HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why Ingrown toenail?

Onychriptosis is a fairly common problem that affects people of any gender and age. After all, many people turn to the doctor with complaints that the ingrown nail. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain. That's why you should not neglect medical help.

Why Ingrown toenail? Main reasons

In fact, the ingrowth of the nail into the soft tissues of the finger can occur under the influence of various external factors. Here are just a few of them.

  1. It is believed that one of the main causes is improper cutting of the nails. For example, if cutting the nail plate is too deep to cut its edges, it may lead in the future to improper growth and ingrowth of stratum corneums into soft tissues.
  2. Another very common reason is the wearing of narrow shoes. For example, often with the use of shoes with a narrow toe nail plate undergoes constant pressure, as a result of which it cuts into the soft nail rolls of the skin.
  3. In addition, often people notice that the ingrown nail after a previous injury.
  4. The risk group includes people with fungal diseases, as a result of which the nail plate thickens, and its edges cut into soft tissues.
  5. Sometimes ingrown nails are the result of flat feet. It is the deformation of the foot that often leads to abnormal growth of the nail plate.

How to determine that the ingrown toenail?

Many people are wondering how to determine if ingrowth of the nail plate is really happening. In fact, it is not difficult to notice such a problem. Its main symptoms are pain, discomfort and a burning sensation in the finger, which increase during walking and are aggravated by wearing shoes with narrow socks. At close examination you can see small sores in the place where the nail is constantly injuring the soft tissues of the finger. The course of the disease can be aggravated by the penetration of the infection - in such cases, you can notice inflammation and even a small amount of pus. In the absence of treatment on the nail roller begin to appear granulation - it's skin growths, called "wild meat".

Vros nail: what to do?

Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, the doctor uses different methods for treatment.

  1. To begin with, you need to choose comfortable shoes with a wide toe or give preference to sandals, where the fingers remain completely open.
  2. Do not cut the edges of the nail plate.
  3. When ingrown nails recommend daily foot baths with the addition of salt (softens the nail plate), soda or manganese (disinfect the existing sores).
  4. Often, the doctor places between the edges of the nail and skin dents small gauze tampons, moistened in a solution of antiseptic.
  5. Sometimes special plates are used, which need to be worn for several months. They lift the nail plate, correct the growth processes and relieve pressure from the nail roller.
  6. In the presence of granulations, surgical methods of treatment are used. During the operation, the doctor completely or partially removes the nail plate, and then conducts the plastic of the nail roller.

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