
Drops from the cold "Polidexa" for children: reviews. "Polidex" with phenylephrine to children: application

When a child does not breathe a nose, the baby becomes irritable and moody. Many parents know that not all medicines are suitable for babies in rhinitis. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the pediatrician. More and more specialists give preference to drops from the rhinitis of Polidex. Below is a detailed description of this medicine.

Packaging, form of production and composition

The drug can be presented as a drop or spray. The clear liquid is in a plastic vial. The main active component of the drug Polidex is neomycin sulfate. Additionally, substances such as polymyxin B sulfate, phenylephrine hydrochloride, dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate, lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, citric acid and purified water are used.

It is very convenient to spray a spray of Polidex in the nose to children. Parents' reviews show that the medicine package is reliable and convenient to use. A child older than 5 years can use the medication independently. To take medicine, there is no need to go to bed. Spray can be used anywhere. Drops are not so convenient. In order for the active substance to enter the nasal passage, it is necessary to assume a reclining position.


An excellent anti-inflammatory effect is the "Polidexa" spray for children. The reviews show that you can get rid of the cold in just a few days. The main thing is to start treatment in time. The medication is prescribed for adults and children with various sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis and rhinitis. Medication can be used in the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of the disease. In case of allergic rhinitis, the preparation of Polidex can also be used as an auxiliary. But in this case the medicine only removes an unpleasant symptom, but does not get rid of the problem. First of all, you need to eliminate the cause of the allergy.

They have a combined action of a drop from the rhinitis of Polidex. Reviews of doctors and patients can only be heard positive. Experts argue that the drug not only stops the inflammatory process, but also narrows the vessels. The patient already feels better in the process of treatment due to the normalization of nasal breathing.

The drug Polidex also has light antibacterial properties. This means that the drug can be prescribed for simple forms of sinusitis. The development of a bacterial infection can be stopped at an early stage, if the therapy is started in time.


Like any other medicament of synthetic origin, the drops of Polidex have their contraindications. Do not prescribe medication to pregnant and lactating women. There are also some restrictions for children. Use the tool can only be with 2.5 years. In any case, it is better for parents to consult a pediatrician.

Do not prescribe the drug "Polidex" to patients who have a suspicion of glaucoma. Before applying the medication, the patient must undergo a thorough examination. Caution should be used for people with kidney failure. It is forbidden to apply drops simultaneously with MAO inhibitors.

special instructions

The medicine can not be used to wash the sinuses of the nose. People with hypertension, before starting therapy with the help of "Polidex", it is worth consulting with a doctor. It is not recommended to use drops to treat colds to athletes during the competition. The problem is that the drug Polidex contains components that can affect the results of doping control.

If kidney diseases are accompanied by albuminuria, the drug "Polidex" is better to cancel. There may be side effects that are life-threatening to the patient.

In childhood, the drug can be used. But self-medication is not worth it. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will determine the exact dosage of the drug and build a treatment regimen in accordance with the form of the disease, age, and also the individual characteristics of the patient.


Caution should be taken "Polidex" (nasal spray) for children. The doctors' comments show that side effects occur only when the parents do not adhere to the dosages recommended by the pediatrician. Children under 15 years are prescribed no more than 1 injection of the medication once a day. For adults, the dosage can be slightly increased. The maximum daily norm is 3 injections in each nasal passage 3 times a day.

The drug has a low degree of absorption. In this regard, there can be no overdose. In rare cases, only increased sensitivity to individual components. If any adverse reactions occur, consult a physician. You may need to adjust the dose or complete withdrawal of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

The medication contains phenylephrine. It is this substance that is responsible for the drug interaction. With caution should take medications based on guanethidine. This element enhances the hypertensive effect of phenylephrine. It is desirable to avoid such combinations. This is especially important if you need to apply "Polidex" (spray) to children. Experts' reviews show that the combination of guanethidine and phenylephrine can lead to such side effects as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

It is also forbidden to use MAO inhibitors simultaneously with Polidex. With caution, it is worth taking medication to people who can not normally exist without medication (patients with diabetes mellitus, intolerance to protein, etc.). It is worth consulting with your doctor before you spray the Polidex spray into your nose. Pills can develop primarily in people who are prone to allergic reactions.

Adverse Reactions

Most often manifested in the form of allergies. The patient may develop a skin rash and itching. Less often there are failures on the part of the digestive system, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea and diarrhea. If any side effects occur, consult a doctor. Perhaps the drug is simply taken in the wrong dosage. Often, side effects can be caused by interaction with other medications.

Rarely unpleasant events are observed if the nose is doused with the drug Polidex (with phenylephrine) to children. Parents' reviews show that the medicine is tolerated by the kids from an early age. It is very important to adhere to the correct dosage. In rare cases, dryness and burning in the nose may occur . But such symptoms pass quickly and do not require withdrawal of the drug.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies according to a prescription. Therefore, it is not necessary to store it for a long time. Most often, one bottle is enough to cure the disease. Despite this, it is worth knowing how to properly store the "Polidex" tool.

For children (feedback moms restless - an additional proof of that), there are no barriers in terms of curiosity. Therefore, medicines, including the medicine we are considering, should be removed away from the babies. Drops though are safe, but they should be used for their intended purpose. And childish curiosity is an extra risk. Well, with safety technology over, go further.

The medicine perfectly retains its properties at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Keep the medicine in a dry, dark place.

Both the spray and the drops can be stored for 3 years from the date of release. This means that the medicine should not be discarded immediately after the expiry date. The "Polidex" remedy for children may be useful in the future. The doctors' comments show that it is often necessary to prescribe this medicine to small patients.

It is best to store the drug in the refrigerator.

Where can I buy?

The medicine though is released under the prescription, but it is possible to get it practically in any drugstore. The cost of drops (10 ml) is about 180 rubles. A little more expensive is a medication issued in another form. In this case, you can hear completely different opinions about the spray "Polidex" for children. The price for many parents seems to be quite high (250-300 rubles). You can save money if you order a medicine in real time.

Almost always there is a drop or a spray of Polidex for children in pharmacies at hospitals. Patients' reviews show that the cost of the drug at such points is often an order of magnitude lower.

Are there analogues?

What if there was not a necessary drug in the pharmacy? You can choose a suitable analog. The drug "Polidex" can be replaced with a medicine such as "Maxitrol". The drug can also be presented as a spray or a drop. It can be taken in childhood, but it is definitely worth consulting with a pediatrician.

Drops "Maxitrol" have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. This drug, like the "Polidex" for children, reviews are varied. In most cases, the drug has a positive effect in the first days of the disease. Negative reactions of the body can be caused only by individual intolerance of individual components or by incorrect dosage.

What should I remember?

Drops of "Polidex" have a vasoconstrictive effect. Such drugs can cause addiction to the body. Therefore, use the drug strictly according to the rules. Overdose can lead to the development of drug rhinitis. This means that the drops will not be able to have the desired effect.

Parents should read about the drug "Polidex" reviews. For children (the instruction confirms this) this medicine is ideal. But is it really all right? Comments of parents who used a medicine to treat babies can be found different. Specialists also note that good results can be observed only if the correct dosage is observed.

To cure a runny nose in children with the help of medications alone is unrealistic. Ancillary procedures are necessary. Not bad warming has recommended itself. But resort to this method is possible only if the child has no fever and there is no purulent infection. Quickly restore the nasal breathing will also help inhalation with medicinal herbs. For this purpose it is better to purchase a nebulizer.

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