
The drug "Iodinol". Instructions

The medical preparation "Iodinol", the instruction for use of which acquaints us with this medication, is intended for both internal and external use. In appearance, it is a liquid having a dark blue color.

The drug "Iodinol", the instruction to which characterizes its composition, contains the main active substance - molecular iodine, as well as polyvinyl alcohol. The drug can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of a solution contained in darkened bottles, with a volume of one hundred, two hundred and two hundred and fifty milliliters. The pharmacological industry also produces the drug "Iodinol" in the form of candles and sprays, but these types of this drug are less popular.

The drug "Iodinol", the instruction to which recommends the main area of its use, is used to get rid of burns that are of an infected nature, as well as in the treatment of periodontitis. This drug is recommended for purulent otitis and stomatitis, tonsillitis and fetid headaches, thrush and sore throats, as well as skin lesions having infectious inflammatory foci.

Widely used was the drug "Iodinol" in the treatment of ulcers of varicose and trophic origin. In surgery, this drug is recommended for purulent diseases of various types. With lesions of tertiary syphilis, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis, the drug is prescribed for internal use.

The drug "Iodinol", the instruction to which gives recommendations for dosage, can be recommended for external use in the treatment of purulent wounds and infected burns. This tool treats foci of skin damage by applying a bandage made of gauze pre-soaked with a solution of the drug "Iodinol". Repeated dressings are performed twice a day. When they are carried out, the inner layer of bandage gauze is additionally moistened, which is located directly at the site of skin damage. With the internal use of the medication, an individual approach to each patient is necessary. Dosage should be prescribed according to age and the existing diagnosis.

The drug "Iodinol", the use of which is recommended for children, is used in the treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis. Prescribe it in a volume of three to four drops three times a day. In this case, the form of release is a solution containing five percent of alcohol.

Locally, the drug is used to wash the lacunae of the tonsils. The single dosage is fifty milliliters. During the day, a course consisting of four procedures is conducted, which is repeated after a three-day break.

With various ear ailments, the auditory shells are flushed for three to four weeks. With catarrhal diseases of a different nature, a solution of "Iodinol" is moistened with a nasopharynx thrice a week. This course can last two months.

It is recommended to use medicament for cleansing tonsils in the treatment of angina. Adult patients are prescribed rinsing in courses of ten procedures, repeated every two days. To small patients the dosage is identical, however it is recommended to lubricate the amygdala with a solution of the drug. Repeat the course is possible in three to four months.

Iodinol is recommended for thrush. The drug, diluted one to one with boiled water, is syringing. This procedure is alternated with a tampon impregnated with this drug.

Medication "Iodinol", the instruction to which warns about the manifestation of undesirable effects, sometimes causes irritation of the skin when used externally. If the recommended course is exceeded, tearing, acne, increased salivation and rhinitis are possible. With internal use, allergic reactions are likely, as well as increased excitability, sleep disturbance and tachycardia.

The drug is not prescribed with individual sensitivity to its components, and when taken orally it is contraindicated in patients with adenoma and chronic pyoderma, dermatitis and tuberculosis, nephritis and furunculosis.

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