
The most famous doctors of Russia

They have completely dedicated their lives to their struggle for the health of their neighbors, science, and development. Famous Russian doctors saved many lives and eased the sufferings of patients. Who are these great Russian doctors?

Russian doctors who changed medicine. Nikolai Pirogov

The first atlas of topographic anatomy was created by this outstanding man. Pirogov is considered the founder of anesthesia, the founder of military field surgery. He also developed the latest surgical operations and a number of techniques. Since Pirogov in the surgery began to widely use ethereal anesthesia, he also proposed a rectal method of anesthesia. Particularly widely began to use anesthesia in military field hospitals during the Crimean War. This helped to alleviate the suffering of hundreds of wounded. Nikolai Ivanovich first proposed using gypsum. Prior to this, starch dressings were used that soaked from pus and blood and lost fixing properties.

During the war Pirogov was offered to divide all the wounded into four categories. Nurses and priests helped the deadly patients. The doctor was engaged first of all seriously wounded, who demanded immediate assistance. Who did not need an urgent operation, sent to the rear. Feldshers were engaged in the short-cut, those who were soon able to return to the system. To prevent the spread of infections, Pirogov separated patients with clean wounds from those who started gangrene.

All his life, Nikolai Ivanovich advocated the opening of new Sunday schools, demanded the repeal of corporal punishment in gymnasiums .

Sergey Botkin

Famous doctors of Russia made a considerable contribution to the development of Russian medicine. In the XIX century, one of these doctors was Sergei Petrovich Botkin. He graduated from Moscow University, participated in the Crimean War, saved the lives of the wounded in the Simferopol hospital. He worked in foreign clinics in England, Germany, France.

Botkin was one of the first to initiate the organization of women's medical education. He founded medical courses for women and a school of paramedics.

On his initiative in 1860 in Russia, the Epidemiological Society was opened, which successfully began to fight the spread of infectious diseases. Such diseases as cholera, plague, scarlet fever, diphtheria, smallpox were carefully studied. As part of the research, the causes of hepatitis A (jaundice) were identified. Since then, the disease has been called Botkin.

Thanks to Sergei Petrovich, the poor began to receive attention, the doctors began receiving, visiting at home and providing the necessary medications. Soon the first ambulance appeared in Russia. In 1881 the first free hospital was opened.

The most famous doctors of Russia were the disciples of Botkin, this is AA Nechaev, N. Ya. Chistovich, MV Yanovskii, IP Pavlov, TP Pavlov, AG Polotebnov, NP Simanovsky .

Nikolay Sklifosovsky

Russian professor, the founder of cavitary surgery. His name now wears the Moscow Institute of First Aid.

Today it is difficult to imagine medicine without aseptic and antiseptic drugs. The study of decontamination allowed to step widely in medicine and safely carry out operations on the cavitary sites - liver, gall bladder, thyroid gland, urogenital system. During his lifetime Sklifosovsky wrote more than seventy works on surgery, asepsis.

As a follower of Pirogov, he made a huge contribution to the development of anesthesia. Prior to it during the operation, anesthesia was given only for a short time. The scientist developed a device that maintained anesthesia throughout the operation. For the first time Sklifosovsky was anesthetized with a solution of cocaine.

During the wars of the Russian-Turkish, Franco-Prussian, Austro-Prussian worked as a surgeon, he saved hundreds of wounded.

Ivan Pavlov

Famous doctors of Russia, whose achievements are known all over the world, are the pride of our medicine.

Ivan Pavlov was the first Nobel laureate in Russia. He received the prize in 1904 for researching the functions of the digestive glands. His work began with a study of the circulatory system and heart, but later devoted his entire work to digestion. The experiments carried out on the dogs made it possible to uncover the secrets of gastric secretion and to obtain further pure gastric juice. The reaction to external stimuli led the scientist to new discoveries, Pavlov divided all the reflexes into congenital and acquired, conditional and unconditioned, he studied the problems of sleep. The science of higher nervous activity rests on these all these discoveries.

Vladimir Vinogradov

Activity of his Vladimir Vinogradov began with a study of the problems of sepsis, early diagnosis of tuberculosis, cancer. Later, his research expanded. Now his name is associated with the use in medicine of methods of examination - bronchoscopy and gastroscopy, radioisotope diagnosis of thyroid problems. Undeniable contribution of the academician in the field of cardiology, treatment of myocardial infarction. In 1961, on the initiative of Vinogradov, the first department was opened for patients with myocardial infarction.

For the first time, the practice of sensing with the introduction of radiopaque substances began to be used. The most famous doctors in Russia dealing with cardiological problems have adopted this method.

Famous Russian doctors of the 21st century

Famous names are heard by everyone who revolves in medicine. Many modern eminent personalities, of course, began their careers back in the last century. Now they can be called the best doctors of the new millennium. Let's name only some of the loudest names.

Svyatoslav Fyodorov

Microsurgery of the eye. His developments and achievements have completely turned the world's ophthalmology. Back in 1962, Fedorov created an artificial lens-lens Fedorov-Zakharov, so far, he has no equal. In 1973, the first operation of glaucoma was carried out at an early stage. This method is now used by all world clinics. One of the first in the world, Fedorov began to implant an artificial cornea of the eye.

Leonid Bokeria

Cardiac surgeon with a worldwide reputation. Despite his venerable age, he still works and conducted more than two thousand open heart operations. He developed computer techniques for modeling the diagnosis of circulatory system pathologies. Bokeria created devices for remote operation control. A lot of new methods that saved lives for hundreds of people. Famous Russian doctors and their achievements have always placed our country in the leading position on medical development.

In the Alumia of Shumako in

The first Soviet doctor who performed a kidney transplant in 1965, and in 1988 - a heart transplant. He also began to practice a two-stage heart muscle transplant. In 1995, the "Guide to Transplantology" was published. Not only a doctor, but also an excellent teacher, produced 50 doctors and 120 candidates of medical sciences.

Famous female doctors of Russia

If we talk about the most famous women doctors of the world level, then, of course, we can not forget about our Russian doctors.

Natalia Bekhtereva

During her life she was awarded many titles and various awards in the field of medicine. The main research is the brain area in the norm and pathology. For the first time, the method of implanting electrodes in the brain was applied not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes. Under the direction of Bekhtereva, a new branch of neurosurgery and neurology was created.

Grunya Sukhareva

Leading psychiatrist of the USSR. She wrote many works, carried out a lot of research in the field of studying mental disorders, schizophrenia. Has organized many institutions for children and adolescents with mental disabilities. For many years she was the head of the hospital. Kashchenko.

The very first female doctors of Russia - N. P. Suslov, M. A. Bokova-Sechenov, V. A. Kashevarov-Rudnev.

Children's doctors

The most famous children's doctors in Russia also contributed to the development of medicine.

Leonid Roshal

Soviet, Russian children's doctor. He is famous for always being in the hottest spots, where his help and support are especially needed. The head of the International Fund for Children. Has a huge number of Russian and international awards for saving children in emergency situations.

Leila Namazova-Baranova

Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics. Author of 550 scientific works. He persistently tries to inform the population about the need for timely vaccination. In all interviews and speeches, he promotes the importance of vaccinations, starting with childhood.

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