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Sesame: benefit and harm simultaneously

Famous sesame seeds are the fruits of a perennial cultural plant belonging to oilseeds. Seeds are formed in the capsules, which are tied during the period of fruiting of the plant. They have different color and nutritional value: white, gray, yellow and brown are considered less saturated useful elements, whereas in black seeds the level of content is the highest. Of the seeds produce the famous sesame oil, used in cooking and alternative medicine. It is traditional for the countries of the East, Africa, where it is actively used in cooking: fried sesame, which is still called "sesame", added to salads, pastries, fish products. For us, this oil "gives up" exotic and is not widely used. However, due to his frequent presence on the store shelves, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the mentioned product more closely and find out what sesame can bring: harm or benefit.

What is valuable sesame

It is believed that vegetable oils have dietary properties. However, sesame oil to this category can not be attributed, because it is too fatty and high-calorie. 100 g of butter contains an average of 580 kcal, so it is not suitable for diets. Sesame, the benefit and harm caused by the high level of micro and macro elements, is a storehouse of vitamins, contains polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids, has an antioxidant property, cleanses the body and its organs of toxins and toxins. It contains vitamins A, B, E, C, oleic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic and oleic acids. It contains triglyceride, glycerin, phytin, lecithin, beta-sitosterol, which act to lower the cholesterol level. Sesame oil is a natural source of substances such as magnesium, zinc, magnesium, iron and can make up for the daily human need for these elements.
Sesame, the benefit and harm of which depend on its quantity, is indispensable for preventive purposes of joint diseases and problems with bone tissue, since the content of calcium in it is very high. Even in sesame seeds a lot of protein, and the substances thiamine and phytosterol reduce the risk of atherosclerotic manifestations. Biologically active substances of sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on processes in the liver, intestines, stomach, strengthen immune defense, remove kidney stones, treat anemia, lungs and bronchi, hyperthyroidism. Oil is effective in therapeutic massage and as a part of the compress for skin diseases.

Other properties of sesame

Oil and seeds of a product such as sesame (the benefit and harm of which is directly proportional to the amount of its use), can cause a person to have a nausea, beat off the appetite, cause mild diarrhea. These consequences cause excessive fatness of the oil, contained in familiar to all the seeds. These products are not recommended for people with a diagnosis of increased blood clotting: oil can lead to thrombotic blockages in the vessels. Another can be an individual intolerance to sesame, which causes allergic reactions. Sesame, the benefits and harm of which are obvious, can slow down digestion and cause thirst.

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