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Simple and effective methods of self-defense on the street

The realities of the modern world are such that we run the risk of facing a danger by simply stepping out onto the street. Sometimes you can not avoid dark alleys and desert areas, so you need to know the techniques of self-defense, which will help us protect ourselves in case of danger. And if there is a conflict and the alleged offender will break a certain line, then on your part the most correct will be to move to an active attack in order to deprive him of the opportunity to continue his actions.

Of course, it is worth remembering that assaulting is not the only way to resolve the conflict - in some cases it is better to take flight, forgetting about pride, even if you know the methods of self-defense. But there are situations where the only way to protect their lives is to become self-defense. In the main, a man fights a street physically strong, sometimes even a few attackers. In such cases, the most effective methods will be prohibited methods of self-defense. This technique is quite simple, but its techniques are very traumatic.

Feature of prohibited practices

The specificity of this technique is to strike at the most vulnerable places of the enemy. And thus there is no need to apply the big force to injure a weak place. Therefore, such techniques are suitable for people of any gender, age and complexion. On the human body, there are many particularly vulnerable places that can not be loaded with muscle or accustomed to pain.

To prohibit self-defense techniques were effective, you need to strike quickly and spontaneously. In self-defense, it is not only technology that is important, but also cunning. That is, if you are unexpectedly attacked, you do not need to immediately get into a fighting posture - it's better to pretend to be scared, and then strike a strong blow to the enemy .

The most vulnerable areas of the human body

So, the main areas that do not have a tight muscular cover are: clavicle, spine, shins, ankles, whiskey, foot lift, internal organs, joints, back of the skull and the most sensitive places (eyes, carotid artery, groin, abdomen, Nose and throat). The most effective methods of self-defense for girls and children are the strikes of the enemy in the ear area, the nose, in the base of the jaw. And also painful techniques and grasping on fingers, brushes, collarbones and elbows.

There are a lot of methods for defending oneself during an attack. And in order to master them in perfection, it is better to enroll in special courses, such skills will certainly not be superfluous.

Techniques that will help to deprive the abuser of legal capacity

As a rule, weak attempts at resistance will only provoke the aggressor, and he will pass to more terrible actions. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider useful methods of self-defense on the street that will help you gain time and partially deprive the offender of legal capacity.

Knee kick in the groin

This technique in the classical version represents a blow to the groin or grip of the scrotum, since this zone is the most vulnerable in men. If you hit the attacker hard in this place, he reflexively lets go of his hands, as a result, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from the seizure. Pay attention: you need to beat as hard as possible, since weak attempts will only anger your opponent.

Beat on the groin with your hands

The blow can be applied from the bottom up with a hand clenched into a fist. You need to hit the surface of your thumb like a knife blow from the bottom up. If the enemy grabs you from behind and holds by the hair or throat, then you need to beat with the edge of your hand or with your fist directing the blow back. If the difference in height allows, then you can apply an elbow with a half-turn of the body - this technique will be even more effective.

Blow in the throat

Simple methods of self-defense for women necessarily include such an important blow as a poke in the throat.

It is necessary to lay down fingers of hands in a pinch, tightly pressing, to each other pads and to strike a strong blow in the throat of the opponent. This solution will be the best way to protect, but only if the aggressor's throat is open. The impact is applied to the hollow above the clavicles from the top to the bottom or from below the top at an acute angle. This method is very painful and can lead to difficulty breathing in the attacker, coughing or even fainting.

Beat on the nose with the edge of the palm

This stroke should be applied with the edge of the palm on the nose or in the area of the upper lip. This is a great way to protect yourself from attack. It must be applied horizontally with the palm of the hand open with a brace. The most effective variant of application is a hidden blow, that is, you seem to be asking for mercy, folding your arms in front of your chest. The palms should be offset relative to each other, so that the little finger of the right hand is on the thumb of the left. It performs as if you with your right hand want to sharply clean off the dirt on the left. If this method is performed correctly, the opponent will experience a severe pain shock.

