
The drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly)

"Mildronate" injections contribute to inhibition of y-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, provoke a decrease in the level of free carnitine, reduce carnitine-dependent oxidation in fatty acids. The drug contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes, increases efficiency, reduces the manifestation of physical and mental overexertion. It also has a cardioprotective effect. The drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly) promotes regulation of cellular immunity, eliminates abnormalities in the nervous system of a functional nature in those suffering from chronic alcoholism against the background of the withdrawal syndrome. The drug participates in the redistribution of blood flow to the ischemic zones, namely in the retina of the eye and the brain.

The drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly) is prescribed with reduced working capacity, physical overstrain, in athletes including. The medication is recommended in the complex therapy of ischemic heart disease (with angina pectoris, chronic insufficiency, heart attack and dyshormonal cardiopathy), with abstinence syndrome against a background of chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific therapy). The medicine "Mildronate" (intramuscularly) is also used for disorders of (chronic and acute) cerebral blood supply, i.e. in the treatment of cerebral strokes and chronic insufficiency. In these cases, the drug is used as part of complex therapy.

The half-life of the drug is between three and six hours.

In chronic alcoholism, the drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly) is recommended twice a day for half a gram, daily for seven or ten days.

In case of mental and physical overload, the medication is recommended for adult patients inside four times a day for 0.25 grams or intravenously 0.5 grams once a day. The duration of therapy is ten to fourteen days. If necessary, a second course is recommended after two to three weeks. Athletes are prescribed inside twice a day before training to 0.5-1 grams. In the preparatory period, the duration of the course is fourteen to twenty-one days, and during the competition - ten to fourteen days.

If cerebral circulation is insufficient, in the acute phase of cerebrovascular pathology, five milliliters of a 10-percent solution is administered intravenously on a daily basis for ten days. Next, the medication is administered orally by half a gram daily. The duration of therapy is two or three weeks.

The drug "Mildronate" (analogues of the drug, for example, the drug "Carnitine") is contraindicated in hypersensitivity and lesions of the central nervous system of an organic nature.

When the drug is used, dyspeptic phenomena, itching, psychomotor agitation, tachycardia, changes in arterial pressure are noted.

The safety of the drug during pregnancy has not been established. In this regard, the drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly, intravenously and orally) is not assigned. If necessary, use the drug during lactation, feeding is recommended to be discontinued.

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