
There was a treasure: is it dangerous? In what cases is the appearance of this fluid the norm?

People's term "syukrovitsa" probably heard each, but in official medical documents of this name is not found. This is usually called a colorless liquid, which can have bloody spots. In fact, the sap is an anatomical, watery mass, consisting primarily of lymphocytes. What can mean its appearance and at what symptoms should I see a doctor?

The lymphatic system is the protector of the body

Lymph is one of the types of connective tissue. This fluid circulates through the lymph vessels from the bottom of the limbs to the large lymphatic ducts. Lymph is cleared in the lymph nodes - large formations, located at the junction of several vessels. The treasure is the lymph, and its appearance suggests that the body needs additional protection.

Suck of Wounds

In cuts and superficial damage to the skin of a different type, lymph fluid may be released in small amounts. This is normal. The main purpose of this liquid is to wash the wound and form a protective film on its surface. Do not forget that the syphilis is lymph, accordingly, its secretion to the surface of the skin indicates that the large blood vessels are intact, the body's immune system is working normally and is ready to protect the body. In this case, the treasure should not be removed. If desired, you can rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide, wait for the sugars to dry, and gently treat the edges of the lesion "green".

Gynecologic discharge

Often people say that the mucus is a mucous transparent discharge from the vagina, in which there may be streaks or even clots of blood. They can appear right after the end of menstruation, during menopause, sometimes during pregnancy. In small amounts, such discharges are not dangerous. But if the sugars appeared during pregnancy, it is dangerous. About any changes in the state of her body and well-being, a woman in an interesting position should promptly notify the supervising doctor. Abundant discharge from the vagina of any color and consistency is an excuse for calling an ambulance. Sometimes a syphil can appear and for a long time. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, but it is urgently necessary to address for medical help. This symptom, most likely, indicates the passage of the mucous plug, which means that the delivery will begin soon.

Nose soup and other types of secretions

Sometimes a secretion is also called respiratory secretion caused by inflammatory processes and viral diseases. The liquid can be transparent, with bloody or purulent impregnations. If such a monster appeared, what should I do? Allocations are usually accompanied by other symptoms. It can be pain, fever and fever, nasal congestion, cough and other signs. If the soup from the nose and other symptoms are disturbed for several days and there are no improvements, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The treasure can be allocated not only from fresh wounds. Transparent discharge is observed in neonates from the navel during the healing period, as well as in patients of any age when the scars are overgrown after surgical interventions. To be afraid of this phenomenon it is not necessary, but in order that the wound does not become inflamed, it is necessary to improve the care for it. It is more useful to change sterile bandages and treat with antiseptics. You can also leave the wound open, drying it by that. If skin damage is too much, you can ask the doctor to advise a good healing ointment. Adult patients are often recommended ointment "Levomekol", and young children are prescribed creams based on panthenol.

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