Blow on the ears

This well-known blow is applied with open palms, folded a little boat, simultaneously on the two ears of the enemy. The main requirement is that it must be sharp and strong. It is necessary to use inertia and weight of your body, and then this technique can lead to rupture of the tympanic membrane or severe pain shock.

Smashing blow to the face

This technique is typically female. To use it you need to slightly deploy the body and throw the arm forward: the shoulder, then the elbow and the brush, which shoots from the bottom upwards with a lash. As a shock surface, you can use the knuckles of your fingers, the edge of the palm or its back side.

How to get rid of strangulation and capture?

Effective methods of self-defense - is not only the use of strikes to deprive the attacker of legal capacity. With their help you can get rid, for example, from the front grip behind the throat. To do this, you must strike the opponent in the face in any of the above ways, this will give you the opportunity to loosen the grip. And in order to wriggle out of the grip you need to lean on the aggressor's arm with your shoulder or forearm from top to bottom at the expense of your body weight.

If you need to free yourself from capturing your hand, you can do this by turning your hand toward the enemy's thumb. Next, you need to move the weight of the body through the front leg to the grasped arm and hang on it. An unloaded foot at this time can be hit on the hip striker. It is also possible to effectively use the energy of the turn and with your free hand to hit back into the opponent's face.

These are the simplest methods of self-defense, but do not forget that the injured opponent is even more dangerous. And even if you managed to neutralize it and immobilize it, do not lose your vigilance and do not turn your back to it.

Useful methods of self-defense

To knock down the enemy's breath and even deprive him of consciousness can be a strong blow to the solar plexus. The impact can be applied with both hand and foot. Strong blow with the palm of the nose of the attacker can temporarily deprive him of balance. If you make a direct blow to your nose with your knee or elbow, it will turn into an aggressor for a deep knockout or a broken nose. Uppercut in the chin is also able to send the opponent into a knockout. But remember that incorrect holding of a blow threatens you with broken fingers or broken bones.

Self-defense techniques in pictures will help you determine which places of the human body are the most vulnerable. Joints belong to such weak zones. If you strike the opponent with a directional blow from the side or perform an undercut on the back of the knee, then he will lose his balance. Effects on knee joints and in short-distance combat are effective.

What is the role of balance in combat?

The effectiveness of the methods of self-defense depends on many factors: on the enemy's physical data, on their number, on the characteristics of the surrounding space, and so on. There are no universal ways to protect against attack. Therefore, the main goal that you must achieve is to learn to remain calm and balanced in any situation. After all, very often the outcome of a fight is determined by the physical and mental balance of a person.

Learning how to keep calm and balance during a fight is not easy. This process includes the development and strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, as well as the formation and strengthening of muscles.

Effective use of self-defense techniques

Combat methods of self-defense is a technique in which it is necessary to disrupt the enemy's personal space in order to strike him. Simple punches and kicks will not bring the desired effect, as they only anger the attacker, and you need to neutralize it. In addition, when you strike such strikes, you lose balance, and your opponent will enjoy it.

Good techniques to defend against attack are throws, but in a street fight they are ineffective, as many throws have some restrictions on the use. For example, throws from free wrestling require a good physical form and serious preparation. Self-defense, as a rule, implies a physical effect on the pain spots, zones or points of the attacker. The main thing that you must remember is that self-defense on the street does not tolerate ceremonies. Your strikes should be aimed at the effective and rapid removal of your opponent from equilibrium, and then you need to neutralize him on the ground. It is necessary to lead an attacker out of balance using the weight of his own body and errors in his tactics. Of course, not in all cases it makes sense to use the technique of self-defense and there are situations in which the most correct solution will be flight. However, after studying at least the most elementary techniques, you will learn how to correctly navigate in unusual situations and be able to protect yourself when attacking on the street.

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