
The best hair color is the one that suits you!

Women always strive for excellence. Each of them wants to look unique, be individual and, undoubtedly, follow fashion. Of course, a great role in creating an image is played by a high-quality make-up, a successfully chosen style in clothes. But the fact that in any situation distinguishes a well-groomed woman is beautiful hair. To let go of your head of hair is by no means impossible, it is better not to buy an extra pair of shoes, and spend money on quality shampoos, masks and, undoubtedly, hair dye. Of course, not all women color their curls, but still most of them.

What is the best hair color? And anyway, what is quality paint? Such questions are asked by women, coming to the cosmetic store. The modern beauty industry offers a lot of options. These are paints with various additives of vegetable and artificial origin. Before making a choice, it is necessary to understand what types of hair colors are available.

Unstable paints

These colors include those in which there is no ammonia. They otherwise are called - bezammiachnye. This way of coloring is considered more sparing, and for someone the best hair color is just that. The coloring pigment remains only on the surface of the hair, not penetrating deeply inside and not changing its structure. In this case, you can not achieve a radical change in hair color. And even if the advertisement promises to women with dark hair that they will become blondes after staining with bezammia paint, then this is a myth. Lightening can only be more resistant, that is, the best paint for lightening hair. The non-dyed paint is quickly washed off, especially if you use dandruff shampoo with various additives. And one more nuance: such paints badly paint over the gray hair, not more than twenty percent. Non-stain colors are good for those who want to emphasize their natural color, make their hair more shiny and bright.

Semi-resistant paints

Such colors contain ammonia, but its quantity is small. When staining, the pigment penetrates even deeper layers of the hair. Manufacturers guarantee a complete shading of gray hair. But also it is worth remembering that everything depends on the structure of the hair. If the hair is dense and hard, even the best hair dye will not penetrate well into all its layers and stay there for a short time. In this case, it will be much quicker to wash off the gray hair . If a woman has this method of coloring, she gets the color she aspires, then this is a very good option, since there is no need to dye your hair too often, as in the case of using unstable paint. Thanks to the use of semi-permanent paints, you can preserve the health of your hair.

Persistent paints

In this case, opinions are divided. Someone thinks that the best hair dye is persistent because it paints the hair qualitatively and for a long time, and someone, on the contrary, is opposed to this method of staining because strands are damaged. Indeed, persistent paints contain a large amount of ammonia and oxidizer, so that the paint is not washed away for a long time, and the gray hair is painted 100%. The natural pigment is replaced by artificial pigment, if it is a clarifying paint, the pigment disappears in principle. Resistant paint allows you to paint much less often, but the roots grow. To hair do not look sloppy, they need to be painted on a monthly basis. It is better to pay attention to those paints, to which are attached good grooming products after staining. Most often these are balms or masks that soften the hair. Do not be afraid of persistent paints. If the hair is properly maintained, nothing terrible will happen.

Of course, it is best before you buy this or that paint, consult a specialist who will assess the condition of your hair, tell you what color and composition of paint to choose. And the best hair color is the one that is perfect for you.

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