
Cystectomy is what is

Surgical operations always cause fear in people, because any intervention has risks. Nevertheless, it is impossible to do without these manipulations. One of the surgical interventions is cystectomy. This is a procedure that is performed in various branches of surgery. It is indicated in those cases when conservative therapy has no effect. Like any surgical procedure, cystectomy is performed exclusively on strict indications. It is prescribed only by a specialist after the examination. The operation is performed under stationary conditions. Before it is necessary to prepare the body.

Cystectomy is what is

As you know, every surgical intervention is related to this or that surgical profile. For example, urology, proctology, oncology, etc. Nevertheless, there are a number of such procedures that are considered universal. One of them is cystectomy. This is an operation that involves the removal of a cyst. Such a benign formation can appear in almost any internal organ. Cyst is a cavity of round or oval shape, filled with liquid contents. Most often it is found in the ovaries, liver, kidneys, bladder. Also, the cyst can form in the dental canals and gums.

In addition, there is an operation such as a cystectomy of the bladder. This surgical intervention has a completely different meaning, since it is not associated with cysts. By this medical term means the removal of the organ itself - the bladder. Often such an operation is performed due to oncological pathologies.

At what diseases is cystectomy performed

Cystectomy is a radical method of treatment, since it implies the complete removal of the cyst with its membrane. This procedure is performed by surgeons of different profiles. Among them - specialists who perform surgery on the thoracic and abdominal organs, urologists, oncologists, dentists, gynecologists. Despite this, every surgeon must own the technique of cyst removal. And yet, under what diseases do cystectomy? Despite the fact that the cyst can be formed in almost any organ, such an operation is not always performed. Sometimes benign education is treated with medication. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the entire organ (for example, with a large cyst in the kidney). It should be borne in mind that there are contraindications to cystectomy. Sometimes it is not practical to perform such an operation because of the high health risk. The diseases in which cystectomy is performed include:

  1. Ovarian cyst. This means a large education that does not lend itself to other types of treatment.
  2. The cyst of the liver. Most often, such formations contain not only liquid, but also a parasite (echinococcosis). In this case, the operation is the only method of treatment.
  3. Cyst in the oral cavity. It can have a different localization. This disease is treated by a dental surgeon.
  4. Pancreas cyst. Despite the fact that it is a benign neoplasm, operations on this organ are dangerous. Therefore, an experienced specialist should perform cystectomy of the pancreas.

In addition to these diseases, the operation may be required for cysts of the dairy and thyroid gland, coccyx, etc. In these cases, treatment tactics are determined depending on the size of the education.

Indications for radical cystectomy

In addition to removing cysts from the organs, radical cystectomy is an operation on the bladder. The main indication for its implementation is a cancerous tumor. Malignant formation can both develop in the bladder itself, and grow into the body of the organ from nearby tissues. Most often, such tumors include cancer of the cervix and endometrium, ovaries, prostate and rectum. Cystectomy of the urinary organ (bladder) is its complete or partial removal. Given that this procedure is traumatic and leads to disability, it is performed only in cases where other options for treatment do not help. Indications for cystectomy are the following pathologies:

  1. A common cancer of the neck and body of the bladder, sprouting into the thickness of the tissue.
  2. Multiple papillomas located on the inner surface of the organ.
  3. Repeated tumor formation after previous surgical treatment (recurrent cancer).
  4. Germination of malignant neoplasm in the bladder from the nearby organs.

With less aggressive forms of cancer, surgeons try to avoid radical cystectomy. In such cases, limited to the partial removal of the organ in the place where the tumor is located.

Preparation for cystectomy of the bladder

Operation cystectomy is a massive cavitary surgical intervention. Therefore, before proceeding to the procedure, the patient's body should be prepared. Since the operation can lead to the development of an infectious process in the small pelvis, it is necessary to start taking antibiotics beforehand. Drugs called "Erythromycin" and "Neomycin" are recommended. Also, 14 days prior to surgery, medications containing bifido- and lactobacilli should be taken. They are necessary not only because of antibiotic therapy, but also to improve the functioning of the intestine after the operation.

Given that the organs of the digestive system border on the bladder, a special diet is required. For 3 days before cystectomy should be excluded intractable products. It is allowed to use liquids (boiled water, mineral water without gas, tea, juices), broth and jelly. On the eve of the operation, bowel cleansing is performed. For this purpose, special laxatives or a series of enemas are used.

