other end it makes a puncture in the vein. Preliminary it is necessary to apply a medical tourniquet on the arm above the elbow and treat the vein location with a sterilizer. After insertion of the needle, it is necessary to wait for the venous blood directly to be collected by vacuum tubes designed for any study. The tube is designed in such a way that it will take only that amount of blood that is needed for a specific analysis. Further, without removing the needle from the vein, the nurse disconnects the container from the blood. Such manipulation is painless and does not leave bruises and blood stains. After sealing the container with biological fluid, the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic. This process of blood collection can be considered complete.

Serum examination using these test tubes and various excipients

Depending on the color marking, a complex of chemical elements varies with which vacuum tubes for blood sampling are filled. This filling allows you to easily determine a particular indicator.

For example, test tubes for serum are colored red. They are filled with a dry substance that activates the formation of a blood clot, thereby speeding up the clotting process. Such adaptations are used in immunology, microbiology and clinical chemistry analyzes.

Why use tubes without filler?

Among laboratory vacuum tubes there are those that are produced without filler. Vacuum blood collection tubes without any chemical compound inside are most often used to transport biological fluids. However, it is not excluded the option of blood sampling by such hollow devices. Their interior is treated with substances that prevent the formation of hemolysis or adhesion process. Such test tubes have a red cover.

How to investigate ESR with their help?

Tubes for the study of ESR in the blood - a set of containers with a solution of sodium citrate inside. Blood is collected and then divided into four fractions. Test tubes with blood must be shaken well in order to saturate the biological fluid with the chemical composition that is inside, and there are a number of reactions with it that help determine the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. The principle of action of such tubes corresponds to the method of Westergren.

Application of vacuum tubes in pediatrics

Vacuum tubes for blood sampling are often used in pediatrics. They contain a number of chemical additives, which are mainly designed to store biological fluids. It should be noted that any doctor can use such a test tube. It is absolutely mechanized and safe. After blood sampling, the needle automatically goes inside the tube, leaving no chance to repeatedly prick. For a child, the procedure for taking a biological fluid is less painful than using a conventional (without silicone) needle and syringe. This facilitates manipulation, as children behave more restrained.

How are they used in veterinary practice?

In veterinary medicine, these test tubes are in great demand, as it is necessary to examine cattle and other domestic animals every season. Vacuum blood collection tubes for animals consist of the following components:

  • A vacuum tube with a lid;
  • needle holder;
  • Two-sided needle.

Such a system for blood sampling has several positive points that facilitate the work of a veterinarian.

  1. With the help of such tubes, blood from the tail vein can be used. This allows a specialist to collect material for laboratory analysis without involving assistants.
  2. The collection time does not exceed 30 seconds, which allows the doctor to diagnose many animals. This is especially true in the spring and autumn.
  3. Reduction of animal stress. It does not have to forcibly fix, thereby damaging its skin.
  4. The system itself is made in such a way that the animal almost does not feel pain (thanks to silicone on the needle) and there is no splashing when taking blood.
  5. In a vacuum tube, blood does not come in contact with the environment: it enters there under sterile conditions (in the classical case with a syringe more likely that microbes enter biological fluid), transported to a veterinary laboratory, processed and examined without opening the plug. This allows us to obtain reliable results.

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