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Fertility is ... Let's figure out what is fertility and what is its significance

The number of married couples who are not able to conceive a child has recently increased. In addition to the health of both parents, reproductive, or fertility, affects successful pregnancies. This is the ability of the organism, which is in sexually mature age, to produce offspring. It is precisely the concept of "fertility" that we will discuss in this article.

Fertility period

So, in other words, fertility is the ability of the body to conceive and give birth to a child. The period or age of female reproduction is a period when it is capable of fertilization, normal bearing and childbirth. The demographic age of fertility is 15-49 years. From a medical and social point of view, this period is somewhat narrowed. So, in 15 years it is very difficult to give the child a full upbringing, and in 40 - the possibility of pregnancy decreases, and the risk of having a child with various anomalies increases. Therefore, it is considered that the age when the fertility is most increased is 25-30 years. Age in male fertility plays a smaller role.

Female Fertility

A newborn girl has about 400 eggs, but they are still immature and are in the ovarian follicles. Ripen these cells begin during puberty. However, with each menstrual cycle, only one egg ripens. This process is called ovulation. After maturing, the egg becomes ready for fertilization and passes into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. Thus, female ovulation and fertility are closely related. The reproductive capacity is also affected by the state of the fallopian tubes. They must necessarily be passable, otherwise spermatozoa can not move towards the egg. In addition, for a successful conception, the state of the endometrium is important, which takes a fertilized egg, and the cervix and the uterus retain it, and subsequently the fetus.

Male fertility

Fertility of a man depends on the quality of spermatozoa, their ability to fertilize. Every 72 days the sperm reserve is updated. There are many factors that affect male fertility. This is primarily alcohol abuse and smoking. Also, male reproductive capacity is affected by diseases of the genitourinary system, childhood infectious diseases (mumps), accompanying illnesses in adulthood (viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus). In addition, male fertility has an adverse effect on the presence of excess weight, malnutrition with a deficiency of zinc and vitamin C, frequent visits to baths and saunas. Reduce the ability to conceive and frequent sexual acts, this leads to the fact that immature forms of spermatozoa begin to predominate in the ejaculate, as well as to a significant decrease in their concentration.

How to normalize fertility?

If the cause of fertility decline is not severe pathology (endometritis, tube obstruction, development of the spermatic cord, etc.), fertility restoration is possible provided that the following recommendations are observed:

  • Maintain a regular sex life.

  • Abandon low-calorie diets, which adversely affect the hormones responsible for reproductive function.

  • Adhere to the rules of healthy nutrition, balanced by the content of fats and proteins. And carbohydrates, consumed in large quantities, have a negative impact on fertility.

  • Adjust your weight: obesity affects both male and female fertility.

  • Take extra microelements and vitamins. Zinc, folic acid or carnitine, used for six months, contribute to the restoration of male fertility. Also for this purpose, use ascorbic acid, selenium, vitamin E, which positively affect spermatogenesis. Women are recommended to take folic acid, vitamins E, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, L-arginine, selenium.

  • For men, it is very important not to overheat the testicles, this has a bad effect on spermatogenesis. In summer, you should prefer free pants made from natural fabrics, and do not abuse the sauna.

  • It is believed that the ideal time of year for conception is the beginning of winter. During this period there is an increased activity of spermatozoa.

  • It is necessary to avoid stress situations, to be able to relax, to control one's emotions.

  • During the period of ovulation, refuse to take analgesics, since they affect prostaglandins.

  • Limit or completely eliminate smoking. In a woman who smokes, fertility is 30% lower than that of a non-smoker woman.

  • Refuse to drink alcohol (especially from beer to men).

  • Limit the use of coffee, since caffeine has a negative effect on fertility.

The environment also affects reproduction. Negative impact on fertility work in the hot shop, in chemical production, in the conditions of radiation. If you are unable to cope with the problem of fertility yourself, you should consult your doctor.

What Fertility rate?

This is the average number of births per woman of reproductive age. To calculate the fertility rate, it is necessary to divide the number of children born during a certain period into the number of women capable of conceiving, and multiply by a thousand. To replace generations at a relatively low mortality rate, the birth rate should be 2.3, if this indicator is less than 2.15 - this is low fertility, is at the level of 2.4 - high. If two children fall on one woman - this is the reproduction of the population. If the fertility rate is higher, this indicates possible material problems of parents related to their inability to feed children and educate them. A coefficient of less than two indicates a reduction in the population and its aging.


In general, the world is experiencing a decline in fertility, especially in industrialized countries. From 1960 to 2010, the world fertility rate fell from 4.95 to 2.56. According to statistics, the level of reproductive efficiency is affected by the moral and emotional state of the population, as well as unemployment, migration, and the level of prosperity. Creating new jobs and reducing migration, you can significantly increase the level of fertility.

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