HealthDiseases and Conditions

Subcutaneous Wen

As the name goes, subcutaneous adipose is a kind of accumulation of fat under the skin. However, everything is not so simple, in fact they are a benign tumor formed from adipose tissue. Weners are usually quite mobile and soft, even with small sizes they are easy to feel under the skin. If a person develops a lot of adipocytes, this disease is called lipomatosis.

Wen under the skin can form anywhere where there is fat tissue - on the head or neck, back or chest. As practice shows, the subcutaneous adiposity on the face is most often found in men, while in women they are, as a rule, on the body. It should be noted that lipomas can also appear inside any organ (stomach, breast or even bone). The sizes of subcutaneous fatty acids are very different - from tiny as a pea to the size of a baby's head. When the wen only appears, it has small dimensions, but it grows with time. Its growth does not depend on the state of human health or its weight. Subcutaneous adipose tissue appears even in very thin people. When enlarged, the wen may begin to sag, and its base stretch, forming a leg. With the formation of such a lime, tissue necrosis and stagnation of blood can begin, which is dangerous. No changes in the structure and color of the skin occur when forming the wen. Exceptions are cases of infection (then the skin turns red).

Lipid removal occurs both for purely aesthetic reasons, and according to the doctor's indications. Naturally, very few people like zhiroviki on the chin, cheek or any open part of the body, especially since they grow to very large sizes. In addition, zhiroviki are very painful and sometimes (although in very rare cases and, as a rule, adipes of internal organs) can develop into a malignant tumor. The smaller the wen, the simpler and more effective the procedure for removing it and the greater the chances that it will appear again at the same place. Therefore, when a lipoma occurs, it is not worthwhile to delay a visit to a doctor.

The causes of subcutaneous adiposity

Most often subcutaneous adipose appears in women from 30 to 50 years. Much less often they are in men. They arise when the opening of the duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged, but why this happens, science is still unknown, there are only hypotheses.


In official medicine, there are two methods of lipid treatment. The first is used in the case when the wen is small (up to 3 cm). In this case, it can introduce a medicine that promotes resorption. However, the effect of such treatment becomes noticeable not earlier than in 2 months.

If the lipoma is more than 3 cm, then it is removed surgically. For this, an operation is performed under general anesthesia, or with a laser under the local one.

Traditional remedies for treatment of adipocytes

1. Nettle tincture. It is used for resorption of small fatty acids located on the limbs. To prepare the tincture, you need to tear the nettle from the root, thoroughly wash it, dry it and finely chop it. Then it must be densely packed into a glass jar and poured with alcohol (75% strength). The bank should be tightly closed and 22 days insist in a dark cool place.

The resulting tincture should be used as a compress, wrapping the sore spot with a warm cloth.

2. Mask of salt, sour cream and honey. To make it work more effectively, you must first go to a sauna or a sauna (ie warm up), and then apply a mask of honey, salt and sour cream, taken in equal parts. The mask should be kept for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure should be every 1-2 days.

3. Compress of leaves of calligraphy fragrant (more commonly known as the Golden Sword). He is put on a wen, covered with polyethylene and on top with a cloth. It should be worn for 12 hours.

4. Purity. A drop of juice of this plant should be applied to the wen, as a result of which a small hole is formed in it. Then on it you need to put Vishnevsky ointment or an aloe leaf to draw the contents.

5. Eat 1.5 tablespoons of cinnamon every day.

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