CareerCareer Management

The conductor of a passenger car is a very important profession

Each car is a separate state. And the conductor of the passenger car - if not the president, then at least the prime minister of this country, which controls all the processes taking place on its territory. Few people think about what kind of requirements are put forward to potential candidates for this position, and what needs to be studied in the process of theoretical preparation for this work. We will try to understand all this.

On the door of his compartment, the conductor must necessarily post a special plate on which his surname, name and patronymic are indicated. The internal premises of the rolling stock during the movement must be maintained in proper cleanliness and order. The conductor of a passenger car performs a wet cleaning twice a day . To the toilet even more stringent requirements are put forward: he must clean it four times in the same time.

In regular trains, passengers must receive hot drinks (coffee or tea) three times a day at the declared cost. If desired, various confectionery products are also provided. If the train is firm, then such requirements must be satisfied around the clock. In the process of serving tea, the conductor of the passenger car should be dressed in a white apron or jacket. Must be in the car boiled chilled water. If necessary, you need to provide bedding for passengers for a fee. If necessary, at the request of the passenger, they should be replaced at an additional cost.

During boarding, the conductor must collect tickets from passengers and tear them up so that the various composting signs that are affixed to it are not violated. He can return them only before disembarkation. If it is a document of a transit passenger who wishes to make a stop and the validity of the ticket must be extended, it can not be torn. In the event of the loss of such a travel document, the conductor of the passenger car is obliged to call either the chief of the rolling stock or the foreman. Then an act is drawn up for the loss of the ticket. At the next station, parking for which exceeds 10 minutes, a duplicate must be issued, on which the following inscription will be printed: "Instead of the lost one".

During the daytime, the conductor is obliged to announce the stations at which the train will stop and the duration of the stop. He must also report on the sanitary zone. At night, this is done only at the request of the passenger or if necessary. According to a document such as the instruction of the conductor of a passenger car, the conductor must maintain the temperature of the air not lower than +18 degrees Celsius on the whole route. For this purpose the train is equipped with a special boiler, which operates on solid fuel. If the temperature drops below the allowable limit, the conductor should add coal.

This is not a complete list of what such a specialist should do. But all this is the responsibility of the conductor of the passenger car. As can be seen from all of the above, it becomes clear that this is not so simple a profession as it seems at first glance. If you add a fairly tight schedule and the need for it at night, then not everyone can do it. Before choosing this profession, it is necessary to weigh everything several times thoroughly and only then to make the final choice.

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