HealthDiseases and Conditions

Systemic lupus erythematosus. Symptoms and Diagnosis

Being a very serious disease, systemic lupus erythematosus symptoms can manifest in different ways. Often people at first do not pay attention to pain, problems with immunity. This is the danger of the disease. There is a certain category of people who are at risk and can get SLE. What is the symptomatology and diagnosis of this disease?

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Symptoms we will consider later. From the beginning it is necessary to understand, to whom and how this disease operates. SLE is an autoimmune disease that provokes inflammatory processes. This happens when immunity begins to perceive cells of their own organism as hostile and attacks them. Because of this reaction of immunity, the organism undergoes severe organ damage. This name was caused by the main symptom - large red foci, which resemble a wolf bite.

In the at-risk group, women are in the greatest degree from twenty to forty. And more often this disease is found in black patients, but least of all in whites. In this case, in principle, everyone can get sick. SLE usually occurs in a chronic form and requires a long and difficult treatment. Periodically, there may be exacerbations. In such cases, prolonged anti-inflammatory therapy is performed.

Causes of development

Despite the advancement of modern techniques and research methods, the reasons why a systemic lupus erythematosus occurs in one or another person, the symptoms of which in most cases do not manifest themselves immediately, have not yet been elucidated. At the heart of the disease is a chronic autoimmune process, an inflammation that causes the immune system to develop antibodies to its DNA. So, there is a destruction of cells of connective tissues not only of the skin, but of whole organs and systems. That is why SLE is manifested by a multitude of symptoms. Doctors, even knowing the whole clinical picture, often think about this disease in the last place. Therefore, you should know how systemic lupus erythematosus is manifested.


It begins with the defeat of one or several organs at once. From this moment, primary symptoms appear in the form of pains in the joints and muscles, swelling that can be associated with arthritis, a rash on the bridge of the nose and cheeks in the form of a "butterfly." It will be red persistent stains, plaques that can also appear on the scalp. Hair loss occurs in several foci. On the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, ulcers appear. Patients feel skin sensitivity to light. Further, depressive conditions, psychoses, anxiety, accompanied by decreased vision, nausea and diarrhea may occur. One of the most frequent complaints of patients - fever, headaches, weakness and fatigue. If there is a suspicion of such a disease - you should immediately contact a specialist. Folk remedies do not treat systemic lupus erythematosus.

Laboratory diagnostics

To begin with, the doctor performs a detailed examination and questioning the patient. Then special diagnostic procedures are appointed based on the symptoms. Mandatory blood tests for antibodies antinuclear and DNA will be prescribed. Blood biochemistry and urinalysis are being studied. So is the systemic lupus erythematosus. Analyzes in this case will have to be repeated several times in order to track the course of the disease and its dynamics.

Actions of the patient

If symptoms of this nature are found, one or the other person should immediately contact a therapist who confirms or refutes the diagnosis. If systemic lupus erythematosus, the symptoms of which you already know, is confirmed, you need to carefully monitor your health.

SLE and pregnancy

Patients who are pregnant or just about to become pregnant should consult with a doctor in advance. This disease has its own peculiarities of course both during pregnancy and during childbirth. This disease is not a verdict at all. Although it is not completely cured, it can be transferred to the stage of remission. With the right and responsible approach to treatment, a patient can normally and without complications endure and give birth to a child.

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