Food and drinkSalads

Frize is a very useful and delicious green salad

Frize is a subspecies of the Andivid family salad. Such a useful plant has many different names: frieze, endive, curly endive, chicory salad , etc.

History and appearance

Frize salad is a Greek product that has been known to mankind since Antiquity. Even then, people began to actively cultivate this plant and consume it for food. It is worth mentioning that the name given to the product was given by the French word, sounding like frisé. In the literal translation it means "curly". In fact, the froze salad looks exactly like its name. The leaves of the edible plants are remarkable for their color. At the root they are dark green, and in the middle part - bright-green.

Taste and way of growing

Frize salad is a very tasty and useful plant. By its taste and structure, this product is pretty close to white, Belgian and curly chicory. By the way, this ingredient is only an improved version of a curly or curly endive. As is known, the color of the presented plant was not liked by the French public, and they decided to slightly modify it. To do this, the cultivators used a special method for growing, which bore an interesting name "blanching." In order to get a light middle part of the lettuce, the plant was bandaged so that sunlight never went there (that is, the production of chlorophyll was completely stopped at this place). After such a procedure, the frieze salad (the photo of the plant is presented in the article) became more tender, and also lost its bitterness, which differed from the curly endive. At the moment, there are other varieties of the presented product, which also lack a bitter and unpleasant aftertaste.

Product dimensions and application methods

Frize salad is a rather large plant, which in its size is very close to the head of lettuce. It is worth mentioning that frize is very popular among modern consumers. Specialists attribute this fact to the fact that the presented product has special taste characteristics and a lot of useful substances. Leaflets of this plant are often found in a mix of green salads, because they are perfectly combined with other similar ingredients.

By the way, such a plant is popular not only because of its taste, but also due to the fact that it is possible for them to beautifully decorate any kinds of dishes, including meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable, etc.

According to experienced culinary experts, Frize salad perfectly matches with cheeses, seafood, bacon, and citrus fruits. That is why it is often used during the preparation of various snacks and salads.

Choosing the right plant

To make a dish with this product tasty and useful, the frieze must be chosen correctly. Its leaves should fit tightly to each other and be as fresh as possible. This salad should not be cut with a knife, it is best to tear it with your hands. It is these tips that will help you prepare a very tasty and healthy vitamin dish.

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