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"The Lay of Igor's Host": a brief description of the author. "The Lay of Igor's Host": a problem, an image of the author

"The Lay of Igor's Host" is a monument of the literature of Ancient Rus, which describes the events of the 12th century. A lot of disputes were about this work: about the authenticity, about the time of creation and about the person who created it. The author's problem in The Lay of Igor's Regiment, unfortunately, remained unresolved. Both Kirill Turovsky and Prince Igor were attributed to his creation. However, this does not mean that the characterization of the author will be meaningless. "The Lay of Igor's Regiment" is a work about which one can still say something definite about the creator. This article is devoted to this.

Brief description of the author

"The word about the shelf of Igor" was created by the writer, who remained unknown. However, we can talk about the image of the author. In the work, he looks pretty good. What is the characteristic of the author? "The word about the regiment of Igor" was created, of course, by a contemporary of the events described in it. It is very likely that he was one of the soldiers of Prince Igor. However, he could be a monk, because at that time they were one of the most educated people. The fact that it could be one of the approximate prince, is evidenced by the detail and accuracy in the depiction of battles. Another option is a statesman who was well aware of the state of affairs in the state.

A broad historical horizon can be supplemented by the author's description. "The Lay of Igor's Host" is filled with many excursions into history, on the basis of which one can draw such a conclusion.

The author is also well versed in the political upheavals of the time, as he clearly understands what the reasons for the defeat of Prince Igor, and knows how to protect the homeland from encroachments of nomads. The creator of "Words ..." is an educated person and a true patriot. This characteristic of the author is beyond doubt. "The Lay of Igor's Host" is a work full of patriotic spirit. Being a participant in the events described, the author could not fail to note the valor of the prince and his soldiers. He seems to once again experience the defeat of his troops and rejoices when the prince returns home.

Author's Attitude to War

Reflecting on the country, he turns to her past in order to understand the present. "Word ..." is a consistent narrative of one tragic episode, dating back to the time of the war with the Polovtsians. This war, it would seem, was just one of many others that Russian princes fought for independence, fighting with nomads. However, the author of "The Words ..." sees it as a very important event for Rus. He calls on the Russian princes to unite, because only so you can defeat the enemy. The voice of a true patriot sounds in this call. He is a man who desires his country for peace and prosperity.

Introduction to the work

In the introduction to the work the author notes that his legend will be "by the bylins of this time." Further Boyan, the singer, whom he will not follow, is mentioned. The author says that his work is devoted not only to the campaign of Prince Igor. His theme is the history of Russia from Vladimir to contemporary events.

Beginning of narration

Beginning the narration, the author first of all admires the courage of Prince Igor, the desire to "bring" the regiments to Polovtsi and all the Russian land. The description of the encounter between the brothers Vsevolod and Igor is full of joy. The author did not bypass the army of Prince Vsevolod. The story of the valor of the warriors is presented by its brief description.

"The Lay of Igor's Host": a description of the omens

The further story of the portentous tragic outcome of the terrible signs represents a sharp contrast to all this. The author describes the disturbing behavior of animals, the unusual ominous sounds in the night silence, the solar eclipse. He seems to be experiencing all these events again. The author wants to warn the prince about the upcoming misfortunes. Despite the fact that further on the victory that brought rich trophies to the Russians, the author again returns to the description of the terrible omens: "black clouds from the sea" and "bloody dawns" prophesy trouble.

The times of Prince Oleg

The creator of the "Words ..." before describing the upcoming battle recalls the reign of Prince Oleg. He notes that at this time the princes were constantly at odds with each other. Because of this internecine strife, they became vulnerable to an external enemy. However, those bloody events can not be compared to the current battle. The whole of Russia will be affected by the consequences of the defeat of Prince Igor. Nature mourns him.

Son of Svyatoslav

Svyatoslav, the Kiev prince, sees a prophetic dream, and then learns that Igor's troops are defeated. In his word, "with tears mixed," one can see the reflection of the author's thoughts. Svyatoslav rebukes the Russian princes for the fact that they went on an untimely campaign in search of glory. Continuing this idea, the author turns to the princes and calls on them to stand up for Igor's wounds.

Lamentations of Yaroslavna

The narrator, with sincere sympathy, hands over Yaroslavna's lament. In it she asks the forces of nature to help Igor, who is in captivity, to escape. Together with Yaroslavna he wholeheartedly wishes the prince's early return. Not only does her husband care about Yaroslavna, but also about his soldiers.

Return of Igor

The author solemnly describes Igor's return to Kiev. He says that for all this is a great joy. Not a word of reproach is heard in his words. Characteristics of Igor from "The Lay of Igor's Host" is devoid of negative assessments. The author understands that the reason that the best of the princes are not able to win, not in themselves, but in the disunity of the princes. Igor - the embodiment of various princely valor, no matter what conviction he deserved. Igor's description of "The Lay of Igor's Host", given by the author, simply can not be different because of the great patriotism of the creator of the work. Together with the people, he forgives the prince's mistakes and sings his glory, thanks him for not regretting himself when he went to beat the enemy. A talented narrator, creating his own work, thought about the future. He assumed that the failure that befalls Igor, will serve as a good lesson for the princes, and they realize the need to unite the fragmented Russian principalities into a single state.

Author's talent

It remains unclear how the author was able to convey as accurately the events unfolding in different places simultaneously. This can only be explained by his incredible talent. The author of "The Words ..." left a grandiose work to the descendants, which sheds light on the events of the past days. Throughout the image is the image of the Russian land, dear and close to his heart. The author looks at her as if from a bird's eye view. All the Russian land covers his view. All hopes, all thoughts of the creator of the "Word ..." are connected with it. This is the image of the author of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign," which, of course, thought very broadly.


So, we see that the creator of the work is a patriot who fervently loves Russia. He shares her destiny, going through with her all her misfortunes. However, he does not want to take adversity that fell to the lot of Russia. The author calls on the princes to unite. One feels his confidence that Russia will still reach its greatness. Concluding the image of the author of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign," we add that he believes in justice and good as the basis of life.

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