
How to make a two-level ceiling from gipsokartona own hands

Modern materials provide ample opportunities for transforming the interior design to the taste of the owner of the room. If you yourself started a ceiling repair, you may face the fact that you will have to choose from several options. There are tension, glue, filing, hanging and plasterboard ceilings. Along with them there is also a customary version of plastering. Let us dwell on the detailed consideration of how a two-level ceiling is created from plasterboard with our own hands, what rules should be followed.

Ceiling preparation

Installation of a ceiling from gypsum cardboard is more difficult, than filigree, however there are general principles. It is necessary to create a suspended two-level structure, not only parallel to the ceiling, but also perpendicular to it. To begin with, the ceiling needs to be cleaned and freed from the plaster, then the cracks formed between the plates, plastered.

Before you draw up a two-level ceiling from gypsum board, you need to take care of the availability of the necessary tools. To do this, you need the profiles of UD and CD, press washers, dowels-nails, metal screws, mounting plates, with which metal profiles, plasterboard and punch will be attached to the ceiling, to which you need a drill bit for concrete. Also need a Bulgarian and a knife, designed for cutting gypsum board, water level and screwdriver.

Installation of a two-level ceiling

Before you begin the installation, it should be noted that installing a two-level ceiling from gypsum board, you can not do without an assistant. Since it is very difficult to fasten plasterboard sheets at high altitude alone. In addition, this is a fairly capricious material, requiring precision in operation.

First you need to determine the point that is relative to the floor of the lowest one on the ceiling. From it with the help of a hydro level, as well as a marker thread along the entire perimeter, it is necessary to repel the level of the future design of the ceiling. To mark the boundaries of the skeleton of the ceiling, laser levels can also be used.

At the beginning of the frame, attach the UD profile along the intended line. Then the ceiling needs to be expanded by the CD profile along and across. Thus it is necessary to observe between profiles a distance equal to fifty to sixty centimeters. Each CD profile strip must be attached to the ceiling using mounting plates and dowel-nails. To avoid the deflection of the profile, pull the nylon thread perpendicular to the CD-profile.

To create a two-level ceiling from gypsum board, it is necessary to mount the next level to the first one using press washers. The frame can be made rectangular or curved. In order to get the bend radius, the Bulgarian needs to cut the profile into fragments of five to ten centimeters. Mount the gypsum board on the frame can be used with screws. And "zashivat" them the entire ceiling is not necessary. It is not necessary that the first level occupies the entire ceiling, if the second covers most of it.

To form sheets of the right size, it is better to use a cutter or knife. If the width of the sheet is 50 or 100 millimeters, a profile profile is attached to the main level. When installing the ceiling, the ends of the levels must be covered with plasterboard, the sheets of which must first be cut on one side. After the two-level ceiling from gypsum board is completely assembled, parts of the sheets that protrude must be leveled with a knife. Between the parallel profiles for strength, it is necessary to enclose pieces of a profile of the same length.

At the end of the seams of the ceiling, glue a sickle. Bends decorate with an arched perforated profile. The surface of the ceiling should be covered with 2-3 layers of putty. When it dries, you can start painting the ceiling. It is convenient to apply the paint with a short pile roller.

Having become acquainted with this material, you can independently cope with the task of how to make a two-level ceiling without resorting to the services of specialists. And, adhering to the basic rules, there is an opportunity to show their imagination and design abilities.

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