
The deviation of numerals in the Russian language and some of its features

Numeral - the nominal independent part of speech. It was formed much later than a noun or an adjective, so linguists do not always clearly identify certain words as relating specifically to it. The cause of confusion is some similarity of formal and grammatical features between the name of the numerals and other parts of speech.


Numeral is the significant part of speech, the categorical meaning of which is an integer, the number of objects, the fraction, the order of the account. Thus, whole quantitative numerals - three (houses), five (kopecks), one hundred (friends); Fractional - five sixth (path), one second (glass), three whole eight tenths (percent); Ordinal - the first (lane), the second (turn), the sixth (the cup).

Morphological signs of numerals reflect their grammatical features. Most of the words in this part of the speech do not change by gender and number (about exceptions, say later), and the declination of numerals has a number of characteristics. Many of their case endings go back to case endings of nouns.

As for the syntactic role in the sentence, the numerals can act as the subject, the predicate, the definition, etc. The distinction between the numbers in the categories determines their lexico-grammatical compatibility with the words of other parts of speech.

Features of declination

Declination of numbers, denoting integers, Is determined by several factors.

  • The numeral "one" is declined as adjectives: one is Papa, one Papa, one Papa, one blue;
  • Numeral "two", "three", "four" tend to adjective in the form of plural: three - green, three - green, three - green, etc .;
  • The declension of the numerals from five to twenty is the same as for the nouns of the third declension: five, thirty - the night; Five, thirty - night; Five, thirty - at night, etc .;
  • In the numerals of forty, ninety, one hundred correct are considered two forms of declension: in nominative and accusative cases with zero ending - forty crows and forty nights, in the remaining case forms - with the ending -a: forty liters, about a hundred days, etc .;
  • The numeral "thousand" changes according to the pattern of the nouns of the 1st declination: thousands - aunts, thousands - the aunt, about a thousand - about the aunt;
  • By the type of nouns in the second declination, the declination of the numerals is "million", "billion": one million leopard, one million leopard, one million leopard;
  • If the numeral is complex, then when it declines, all parts change. For example, the declension of quantitative numbers from fifty to eighty is made according to the third declension of nouns: fifty-six by the mother, and fifty-six by the mother;
  • In the complex names of the numerals from two hundred to four hundred, with declination, both parts change: two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred twenty, two hundred and twenty, and so on;
  • For the correct declination of quantitative numbers from five hundred to nine hundred it is always necessary to change the first part on the basis of the nouns of the third declension, and the second forms a proper ending. The deviation of the numerals of this type is as follows: there are no five hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, about five hundred rubles;
  • If the numbers are numerical , then all the words from which they consist are not: one hundred and forty-five people, say one hundred and forty-five people, one hundred and forty-five people, talk about one hundred and forty-five people;
  • Leaning according to their rules and collective numerals: both girls, there are no both girls, go to both girls, talk about both girls; Or five comrades, five comrades, five comrades, five comrades;
  • Ordinal numerals denoting the order of objects when counted, tend according to the pattern of adjectives with a hard and soft base: the first - blue, the first - blue, the first - blue, the first - about the blue; The third one - blue, the third - blue, the third - blue, the third - blue. With such an algorithm, the decline of ordinal numbers is easy to remember;
  • The fractional names of numerals in their declination combine the characteristics of the declination of whole quantitative and ordinal numerals.

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