
Stimulant rooting: tips gardeners

Stimulants rooting in recent years are gaining increasing popularity among gardeners and truck farmers. With the help of preparations of this group, it is possible to considerably facilitate the care of plants, increase the percentage of survival of cuttings and seedlings of fruit, ornamental and berry crops. Very useful can be stimulants also for vegetables and bulbous. In the modern market, there are several varieties of such drugs.

Types of stimulants

Used by gardeners and truck farmers today are three main varieties of such means: humates, phytohormones and natural substances. Preparations of the first group are a concentrate of nutrients necessary for plants. In fact, this is an ordinary extract from humus, improved by various kinds of additives.

Phytohormones are also mostly natural natural remedies. Their composition can be judged by name. The basis of such drugs is a concentrate of hormones, contained in natural conditions in the plants themselves and responsible for the active development of the latter.

According to the conditions of use, all purchased stimulants are divided into universal and intended for these specific plants. Of course, among the gardeners the most popular means are the first group. Care of plants can be carried out with the use of different root stimulants. In this respect, the preparations are single-component or complex.

Stimulants can be produced in different forms. In specialized stores "Goods for the garden" sold this group of products in liquid form, powdered, in tablets or capsules.

Of course, the root stimulants are not always used by gardeners. The natural resources of this group are also very popular among the owners of suburban areas. To those include primarily solutions of yeast, honey, egg protein. Also, to encourage the development of the root system of garden and garden crops, many gardeners are advised to use infusions of willow, wood ash, aloe juice, etc.

What are the

Root stimulants can be used for:

  • Improving the survival of the root system in the transplantation of garden crops and enhancing its growth;

  • Improvement of survival of cuttings;

  • Increase the number of children bulbous;

  • General strengthening of cultures.

An indirect effect from the use of such a tool as a root stimulant may be:

  • Increase in the green mass of vegetable, berry and ornamental crops;

  • Improvement of the status of infected plants;

  • Rejuvenation of old fruit trees and berry bushes and acceleration of development of young.

Very good at using such means, and seedling in the home. Some preparations of this variety are also often used for soaking seeds in order to increase the percentage of their germination.

The most popular varieties

In most cases, experienced gardeners are advised to use to stimulate the development of the root system of plants such drugs as:

  • "Heteroauxin".

  • "Kornevin".

  • "Kornerost".

Also popular among vegetable farmers means of this variety is "Vympel". A very effective growth stimulator for seedlings, according to many gardeners, is "Epin". This universal tool is able to activate the development of all parts of plants, including their roots.

The drug "Heteroauxin": tips for gardeners on the use of

In addition to the actual stimulation of the root system of seedlings, vegetable crops and cuttings, summer residents are advised to use this effective preparation for:

  • Increase in the percentage of seedlings;

  • Improving the survival of rootstocks and graft during vaccination;

  • Increase the germination of seeds and bulbs;

Indirect effect from the use of this popular drug, according to many gardeners, can be the stimulation of flowering plants and a decrease in the number of fallen ovaries.

Instructions for the use of the product "Heteroauxin", the price of which is very low (about 35 rubles for 2 tablets of 2 g), is extremely simple. So, for example, cuttings of plants before planting are kept in the solution of the preparation (2 tons per 10 liters of water) for 16 hours. Stimulate the development of the root system of fruit crops with the use of this tool can be directly during the warm season. To do this, plants are watered with a solution, also prepared by mixing two "Heteroauxin" tablets in 10 liters of water. One 10 l of this solution should be used per tree.

Bulbs of ornamental and garden crops are kept in solution (1 tablet per 1 liter) during the day.

Application of "Heteroauxin" for seedlings and vegetable crops

For the treatment of seeds, this drug is used by summer residents rarely. The root stimulant "Heteroauxin" is mainly used only before transplanting the seedlings into the open ground. For a better survival, the roots of young plants are kept in a solution prepared from two tablets of "Heteroauxin" and 10 liters of water for 18-20 hours. Remains of the drug experienced gardeners are advised to pour out on the garden with the planted seedlings. To distribute them evenly, they can first be diluted in the required amount of water.

A week after the planting of vegetable seedlings, their root system will need to be supported additionally. To do this, 10 tablets of water are diluted with 5 tablets of "Heteroauxin". Irrigation of beds is carried out at the rate of 2 liters per 1 m 2 .

"Kornevin": councils of summer residents on application

What else drugs designed to stimulate root growth are used by gardeners other than the tablets "Heteroauxin"? The price for the latter, as already mentioned, is small. A little cheaper than this stimulant is the drug "Kornevin" (28-30 rubles for 4 g). This phytohormonal preparation not only has a beneficial effect on the root system of crops, but also improves the germination of seeds, reduces the harmful effects on plants of high humidity and low temperatures, stimulates the growth of green mass.

In fact, this rooting stimulant is somewhat cheaper analogue of the drug "Heteroauxin". The difference is only in its increased toxicity. Sold in specialized stores "Kornevin" can both in tablets and in liquid form. The principle of this stimulator is quite simple. One of the main substances included in its composition is indolyl-butyric acid. This substance causes a slight irritation of the upper tissues of plants, which leads to the formation of callus. From the latter in the future and develop roots.

Many gardeners are advised to use "Kornevin" primarily for cuttings of plants that are characterized by poor survival (conifers, pears). The sprigs selected for reproduction are pre-soaked in the preparation for about 6 hours. After that, they are dusted with a remedy and planted in the ground.

