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The meaning and origin of the phraseological "medieval eyelids". Examples of use

The Russian language is famous for its speech, the meaning of which remains a mystery even for its bearers. For example, the meaning and origin of phraseology "medieval eyelids" belongs to the number of such riddles. Information about where it came from and what this stable construction means is contained in the article. Examples of the use of this expression are also offered.

"Eyelids" - obsolete form

So, what is the meaning and origin of phraseology "median eyelids"? First you need to answer the question of what the second word means, which is a part of this speech turnover. Many believe that the word "eyelids" means the eyes, but this is not so. To the eyes this expression has nothing to do with.

In the old days, some plural nouns possessed endings that are not familiar to our contemporaries. This also applies to the word "age", which in the plural was "eyelids", not "ages."

Who is Jared?

So, the meaning and origin of phraseology "medieval eyelids" is still a mystery. To unravel it, it is necessary to remember that many biblical characters belonged to the category of long-livers. Some of them did not live long at all. For example, Methuselah died at the age of 969, and Noah died after celebrating the 950th anniversary. However, we are not talking about them now.

What is the meaning and origin of the phraseology of the "median eyelids"? To understand this, it is enough to recall one more famous biblical hero - Jared. This man trampled the earth for 962 years. In Russian, the name Jared turned into Ared. Of course, the researchers do not undertake to vouch for the fact that the age of the characters from the Bible is set correctly. Some historians believe that Jared actually lived 962 months, which is about 80 years.

It is enough to remember that Jared belongs to the category of long-livers. Consequently, the "medieval eyelids" are long centuries, even if the age of the biblical hero was significantly embellished for the beauty of the word.

Phraseologism of "medieval eyelids"

So, the meaning of speech construction, which is rare in our days, is no longer a secret. However, even those people who understand what phraseology means "medieval eyelids" does not always use it competently in spoken and written speech. Avoid mistakes easily, remembering examples of the use of sustainable turnover.

Suppose the conversation is about a long-lived man - a man who has already crossed the ninety-year threshold. In this case, we can say that this hero "lived aredovy eyelids." Also it is worth remembering that "being an average of ages" means being very old.

Of course, not all the possible variants of the use of a rare phraseological turnover are mentioned above. "You will live for ages", - so you can comfort a person suffering from a serious illness who doubts his recovery.

Examples from the literature

The meaning of phraseology "medieval eyelids" is revealed above. Nowadays this speech turnover practically does not occur in colloquial speech, it is difficult to meet it in modern literary works. However, there were times when writers actively exploited this stable design.

For example, this phraseology can be found in the famous fairy tale written by Saltykov-Shchedrin. The work is called the "wise gudgeon". In this tale, the writer mentions a family of minnows, who lived for centuries in the river, having managed not to be in the ear and not to become food for the pike.

One can also recall the "Cryptic Antiques", a work the author of which is Leskov. In this book, the author tells about the dilapidated buildings, assuming that they have already "stood endless centuries." Finally, to consolidate the information received, one can turn to the work of Melnikov-Pechersky. In his book "In the Woods" the author uses this phraseological turn. "Are the Aries forever, or are you telling me to live?" - this sounds like a phrase.

"A Bicentennial Man"

Surprisingly, modern films also help to better understand the meaning of phraseology "medieval eyelids". Of course, speech construction itself is unlikely to be encountered in the speech of the heroes. However, cinematography has been successfully exploiting the theme of longevity for several decades, considering it from different angles.

For example, you can see the picture "A Bicentennial Man," whose main character has really lived his eyes. It is interesting that in this film, another famous long-liver from the Bible is mentioned - Methuselah.

What else do you need to know?

The above is told about the origin of phraseology "medieval eyelids", its meaning is revealed. One must also remember how correctly the speech circulation is written. A common mistake is the writing of "arid eyelids". The only correct option is the "media".

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