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The leg hurts during pregnancy: the reasons. Calf's legs ache during pregnancy

The time when a woman is waiting for a child is one of the most beautiful in her life. However, pregnancy does not always go smoothly and without complications. Often this period causes a lot of unpleasant, painful and uncomfortable sensations. At the same time, the future mother has no pathology. This article will tell you about why the leg hurts during pregnancy in one way or another. You will find out the main reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations. It is also worth mentioning why often in pregnancy it hurts between the legs.

Pain in the legs

A future mother may experience unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs. In this case the pain can be aching, stitching, pulling, itching and so on. Every cause of discomfort has its own symptoms.

If you suddenly realized that your leg hurts during pregnancy, it is worth applying this problem to a specialist. First, visit your gynecologist and tell him about your feelings. The doctor will carry out an examination and determine what kind of specialist you need help. If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon, phlebologist or therapist can correct the situation. The choice of this or that specialist depends on the cause of the pathology that has arisen. Let's find out why the feet hurt during pregnancy.


This pathology occurs in almost 40 percent of expectant mothers. Women who abuse uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes fall into the risk group. Also, varicose during pregnancy often develops because of a hereditary predisposition. In addition, pathology can occur in the fairer sex, who work in the service sector and spend all day on their feet.

With the course of pregnancy the genital organ greatly increases in size. This leads to the fact that the large veins of the small pelvis are compressed. Especially aggravated the situation when the future mother lies on her back or right side. Sore feet during pregnancy due to blood stasis in them. In this case, cramps, swelling, itching and other signs may appear. The most common symptoms are at the end of the day. It should be noted that discomfort can be noted only in one or both extremities.

Correct this state is not only possible, but also necessary. However, only a doctor should prescribe medicines. Most often these are ordinary venotonic drugs in the form of tablets. In this case, treatment is carried out only from the middle of the term. In particularly severe cases (with thrombosis) surgical intervention can be chosen. In this case, you need to consider the risk to the fetus and compare it with the benefit for the future mother.

Urolithiasis or kidney failure

Often aching legs of the feet during pregnancy due to disruption of the kidneys. If there are problems associated with this body, then you are at risk. That is why it is recommended to undergo treatment before pregnancy, if necessary.

With the growth of the uterus, there is an increase in pressure on the kidneys. At the same time, the right side of the body suffers more. The ureters are pinched and the outflow of fluid from the body worsens. All this leads to stagnation of urine and the onset of an inflammatory process. The pathology of the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in the load on the vessels and urinary canals. At the same time, the future mother experiences pain and discomfort in the groin area. The pain can be given to the lower leg or even the calves.

It is definitely necessary to treat the disease. However, this can only be done after examining the specialist and conducting additional research. For correction, diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents can be prescribed . It all depends on the period of pregnancy.

Lack of vitamins

Why do legaches hurt during pregnancy? Often, discomfort is a consequence of the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body of a future mother. With the development and growth of the fetus, he needs more calcium. This substance is necessary for the proper formation of bones, teeth and ligaments. A child in the womb takes calcium from the body of a future mother. This can be the reason for the lack of this element.

If the bones hurt between the legs during pregnancy and the reason for this is the absence of calcium, then the treatment is quite simple. In most cases, the expectant mother is prescribed a multivitamin complex and a certain diet. All this quickly corrects the situation and eliminates pain.

Reaction of the musculoskeletal system

If the leg muscles hurt during pregnancy, then this may be due to a change in the load. With the growth of the fetus, the cavity of the genital organ increases. Outwardly it is quite noticeable: the future mother has a big tummy. As a result of this process, the center of gravity may shift. Load on the back and legs increases. A future mother can feel pain in the lower back and lower leg. Also, often, discomfort appears in the calf area.

Treatment in this case is not assigned. A pregnant woman with such symptoms needs more rest. If you are forced to spend the whole day on your feet, then try to sit down and relax from time to time. Also, a bandage can become a salvation. However, this device should be selected by a specialist.

Divergence of pelvic bones

If the bones hurt between the legs during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be the approach of childbirth. Often, the future mother experiences such feelings already from the middle of the term. At the same time, there is a feeling that you have ridden a horse for a long time. No worries. In a few weeks, this discomfort will disappear and you will become much easier. However, it is worth reporting this feeling to your gynecologist.

Some women do not feel at all how their bones disperse. Discomfort usually occurs in lean and fragile women.

Body weight gain

Often, women suffer from calf calves during pregnancy due to weight gain. While waiting for the baby, the fat mass grows, the mammary glands enlarge. Also we can not say about the strong growth of the tummy. By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the genital organ is about seven kilograms. This includes the amniotic fluid and the body weight of the child. The breast of the fairer sex is increased by at least a half a kilogram each. All this does not pass without a trace. Relatively fast set of body weight affects the well-being.

Approximately after thirty weeks of pregnancy (some even earlier), the lower extremities begin to swell. Many believe that this is a consequence of excess fluid and stop using water. However, this action is erroneous. Because of the refusal of a heavy drink, the situation can only worsen. If your feet and calves swell, you should definitely inform the doctor about it. If necessary, you will be assigned a series of tests.

Most often, women are recommended to follow a certain diet: to give up all the salty, peppery, fatty. It is worth eating boiled meat, legumes and fish. Drink more. Give preference to plain water, cranberry fruit drinks and hips. Increase your legs often or take a horizontal position.

Wrong shoes

If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be incorrectly selected shoes. Often the problem of ingrown nails arises . Also a bad pedicure can serve as an excuse for curving the nail plate. Remember that while waiting for the baby, the foot may swell a little. That's why it's worth buying shoes for a bigger size. Buy only quality products in which you will be comfortable. Forget about the narrow shoes and high heels. You will have time to reproach them after childbirth.


If one leg hurts during pregnancy, then the cause may be trauma. It is worth noting that during this period old damage can be felt. If you turned your leg a few years ago and did not attach any importance to it, then it can get sick just while the baby is waiting. The thing is that with the course of pregnancy there is an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the legs. This can lead to inflammation of old lesions.

If the joint or bone hurts in a certain place, and unpleasant sensations become worse during movement, then it is better to consult a traumatologist. Most often, if you suspect a pathology, the doctor prescribes an X-ray. However, such an effect is contraindicated for future mothers. That is why an individual scheme of examination and treatment will be chosen for you.

What to do to prevent leg pain?

If you want to avoid such unpleasant sensations, then you should follow certain recommendations. Consult your gynecologist and find out what preventive measures exist. Most often, doctors give the following appointments:

  • More often lift the limbs upward, so that the outflow of fluid and blood from them occurs;
  • More move and walk;
  • Do not wear tight shoes or shoes with heels;
  • Apply compression clothes;
  • Use venotonic drugs (tablets and gels) as prescribed by the doctor;
  • Drink more fluid to dilute the blood;
  • Discard harmful foods and fatty foods;
  • Do gymnastics: swimming, biking;
  • When forced to stand for a long time, periodically shift from foot to foot and rise to your toes;
  • Watch out for weight gain and spend unloading days;
  • Be sure to take vitamin complexes with calcium content (in the absence of contraindications).

You now know why your feet hurt during pregnancy, and what you need to do with it. Watch your health. Easy you pregnancy!

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