Cystectomy of the bladder

Cystectomy is performed in several consecutive stages. The first step is general anesthesia. For convenient access to the bladder, the patient should be in a special position. The patient is placed on his back, the pelvis is raised by 45 degrees as compared to the head and foot ends. The incision is made on the median line. It begins in the area of the pubic symphysis and ends 2-3 cm above the umbilical ring. The first stage of cystectomy is urinary diversion and creation of conditions for its outflow (derivation). After this, the body is extirpated. The extent of surgical intervention depends on the prevalence of the tumor. Often, in addition to the bladder, remove the nearby lymph nodes and other organs. In women, this is the anterior wall of the vagina, the urethra. With the expressed infiltrative growth of the tumor, the extirpation of the uterus and ovaries is performed. In men, in addition to the bladder, it is often necessary to remove the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Considering the massive blood loss during surgery, cystectomy has a number of contraindications.

After the discharge of urine to the anterior abdominal wall or into the intestine, the organ is separated from the peritoneum, the bandaging of bleeding vessels and its removal. Further, electrocoagulation, spinal anesthesia is performed to reduce pain in the first hours after manipulation. It should be noted that between 1 and 2, the surgical procedure should take 4 to 6 weeks.

Recovery after surgery

After cystectomy, rehabilitation can last a long time. This is due not only to physiological changes occurring in the body, but also to the patient's psychological state. In fact, besides the fact that the normal process of urination is disturbed, other functional changes are noted. Restoration of the body does not happen immediately. The first day after surgery, the patient should be in the intensive care unit. This is necessary to monitor vital functions, not to miss the development of bleeding and shock. When a patient is transferred to a general ward, he can already move independently. It is recommended to walk as much as possible, so that the adhesion process does not develop in the small pelvis. In some cases, patients have to take food for a long time with a probe. Nevertheless, with time, the work of the intestine is restored, and the patient begins to eat independently. Urination also gradually comes to normal. However, patients always have to go with a catheter. Therefore, some patients produce another operation - the creation of an artificial bladder. Such manipulation is performed after several months in the absence of contraindications.

Cystectomy of the tooth: stages

The removal of the cyst of the tooth is also called cystectomy. This operation is performed in a dental office. To perform it, a general anesthesia is not needed, only local anesthesia is enough. The exception can be children. Cystectomy of the tooth implies the complete removal of the contents from the cyst shells. The stages of the operation include:

  1. Preparation of the mucosa-periosteal flap with the help of a cut. Then it is exfoliated.
  2. Obtaining bone plate to gain access to the cyst. To do this, several holes are drilled over the formation.
  3. Extraction of the cyst and part of the root of the tooth.
  4. Revision of the cavity formed.
  5. Suturing mucus-periosteal flap.

Most often, the cyst is a congenital malformation of epithelial tissue. Less often, it appears due to long-term inflammatory processes, inadequately performed dental manipulations.

Ovarian cystectomy

Ovarian cystectomy is an operation that is necessary for large cysts that do not respond to conservative therapy. This benign formation is dangerous because it can lead to apoplexy - rupture of the organ. Surgery to remove cysts is carried out both in the open way, and with the help of laparoscopy. The content of the education is sent for a cytological study. If no malignant cells are detected, coagulation and ovarian repair is performed.

Technique for cystectomy of internal organs cysts

Cystectomy of the cysts of other internal organs is carried out in a similar way. To complex operations include the removal of pancreatic, lung, liver. Such interventions are performed by an open surgical method under general anesthesia.

Contraindications for cystectomy

Contraindications to the removal of cystic formations include:

  1. Acute and chronic insufficiency of the heart, kidneys, respiratory organs, which is in the stage of decompensation.
  2. Purulent inflammatory processes in the small pelvis, abdominal and thoracic cavity.
  3. Immersion of the root of the tooth in the cyst by more than a third.
  4. An unsatisfactory result of cytological research. In these cases, other methods of surgical treatment are required.

Doctor's comments about cystectomy

Most doctors of various specialties believe that cystectomy of cysts is considered necessary surgical intervention, as it prevents the development of severe complications (peritonitis, sepsis). Often, this procedure does not pose a health hazard and is performed by laparoscopic means.

Removal of the bladder, according to doctors, is a serious and traumatic operation, accompanied by a risk of complications. Nevertheless, with malignant tumors, it is considered necessary.

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