LawState and Law

UBOP - decoding. Office for Combating Organized Crime

Practically in any state at all times, the main priority was order and law. After all, only on the basis of these two components can we ensure competent interaction and well-established work of all government bodies without exception. In addition, the degree of trust of the population to the state in the person of its separate bodies, which ensure law and order, is of great importance. It should be noted that these two categories are the starting point from the main regulator of social relations, namely law. It is thanks to him that we can talk about any regulations of various spheres of human life. After all, if there is no right, then in fact there is no need to organize order in the country, since there is still nothing to be based on.

As for the Russian Federation, from time immemorial in the given country special authorities, which provided legality and the rule of law, were given a fairly significant role. This trend has not outlived itself to this day. Modern law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation have a structural organization that allows them to perform their tasks and functions as quickly as possible. But in the system of these bodies there are departments whose goals differ in their specific characteristics. The Office for Combating Organized Crime, which will be discussed further in the article, can be categorized as such.

The concept of crime

The system of law enforcement agencies exists in this or that state for a reason. In the legal sphere there is such a thing as crime. This is socially conditioned, negative, from the point of view of criminal law, a phenomenon that manifests itself at one time or another in a specific territory of a certain state. In fact, crime is a collection of all committed crimes. From the point of view of the criminal-legal character, this phenomenon is extremely negative. Therefore, the fight against crime is carried out through special law enforcement agencies that implement the same-name activity.

Law enforcement activities

As mentioned earlier, the fight against crime is carried out through law enforcement. In its essence, it is a kind of state response to unlawful actions by specific actors. Law enforcement activities are carried out by specially authorized bodies and their employees. In addition, given the legal nature of this phenomenon, we can say that it is implemented in several legal fields, namely, administrative and criminal. At the same time, in the criminal-legal sphere, the most dangerous illegal acts are being combated, which are called crimes.

Signs of law enforcement

The phenomenon presented above is characterized not only by a protective sign, but also has a number of other features. For example, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, authorized bodies in the framework of law enforcement activities are entitled to restrict freedom of citizens. In addition, there are also a number of other signs, namely:

- All measures of influence in the framework of law enforcement are purely legal. That is, any methods necessarily have normative reinforcement, expressed by existing acts.

- The implementation of this type of activity takes place in an exceptional manner and should not go beyond the scope of legislative norms. This is the principle of the legality of the work of all state structures.

- Law enforcement activities are carried out only by authorized bodies.

Given the features presented, we can talk about the specifics of the law enforcement aspect in the Russian Federation.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

For today in the Russian Federation the main law enforcement body is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This body has a fairly rich and long history of formation. Some units and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had their prototypes back in the days of the Russian Empire. In modern Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a federal executive body that ensures law and order, combating crimes, and also develops regulations in the sphere of internal affairs of the state. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provides for military, federal civil and law enforcement public service.

Structure of the Ministry

The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia includes three main "blocs", which, in turn, are subdivided into smaller departments. More precisely, the presented system consists of the following elements, namely:

  1. Directly the bodies of internal affairs, in which the police of the Russian Federation are included.
  2. Internal troops.
  3. Special units and bodies that were created to ensure the activities of the Ministry.

Thus, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a rather specific set of various bodies and departments. But in this article the author would like to reveal the characteristics of one of the specific units of the Russian police. In this case, we are talking about a department like OCD. For a long time this truly legendary unit carried out activities aimed at combating organized crime. At the same time, not only the UBOP itself is of interest, but also the characteristic features of combating crime of the species represented. After all, such unlawful acts are very difficult to identify and bring the perpetrators to justice. The specifics of the struggle in this area of law enforcement activities will also be discussed in more detail later in the article.

UBOP: transcript

UBOP, or the RUBOP, as this division was once called, performed a number of quite specific tasks. More precisely, such entities were engaged in the disclosure of crimes related to organized crime or directly carried out by criminal organizations. At its very core, OCD was an operational unit, that is, it had the authority to conduct operative-search activity. Formation was divided into smaller departments, which were created depending on the needs of combating crimes of a specific nature. An example of this is the 5th department, which was engaged in the development of thieves in the law and the authorities of the criminal world. Thus, the Regional Office for Combating Organized Crime is a special-purpose unit within the structure of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, which deals with organized crime.

