HomelinessPest Control

How to get rid of mosquitoes folk and modern methods?

The issue of protection from annoying small mosquitoes arises in people every summer season, when hordes of harmful insects are born and are looking for a favorable moment in order to drink blood from everyone who got in their way. How to get rid of mosquitoes, and also reliably protect yourself from their penetration into your home? It turns out that there are a lot of reliable ways to counter small predators, thanks to which they can be effectively combated.

It is important to understand that mosquitoes react very sensitively to smells, due to which they find themselves a potential victim. Especially attractive for small "vampires" is the smell of sweat, on which they fly together swarms, catching it at a distance of up to 30 meters. To understand how to get rid of mosquitoes, you should know their habits and habitats in order to choose places that are as far away as possible from their habitat. That is why all tourists who go to the mountains with an overnight stay should carefully choose the place to stay, avoiding wet and wetlands.

So, all methods of fighting mosquitoes and mosquitoes are divided into folk that existed from time immemorial and were used by our ancestors, as well as modern ones, which became available today thanks to the achievements of scientific and technical progress. That's what they did in the old days to ensure themselves peace of mind at night:

  1. Method. Annoying insects can not stand the smells of fresh leaves of walnut, basil, elder branches and cherry flowers. In addition, various spicy herbs with a sharp and specific odor are also very effective in fighting mosquitoes. This includes mint, cloves, anise, lavender, eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree and so on. A few twigs of these herbs, laid out on the windowsill in the room, will firmly close their access to your house.
  2. Method. In pharmacies, you can buy extracts from herbs listed in the first method. Applying a few drops of herbal mixtures to open areas of the body, you can forget about mosquitoes for the night.
  3. Method. In this respect, the finely chopped roots of wheatgrass, which have been flooded with water and boiled several times, can effectively help. Having washed for the night with such decoction, you can not be afraid of the attack of small predators.
  4. Method. If you think how to get rid of mosquitoes with improvised means, then here is best to use camphor or ammonia, which is in every house. Before the appearance of fumigators, they often acted like this: a camphor alcohol was poured onto a hot frying pan and in this way "fumigated" the bedrooms in the house.
  5. Method. In pharmacies, you can buy carbolic acid, which is coated as a body and face, and soaked cloth, which should be hung next to the bed. This method is especially often used in the campaign and fishing.

At present, the question of how to protect themselves from mosquitoes is not difficult, since in addition to traditional methods, fumigators that have proved themselves on the positive side were widely used. However, one should be extremely careful here, since the chemical compositions of these components are often not safe, therefore it is better not to use them in children's rooms. In the morning, the room in which the fumigator from mosquitoes was used should be ventilated, since completely harmless devices are extremely small and are not expensive.

The latest innovation on the market is ultrasound pest control, which has become very popular among the population. Here, too, should be attentive, since ultrasound affects not only insects and animals, but also humans, that's why everyone decides here on his own whether it's suitable for him or not.

Thus, we found out how to get rid of mosquitoes in various ways so that you could sleep at night and not be afraid for that unpleasant insects will wake you up. Also, remember that a mosquito net can protect your apartment from mosquito penetration, however, over time it needs to be replaced, because it is short-lived.

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