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The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky

Alexander Nikolayevich highlighted the most important and especially topical at that time problem of human dignity. In the drama "Thunderstorm" arguments that make it possible to consider it as such, are very convincing. The author proves that his play is really important, if only because the questions touched upon in it continue to worry many years later and the current generation. The drama is addressed, it is studied and analyzed, and the interest in it is not weakened to this day.

In the fifties and sixties of the 19th century, the following three themes attracted special attention of writers and poets: the emergence of a heterogeneous intelligentsia, serfdom and the status of women in society and the family. In addition, there was another theme - the tyranny of money, tyranny and old-world authority among the merchants, under the yoke of which were all members of families, and especially women. AN Ostrovsky in his drama "Thunderstorm" set the task of denouncing spiritual and economic tyranny in the so-called "dark kingdom."

Who can be considered a bearer of human dignity?

The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" is the most important in this work. It should be noted that there are very few characters in the play about which one could say: "This is a worthy person." Most of the actors are either definitely negative heroes, or inexpressive, neutral. Wild and Cabanha are idols, devoid of elementary human feelings; Boris and Tikhon are spineless, capable only of obeying beings; Kudryash and Varvara are reckless, drawn to minute pleasures, incapable of serious emotions and reflections. Only Kuligin, an eccentric inventor, and the main character Katerina are knocked out of this series. The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" can briefly be described as the opposition of these two heroes to society.

Inventor Kuligin

Kuligin is a rather attractive person, who has considerable talents, a sharp mind, a poetic soul, and an aspiration to serve people unselfishly. He is honest and kind. It is no accident that Ostrovsky trusts him to assess the backward, limited, self-satisfied Kalinin society that does not recognize the rest of the world. However, although Kuligin evokes sympathy, he is still incapable of standing up for himself, so he calmly brings down rudeness, endless ridicule and insults. He is an educated, enlightened man, but these best qualities in Kalinov are considered only a whim. The inventor is dismissed as an alchemist. He yearns for the common good, wants to install a lightning rod, a clock in the city, but an inert society does not want to take any innovations. Cabanha, which is the embodiment of the patriarchal world, will not sit on the train, even if the whole world has long enjoyed the railroad. Wild will never understand that lightning is actually electricity. He does not even know this word. The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm", an epigraph to which can serve as a replica of Kuligin's "Cruel customs, sir, in our city, cruel!", Thanks to the introduction of this character gets deeper coverage.

Kuligin, seeing all the vices of society, is silent. Protests only Katerina. Despite his weakness, it's still a strong nature. The plot is based on a tragic conflict between the way of life and the real feeling of the main character. The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" reveals itself in contrast to the "dark kingdom" and the "ray" - Katerina.

"The Dark Kingdom" and its victims

The inhabitants of Kalinov are divided into two groups. One of them is made up of representatives of the "dark kingdom," embodying power. This is Kabanikha and Dikoy. Kuligin, Katerina, Kudryash, Tikhon, Boris and Varvara belong to the other. They are victims of the "dark kingdom", sensing its brutal force, but protesting against it in different ways. Through their actions or inaction reveals the problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm". Ostrovsky's plan was to show from different sides the influence of the "dark kingdom" with its suffocating atmosphere.

The character of Catherine

Interests and character Katerina stands out strongly against the background of the environment in which she unwittingly found herself. The reason for the life drama lies precisely in its special, exceptional character.

This girl is a dreamy and poetic nature. She was raised by her mother, who spoiled her, loved her. The daily lessons of the heroine in childhood were care for flowers, church attendance, embroidery, walks, stories of pilgrims and wanderers. Under the influence of this way of life, the inner world of the girl has developed. Sometimes she plunged into dreams in real life, dreamlike dreams. Catherine's speech is emotional, imaginative. And this poetically minded and impressionable girl after marriage gets into the house of Kabanova, in an atmosphere of intrusive guardianship and hypocrisy. The atmosphere of this world is cold and soulless. Naturally, the conflict between the light world of Katerina and the situation of this "dark kingdom" ends tragically.

Mutual relations of Katerina and Tikhon

The situation is further complicated by the fact that she married a man who could not love and did not know, although she struggled to become Tikhon faithful and loving wife. Attempts of the heroine to get close to her husband are broken about his shortage, slavish depreciation and rudeness. He has been accustomed to obeying his mother since childhood, he is afraid to tell her the word across. Tikhon submits resignedly the tyranny of the Kabanikhi, not daring to protest and protest. His only desire is to at least briefly escape from the care of this woman, to take a walk, to drink. This weak-willed man, being one of the many victims of the "dark kingdom", not only could not help Katerina at least somehow, but simply humanly understand it, since the heroine's inner world is too tall, complicated and inaccessible to him. He could not foresee the drama that was brewing in the heart of his wife.

Katerina and Boris

Dyoky's nephew, Boris, is also a victim of a sanctimonious, dark environment. By its internal qualities, it is significantly higher than the "benefactors" surrounding it. The education he received in the capital in a commercial academy developed his cultural needs and views, so this character is difficult to survive in the environment of the Wild and the Kabanovs. The problem of human dignity in the play "Thunderstorm" rises before this hero. However, he lacks the character to escape from their tyranny. He is the only one who has managed to understand Catherine, but was unable to help her: he lacks the determination to fight for the love of the girl, so he advises her to accept, submit to fate and abandons her, anticipating the death of Katerina. The inability to fight for happiness doomed Boris and Tikhon to not live, but to suffer. Only Catherine managed to challenge this tyranny. The problem of human dignity in Ostrovsky's play "The Storm", therefore, is also a problem of character. Only strong people can challenge the "dark kingdom". They belonged only to the main character.

The opinion of Dobrolyubov

The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" was revealed in an article by Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina "a ray of light in a dark kingdom." The death of a gifted young woman, a strong, passionate nature, lit up for a moment the sleeping "kingdom", like a ray of sunshine against the dark dark clouds. Katerina Dobrolyubov considers suicide as a challenge not only to Dikim and Kabanov, but to the entire way of life in a gloomy, despotic feudal-serf country.

The Inevitable Final

It was an inevitable finale, despite the fact that the main character was so honored by God. It was easier for Katerina Kabanova to leave this life than to reproach her mother-in-law, gossip and remorse. She pleaded guilty to the public, because she did not know how to lie. Suicide and public repentance should be regarded as acts that have elevated her human dignity.

Catherine could be despised, humiliated, even beat, but she never degraded, did not commit unworthy, low deeds, they only went against the morality of this society. Although what kind of morality can there be for such limited, stupid people? The problem of human dignity in the drama "Thunderstorm" is the problem of a tragic choice between reconciling or defying the society. Protest at the same time threatens with serious consequences, up to the need to lose life.

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