Organized crime and measures to combat it

The fight against organized crime, as mentioned earlier in the article, was once carried out by a subdivision such as the RUBOP. But quite often the question of what constitutes crime, in general, is of an organized nature is not clear. This is a specific form of crime that arises from the activities of gangs, criminal organizations, criminal communities and other similar illegal formations. As a rule, this activity is based on close links between criminals and state authorities, through various mechanisms of corruption.

It should be noted that in criminological science, the problematic of the phenomenon of organized crime is very often touched upon. Because the organization of competent counteraction to the spread of this negative factor requires the development of theoretical concepts. However, some measures to combat organized crime are still being worked out, for example:

- it is necessary to pay attention to the distribution of incomes and values from unknown sources to specific individuals who have links with criminal groups;

- ensure control over the most active persons who are below the poverty line;

- ensure control over the most active persons who belong to the demoralized environment of the society;

- to inform the public about the negative consequences that may entail the creation of criminal groups and the commission of crimes in general.

It should be noted that some measures to combat crime in the activities of the UBOP were of a hidden nature, because they were carried out in the course of carrying out certain operational investigations.

History of the UBOP

It should be noted that the fact that the UBOP, the decoding of which is presented in the article, did not always exist. This unit appeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Of course, the need for its existence was also in Soviet times, but then the functions of the UBOP were carried out by various structural elements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, after the Soviet Union ceases to exist, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs becomes the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. It was also part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but already the Russian Federation.

In 1993, the relevant regional offices were reorganized. At this time, there already existed such units as the department of the Department of Internal Affairs, which were part of the GUVD structure. However, the year of the founding of the RUBOP is 1996. Because at that time the departments with the same name left the subordination of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and became controlled exclusively by the Office. It should be noted that in a number of other CIS countries there are units like UBOP. Ukraine in this sense is no exception. Units for the fight against organized crime in this state are very similar to Russian ones, if one does not take into account the peculiarities of legal regulation.

The further destiny of the unit

OCD, whose employees actively fought organized crime, existed in its original form until 2001. After that, the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs decide on the reorganization of this formation. Since this year, RUBOP has virtually never existed. On its basis, operative-search bureaus were created, which became a direct part of the criminal police of the Russian Federation. In this form, the service lasted until 2008, after which departments were created on its basis to combat extremism.

Sphere of activity of RUBOP

The Department for Combating Organized Crime was engaged in a specific work aimed at combating organized crime, as mentioned earlier in the article. It should be noted that the RUBOP is an exclusively operational unit. That is, in its structure there were no inquiry and investigation services. Thus, the RUBOP could not initiate criminal proceedings. As for the directions of activity of this unit, this aspect is clearly visible on the work of specific departments. The structure of the RUBOP included the following units:

- In the third department, they dealt with combating crimes related to kidnapping, as well as the release of hostages.

- The fourth department is a unit created to combat banditry.

- In the fifth department carried out the development of thieves in the law and other authorities of the criminal world, as already mentioned earlier in the article.

- The sixth and seventh departments dealt with corruption and economic crimes committed by criminal organizations.

- Division Eight carried out the fight against crimes of an ethnic nature.

- In the ninth and tenth department, operational staff fought transnational crime and illegal arms trafficking in the state.

It should be noted that the RUBOP units in their system also had a power support department called SOBR. Taking into account the represented sphere of activity of different departments of the mentioned department, it can be concluded that the work of this unit is indeed an important and irreplaceable contribution to the process of combating organized crime in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Fighting extremism

The RUBOP, which was decoded in this article, does not exist today. Instead, the legendary unit was created by the Office for Countering Extremism. It is a completely independent structure, subordinate exclusively to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is tasked with ensuring and implementing the policy in the sphere of protecting the state from the spread of extremist activity on its territory. In addition, the management also performs a number of other, no less interesting functions, namely:

- the formation of policy and regulatory framework in the established area of work;

- improvement of management in the sphere of ensuring the safety of public relations from the negative impact of extremist activities;

- organization of counteraction to extremist activity;


So, the author tried to tell about such division as RUBOP. The decipherment, history and scope of this service were also presented in this article. It should be noted that during its existence the employees of the RUBOP have brought to justice a large number of criminals, and also made a significant contribution to the process of combating organized crime.

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