For bulbous, according to most gardeners, this plant growth enhancer is also very suitable. Planting material gladioli to improve germination, for example, well soak in a solution of "Kornevin" for 20 hours (5 g of powder for 5 liters of water). This will also promote a better growth of flowers in the future and the formation of a large number of children.

As for the root system of seedlings of shrubs and fruit trees, it is not necessary to soak it in the preparation. Most gardeners advise simply to spill the prepared mortar with the stock circle immediately after planting. Further the ground needs to be covered.

Use of "Kornevin" for seedlings

For young plants, this agent also fits very well. When carrying seedlings in the open ground, its roots are simply powdered with powder "Kornevin". Some gardeners are also advised in this procedure to mix the preparation with an equal amount of ground charcoal or even some fungicide (10x1).

You can use "Kornevin" and when growing the seedlings themselves - for irrigation. In this case, a 1% solution is prepared. Very well developed seedlings at home will be when watering with such a composition in the amount of 50-60 ml per plant.

Councils of summer residents on the use of means "Kornerost"

The main active ingredient of this drug is indolyl-3 acetic acid. Use "Kornerost", the instructions for use of which is also simple, it can be absolutely for any agricultural and vegetable crops. In addition to watering for the purpose of better rooting, summer residents are advised to apply it for:

  • Improving crop growth;

  • Increase the chances of root and scion growth;

  • Increase the number of children on the bulbs.

This popular drug, among other things, is also a very good growth stimulator for seedlings. Its use primarily contributes to the strengthening of plants, as well as the rapid development of their roots and green mass. To ensure that the seedlings are well established during transport to the open ground, its roots are dipped in a solution of 0.05 g of the preparation per 10 liters of water. For the treatment of seedlings, apply 0.2 g of this product.

Use of the drug Vympel

This tool is used mainly by large and medium-sized farmers to stimulate the growth of crops. However, sometimes "Vympel" also offers specialized stores "Goods for the garden" truck farmers. In addition to strengthening the root system, this drug is able to accelerate the processes of photosynthesis and crop growth. Also, "Vympel" improves the quality of sugars in plant tissues, dehydrates and destroys fungi and bacteria, maintains a balance of humus accumulation, increases the resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental factors. In addition to improving the quality of vegetables, fruits and berries, this tool significantly reduces yield losses as a result of drought and increases fertilizer use efficiency by 20-30%.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, it is possible to apply the growth stimulator "Vympel" for any garden crops at any time of the year. However, in order to activate the development of cucumbers and root vegetables, summer residents are advised to use it in the phase of 3-5 leaves, for onions and cabbage - at the beginning of budding. The treatment is carried out with a solution prepared by dissolving 10-15 g of the agent in 10 liters of water. In most cases, this amount is enough for spraying 2 acres of landings.

The drug "Epin"

The main advantage of this phytohormone means gardeners consider a mild effect on plants. "Epin" - the only stimulant of growth and root formation in the modern Russian market, produced on the basis of a synthetic steroid. It represents an artificial hormone epibrassinolide. Breeding "Epin" is laid only in very pure boiled water, without any admixture of fertilizers. Some gardeners are advised to add a little lemon juice or acid to the solution.

Today, there is a huge number of counterfeits of the drug "Epin" on the market. The original remedy can be recognized by the characteristic smell of alcohol and the formation of a foam solution on the surface.

Tips gardeners on the use of the drug "Epin"

It is best to use this stimulant, in the opinion of truck farmers, for:

  • Spraying of plants during picking;

  • Soaking seeds;

  • Spraying during rooting of seedlings;

  • Maintenance of plant immunity.

Process the "Epin" plant three times per season. You can do this at any convenient time. But the greatest effect from its application is observed in the event that spraying was carried out before or after flowering. It is at this time in the tissues of garden and garden crops, the greatest amount of hormones.

Application of the means for seedlings

When sowing vegetable crops in early spring boxes, gardeners in most cases use the growth stimulator "Epin". Seeds of gardening are advised to soak for 4-5 hours in water, which is added 2-3 drops of this drug. Also, according to many summer residents, it is very useful to spray the seedlings with a solution a day before its transplantation into the open ground (5-6 drops per 0.5 liters of water) to support the roots.

Tips gardeners on the use of natural compounds

From home remedies to support and develop the root system of garden and garden crops, dads are usually advised to use yeast and honey. It is believed that the first product can be very useful, for example, for cuttings. That twigs better took root, they soak them in diluted yeast (100 g per 1 liter of water) per day.

A honey solution can also be used as a root stimulant for the propagation of garden and ornamental trees and shrubs. For the treatment of twigs, a solution prepared from 1 tsp is used. This product and 1.5 liters of water. This amount of home stimulant can be enough for several dozen cuttings.

Security measures

Like any other substances, plant growth stimulators are distributed according to the degree of danger to the human body and animals. Means "Epin" in this regard refers to the 4 th class, the remaining three drugs - to the third. That is, stimulants for plants "Kornevin", "Kornerost" and "Heteroauxin" are quite dangerous for humans. Therefore, when working with them, you should follow certain measures to prevent harmful effects on the body.

Prepare a solution of these stimulants in rubber gloves. Clothing at the same time should be worn, specially designed for processing operations. It is also advisable to use a mask that protects the respiratory tract.

Spraying with such drugs should be done in the direction of the wind in the morning or in the evening. After completion of the treatment, hands and containers should be rinsed under running water.

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