
Processing of footwear from a fungus: preparations and methods

Fungus legs refers to diseases of an infectious nature that are transferred from a sick person to a healthy one. The disease carries unpleasant sensations, can be transmitted to the rest of the family. According to statistical data, about one third of the world's population are infected with one of the fungus species.

The disease requires careful treatment, but sometimes one medicine is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene and disinfect footwear. This is necessary to prevent the recurrence of the disease. What means and sprays for processing shoes from the fungus can be applied?

What should be treated with a fungus?

For fungi, the main habitat is wet spaces. Therefore, infection occurs most often in swimming pools, baths, saunas, etc. Spores of the fungus may be for a long time:

  • On the bathroom floor;
  • On carpeting;
  • In bed linen;
  • In hosiery stockings;
  • In the bathtub itself;
  • On personal care items;
  • On shoes.

Particular attention should be paid to the processing of all these items, since the remaining disputes may lead to a repeated infection of the person or his family members.

Disinfection of personal hygiene products in fungus

The main condition for the successful treatment of foot fungus is a daily shift, washing and proper treatment of the socks. To do this, you can use the following method:

  • Soak in the water, which added "Chlorhexidine", vinegar or hydrogen peroxide;
  • To wash with household or tar soap;
  • Hold boiling in soapy water for 20 minutes.

You can change the process: first soak, then boil and then wash with soap. After drying, the socks should be ironed. In the machine wash at this time is not recommended. After recovery, these socks should not be used, but simply get rid of them. All hosiery from a synthetic cloth immediately after the socks is thrown away, because they are not subject to high temperature processing.

In the foot fungus, personal hygiene items are used, such as:

  • pumice;
  • Nail file;
  • nail scissors.

They must be disinfected, because they can retain fungal spores. After all, these items can be used by family members, which will lead to infection with their disease. After each use, all scissors and nail files should be treated with alcohol solution. Pumice and wool are disinfected with a soap solution.

After recovery, special attention should be paid to the carpets with which the patient was contacted. To do this, it is better to take them for treatment in dry cleaning. After it carpeting can be disinfected with "Chlorhexidine" or a special spray. All bed linen is necessarily washed, boiled and ironed. Tile on the bathroom floor is washed and treated with a disinfectant solution.

Why use footwear?

The process of treating the foot fungus is to destroy the factors that caused its appearance. The main task is to prevent the development of pathology, and not just to reduce the symptoms of the disease. The main attention is paid to the control of the pathogen.

In the shoes and socks of a sick person, there may be particles of skin in which the infection persists. If you do not deal with their treatment, the fungus can resume its negative impact. What kind of treatment of shoes from the fungus exists?

Handling of wardrobe items is considered a necessary process, which helps to get rid of pathology completely.

A person who encounters a similar problem should have in his arsenal of means that help to effectively process shoes. The available devices can destroy the fungus and its spores.

Basic directions of footwear processing

Why conduct the treatment of shoes from the fungus? The most favorable environment for reproduction of the fungus is dark and damp places, which are enough in closed shoes. This is what can cause increased distribution of mycelium. He is afraid of light and sunlight. Another factor of the presence of fungus in the shoe is the presence in it of dead skin cells. Therefore, all means of combating the fungus are aimed at eliminating factors that are favorable for it. Simultaneously with their application it is necessary to carry out the actions directed on care of footwear:

  • Constantly dry shoes and insoles;
  • Dry the inner part of shoes under the sun's rays;
  • Carry out periodic treatment with means aimed at combating the fungus.

Winter shoes should be purchased with natural fur and sewn in such a way that you can quickly get inside.

How to properly process shoes?

What is the sequence when processing shoes from fungus? When disinfecting shoes, the correct sequence should be observed:

  • Before processing, wear protective equipment to protect yourself from getting the product on your skin;
  • Before the process, the shoe is washed from dirt and dust;
  • Everything is left in the sun to dry;
  • Using a cotton pad, which is processed in the tool, a disinfectant solution is applied to the inside of the shoe;
  • In her socks put the same disc to achieve the desired effect;
  • After processing, wardrobe items are packed in packages, tied tightly and placed in a warm place, if you use a device for processing shoes from the fungus, it should be put inside and connected to the network.

Drugs for the treatment of shoes

Medicines should include: Miramistin (Chlorhexidine) and Mikostop spray.

Treatment of shoes from the fungus "Chlorhexidine" is carried out to destroy the fungus on items of the wardrobe. It is not dangerous to health and has no smell, it is convenient to apply it. In case of contact with the mucous membrane, rinse with water. To disinfect shoes, the drug is applied to a tampon and processed inside. Then put cotton wool discs with "Chlokgexidin" and pack them in bags for a day. After a specified time, they take out and dry in the sun.

Spray "Mikostop" can be used not only to combat fungus, but also as a disinfectant for shoes. On sprayed surfaces, spray the spray and leave for several hours. Shoes should not be packaged in a package, therefore it is not subject to airing either. The spray removes the unpleasant odor that occurs when the foot is sick, but it does not smell anything. To process footwear it is necessary together with treatment to reach the greatest effect.

Folk methods used to disinfect footwear

Items of the wardrobe can be cleaned with folk remedies:

  • Processing shoes from vinegar fungus. In connection with the influence of the product on the skin of the hands before the start of disinfection, it is better to wear gloves. Shoe processing is carried out similarly to medicinal preparations with a cotton swab. Disinfection should be internal, external surface and insoles. The danger of vinegar is the possible damage to the shoes from the skin, so they rarely treat them. Most often a tampon with vinegar is treated with a remedy and placed inside for a while, previously placed in a bag. This method does not always lead to the desired effect, and the smell remains. Correct application - complete treatment of the entire surface.
  • Formalin solution 25%. Such a tool is considered effective in the disinfection of shoes, but very toxic. After use, there is an unpleasant smell, which must be cleaned with ammonia. Before processing, use protective equipment (mask, gloves). Pure formalin refers to hazardous substances, so finding it will be problematic. There is its derivative ("Formidron"), but it has low efficiency, they will have to process many times.

Wet wipes with disinfectant effect

How to treat shoes from fungus? Napkins are considered safe and hypoallergenic, which can be used to handle not only feet, but also shoes. They are convenient when you need to disinfect slippers, issued in a solarium or a bath.

Napkins will help prevent fungal infection and can be used not only for adults, but also for children.

Processing of footwear by special devices

Than to conduct processing of footwear from a fungus? Many tools have a negative effect on leather shoes, so special devices are used to process it. They are designed for disinfection and drying of wardrobe items using ultraviolet.

This method is completely harmless not only for shoes, but for people. Due to the influence of ultraviolet rays, the spores of fungi and various bacteria are destroyed. The devices operate at a temperature of 70 degrees, so they can be used for processing and drying.

For disinfection, the device is inserted into shoes, plugged in and left for several hours. After this time, it can be used for its intended purpose.

If a foot fungus arises, the patient must be sure of the cleanliness of the floors, hygiene products and footwear, which will help to avoid repeated infection with the disease.

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