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Emptiness in the soul, loneliness - a verdict or a resource?

You can reach heights in the most diverse spheres of life: in business, family, politics, etc. Only a person from this does not become happier. Emptiness in the soul, sadness, sadness, sadness - are often "visitors" of the human heart. What is missing? What prevents living peacefully and happily? The answer is banal - there is not enough elementary understanding of one's being and definition of more significant goals.

Some lead a rampant life, trying to "find happiness" on the bottom of the bottle or in countless "love" adventures. But are they happy? Emptiness in the soul only grows.

Emotional emptiness is often felt immediately after awakening. If there is a family that needs to be taken care of and maintained, then at least something is pushed forward, and if not? He can speak beautifully, talk about religion, but he is still visited by emptiness, especially, he remains alone with the code. Problems at work, conflict in the family, illness or other troubles can break a person, destroy a shaky value system and again in the soul emptiness.

Practically for all of us, the primary motivation in choosing a job is money. Although research scientists have not been able to find the relationship between income and happiness. In the period from 1957 to 1990 in the United States there was an increase in the level of income in half. But the survey statistics revealed that the level of happiness remained unchanged, and the number of depressions grew tenfold. We all know how to survive, but how many of us do not know how to live.

For some time people are motivated by the incentive: here I will buy a beautiful car, a house, will be able to rest in the most beautiful corners of the world, and I will be happy! A person achieves what he wants, but never gains happiness. He again meets with emptiness. A person finds greater well-being, but there is no emotional upsurge. Someone finds more and more hobbies, sitting all day at the TV or playing computer games, hoping thus to escape from oppressive thoughts. But it only gets harder. Others begin to think more about religion, but it calms them only for a while.

Why is everything so complicated? There can be several reasons for this state. One of them is the lack of a priority significant goal in life. Everyone should have a goal. Anyone who knows "why" to live, will stand any "how".

Every day development must take place: spiritual, physical, intellectual, and this is more important than buying new clothes or cars. For example, a believer never has feelings of emptiness in his soul and despair. At the time of "spiritual drought" for him, every word in the Holy Scripture is like a heavy rain with a rainbow of colors. That is, a believing person becomes only stronger, wiser, more flexible, facing difficulties and troubles in life. Generating a negative into positive emotions, he always keeps in his heart joy and confidence in success. It practically can not be broken by any life event.

The ability to control one's feelings, oneself, one's impressions is the key to happiness.

Emptiness in the soul is the true companion of loneliness, which we all sometimes experience. People try in every possible way to avoid this feeling, to be afraid to remain alone with themselves, with their thoughts, spiritual questions and throwings. We turn on the TV, radio, trying to distract ourselves and do something, just not to hear what's happening inside of us.

But is it really so terrible loneliness? And whether it is necessary to avoid it in every possible way?

Loneliness is the best way to understand yourself.

Emptiness in the soul is a state where the soul rushes in search of the truth about life. We begin to feel the emptiness when we do not find answers to the main questions of the soul or the known ones do not satisfy us.

The person is extremely weak and often goes on about people's opinions and stereotypes, thus living his life, forgetting about the needs of his soul. The carnal pleasures and passions hide from us simple truths. Plunging into unnecessary fuss, we cease to feel life real. And left alone with yourself, willy-nilly we think about it.

In moments of loneliness, emptiness and anguish, it is important not to seek consolation in entertainments, not to distract yourself with empty occupations, but to try to answer yourself to the priority questions of the soul.

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