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So it looks like a recipe for classic okroshki

This wonderful Russian food can not be called original or unique - dishes like this, the history of which was lost in the centuries, are often found in traditional cuisines of the peoples of the world. The Russian okroshka is prepared almost identically-except for small features-to the Belarusian chiller, the Uzbek chalope or the Bulgarian tarator, and Spanish gazpacho, the latter being the most successful, since the Spanish dish and the Russian okroshka are incredibly close not only to the set of products, but also to the general Taste sensation.

Preparing a classic okroshka for an uninitiated person seems very difficult, but in fact this process is elementary, if, of course, in the preparation process, use the recommendations of experienced chefs. Firstly, it is worth remembering that for traditional Russian food, only the okroshechny kvass - white and unsweetened - is suitable. Secondly, it is necessary to combine products correctly. The recipe for classic okroshka suggests the presence of two types of ingredients: nourishing - they include carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and turnips, and spicy (or sharp) - onions, green and onions, celery, fresh dill and parsley.

In addition, it is worth remembering that all products must necessarily be finely chopped, as finely as possible. On how small the cubes of boiled vegetables will be, the taste of the future dish depends to the full. On average, the volume of crushed vegetables should be half of the total volume of okroshki if it is planned to have a full vegetable dish, and not less for fish or meat okroshki. Before you prepare a classic meat or fish okroshka, you need to make sure that these products are of high quality and fresh.

An ancient recipe for classic okroshka, which can still be found in some culinary books, suggests taking two kinds of meat for the creation of traditional Russian food or combining the meat of an animal and a bird. Ideally, for a delicious okroshki suitable combination of pork (meat of a suckling pig), with meat of black grouse and turkey. If you do not have these products at your fingertips for some reason, you can take advantage of what's in the fridge at the moment. For one of the simplest recipes you need to take: beef (350 grams), kvass (900 ml.), Vegetables - potatoes, cucumbers and radish (3-4 pcs.). You will also need eggs (2 pcs.), Greens with spices to taste and sour cream (100 grams). For starters, as the original recipe for classic okroshka says, you will have to do preliminary preparations - boil eggs and potatoes, then cool them and clean them. Meat along with all the other ingredients can then be cut into small cubes as much as possible, greens, pre-washed, chopped, and then send all the "kroshevo" into a deep saucepan. In conclusion, it remains only to pour all finely chopped kvass products, add sour cream and seasonings with spices to taste and, chilling, pour into plates and send to the table.

Very interesting recipe for classic okroshka vegetarian, with mushrooms and mustard. For its execution, you need to take about the same set of ingredients, as well as the above recommendation. Potatoes (250 g.), Pickled mushrooms (450 grams), cucumbers (200 grams) and carrots (50 grams). In addition, you will have to take green onions (100 grams), eggs (2 pcs.), Kvass and mustard (40 grams). Experienced culinary experts recommend starting with grinding egg yolks with mustard - together with kvass they will serve as a dressing for okroshki. All other ingredients, including egg whites, will need to be cut into small cubes, as far as possible, and spread out on plates. After that, you just need to fill in the "kroshe" mixture of white kvass with a mustard-egg mixture and cool slightly before serving.

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