
"Simplicity is worse than stealing" - the meaning, origin and interpretation of the phrase, which became a winged expression

Many of us have heard this phrase: "Simplicity is worse than stealing." The meaning of this saying is a little understandable, although in fact everything is very simple.

The meaning of the word "simplicity"

Do you know what simplicity is? This word has several meanings, fundamentally different from each other in meaning. One more thing is interesting: simplicity can be both a positive quality of a person, and a negative one. Here everything is very individual. No wonder they say: "Be simpler, and people will reach out to you." But it is not always the case.

In fact, at times simplicity is worse than stealing. The sense here does not need to be looked for somewhere deep - everything is elementary. A commoner is one who does not realize his vital interests, principles, values - they are not. It is not simple in the sense that it can be easily understood, it goes without any difficulties to contact, quickly finds a common language with the rest of the people. This is a completely different simplicity, regarded as a positive quality. The common people, mentioned above, look at all things too simplistically. Take someone else's - and what? To offend someone - is this an immoral act? Incorrectly put it - what's so terrible about this? And these are only flowers. Such simplicity is worse than stealing. The meaning here is exactly this.

Interpretation of the expression

It is worth talking more about why simplicity is worse than stealing. In general, when can you pronounce this phrase? In what cases will it be appropriate? Usually this is expressed in the address of the person whose simple-heartedness brings only troubles and harm to others. Roughly speaking, when this quality harms the others.

Others interpret this expression as follows: if a person stole something from someone - this is an isolated case, but the simplicity is reflected in his entire life. And all right, if only for him. Simplicity also applies to the lives of people surrounding the simpleton himself.

Essence - in comparison

So, why the proverb believes that simplicity is worse than stealing, it is clear. However, now it is worth investigating why it is with theft that comparison is made. After all, there are a lot of other crimes - hooliganism, fraud, more terrible deeds ... But it was chosen stealing. And there is a definite explanation for this.

Everyone knows that theft is not the best thing that can be. But in it, as in any other unpleasant act, there are two sides. After all, as they say, each stick has two ends. Similarly, in the case of simplicity. Or rather, in the case of acts committed by a simpleton. But how to react to what he did, if all of this we ourselves define "simplicity"? The fact is that by justifying a person in this way, we disarm ourselves and deprive ourselves of the opportunity to gain experience in dealing with such personalities. Allegedly, this he stumbled in its simplicity. In other words, we remove from another person the responsibility for what he did. So it turns out that simplicity is worse than stealing. The point is that the second is punishable by law, and the former can be "understood and forgiven." Although even in this case it can be said that a person stole something. He just took away the experience that could be acquired in communication with him.

How many people, so many opinions

Proceeding from all the above, it can be stated that really simplicity is worse than stealing. What this phrase means is also clear, however how many people, so many opinions. Some, for example, do not think so. Others, however, interpret this winged expression differently , which was previously actively used by such well-known literary figures as Dahl, Mikhelson, Sobolev, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others, and is used today in everyday speech.

But in general, simplicity in this context is a quality that disarms with its sincere arrogance. The common people often use the "justifying" phrase: "What's wrong with that?" People who suffer from the actions of a simpleton do not even have the opportunity to make any claims against him. By the way, it is interesting that in past times the word "simple" was an insult, a synonym for such words as "underdeveloped", "dumb", "fool" and so on. Indeed, the consequences that appeared because of the actions of such people were much more severe and serious than theft. And they had to correct themselves.

The phrase "Simplicity is worse than stealing" appeared many years ago and has since been considered winged.

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