EducationThe science

Sexual system of men and women

Signs that distinguish a man and a woman are huge. These are the attitudes of life, and characteristics of character, and physiological differences, and anatomical physique. Unlike both male and female, both external and internal sexual characteristics.

The reproductive system is a whole set of organs responsible for the process of reproduction. In men and women, they are not the same. In this regard, there are two groups of features:

• Primary. These include organs directly responsible for fertilization, fetal development and the formation of gametes. Thus, in men, such signs include prostate gland, ovaries and penis, and in women - the uterus, the vagina, etc. These organs perform different functions and have different structures;

• secondary signs are present in both, and other representatives of the human race, but they look different. This includes mammary glands, musculature and skeleton, hair on the body, timbre of voice, subcutaneous fat, etc.

Female sexual system

Its main function is the formation of eggs, through which fertilization takes place, the formation and development of a new organism.

Gametes (germ cells) mature in two ovaries, located deep in the pelvis. This process is possible due to the action of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. Around the egg on the surface of the ovary is formed a vial (follicle), which after about fourteen days bursts. This allows the gamete to enter the fallopian tubes, where, under the action of fluid flow, it moves towards the uterus. The ovaries push out the matured egg every four weeks. That's how the female's reproductive system prepares for fertilization.

Mucous uterus becomes thicker, the number of blood vessels and nutrients in it is significantly increased. If, while in the fallopian tubes, as a result of sexual intercourse, the gamete will be fertilized by the spermatozoon, then a new embryonic cell will arise. It is attached to the mucous membrane of the uterus, where it then begins to develop further, transforming with time into a fetus. The period of pregnancy is completed. The fetus is released through the vagina.

In the event that a gamete (male to female) connection does not occur, the egg with blood and thickened mucous will be rejected by the uterus. This period, lasting several days, is called "menstruation." At this time, the sexual system experiences small hormonal fluctuations, as a result of which a woman can feel pain in the lower abdomen and feel some malaise. After a certain time in the ovary, the follicle with the gamete begins to reappear.

Male reproductive system

The male's reproductive system consists of the external (scrotum, testicles and penis) and internal organs (prostate gland and seminal vesicles).

Eggs are male genital glands, which are two small organs. They are placed in the scrotum. Daily testicles produce a huge number of new sex cells - spermatozoa, consisting of the tail and head. In addition, this body is responsible for the production of androgens, thereby performing the functions of the endocrine gland.

At the sexual certificate or act spermatozoons move through vas deferens and unite with the secrets allocated by a parodic gland. Thus, the semen is obtained from the male sperm.

The duct, through which the sperm moves, from the scrotum to the abdominal cavity and goes to the urethra - the urethra. It is a thin tube that is located inside the penis and leads out of the bladder to the outside.

Spermatozoa carry the most important hereditary material - the chromosome.

The human sexual system is called upon to perform the most important function - reproductive.

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