
"Cefuroxime Axetil": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

One of the most common antibiotics for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and other organs is "Cefuroxime Axetil". This is a preparation of the second generation of cephalosporins. In comparison with other similar antibiotics, it is more stable and has a wide spectrum of action. It is used for the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, infections of the skin and soft tissues, prevention of postoperative complications.

Antibiotics of the group of cephalosporins

Antibacterial drugs are medicines containing substances that are capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms or inhibiting their reproduction. The most common are beta-lactam antibiotics, which have bactericidal action. These are penicillins and cephalosporins, which have a similar structure. In comparison with the more common penicillin antibiotics, cephalosporins are more stable and active, less resistant to bacteria. Therefore, the antibiotics of this group are now the drugs of choice for the treatment of many diseases in adults and children.

There are 5 generations of cephalosporins, but only the first three are so far distributed. They are presented by drugs that can be used either orally, or for injections. Like penicillins, cephalosporins destroy the bacterial cell walls and prevent them from multiplying. From the first to the third generation of this group of antibiotics, the spectrum of their action towards gram-negative bacteria is gradually expanding. But they become less active towards gram-positive microorganisms.

Cephalosporins of the first generation - "Cefazolinum", "Cephalexin" and "Cefadroxil" are much inferior in efficiency to most penicillins and other antibiotics. They appeared on sale in the 60s of the 20th century, so now they are used less and less. The most common drugs are the second generation. These are "Cefaclor", "Cefuroxime" and "Cefuroxime Axetil". The rest of the cephalosporins have a broader spectrum of action, but they are mainly used in inpatient facilities for injections. These are "Ceftriaxone", "Cechimine", "Cephepin" and others.

Characteristics of the preparation

This antibiotic is most common not only among cephalosporins, but also among the antibacterial agents of other groups. This is due to the wide range of its effects and to the fact that microorganisms rarely acquire resistance to it. Its advantages include good tolerability and a rare occurrence of side effects. In comparison with penicillin antibiotics, "Cefuroxime Axetil" is resistant to beta-lactamases, so it often becomes a drug of choice for a variety of infections. It is also active against staphylococci, which produce penicillinase.

From the group of cephalosporins, "Cefuroxime Axetil" is considered the most effective, since it acts on such microorganisms that are resistant to the action of other antibiotics. A feature of this tool is that it is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, therefore it can be used to treat meningitis, encephalitis and other inflammatory diseases of the meninges.

What else is remarkable about the drug "Cefuroxime Axetil"? Its form is convenient for different groups of patients:

  • When treating severe infections, a solution is used for intravenous or intramuscular injection, it is made from powder diluted with water for injection;
  • In outpatient treatment of adults, tablets with a dosage of 150, 250 or 500 mg are used;
  • For children it is best to apply a suspension, which is prepared from special pellets.

But which form of the drug to use, the doctor determines. After all, they all have different concentrations of the active substance and are not a full replacement for each other.

Effect of the drug

This 2-generation antibiotic cephalosporins has a wide spectrum of action. It contains substances that destroy the bacterial cell walls, but do not act on healthy cells. It is especially effective against salmonella, shigella, escherichia, protea, enterobacteria, causative agents of gonorrhea and infections of the upper respiratory tract. The drug is also active against most strains of staphylococci and streptococci. But there are also bacteria resistant to "Cefuroxime Axetil". These are pseudomonas, listeria, most strains of enterococci, some staphylococci.

The drug begins in about half an hour, with intravenous administration - almost immediately, it lasts about 8 hours. Take it twice a day, and when using injections - 3-4 times. Therefore, when severe infections are recommended to use "Cefuroxime" in pricks.

Indications for use

To treat various infectious diseases in children and adults, "Cefuroxime" is often used. Its action in relation to most gram-negative and some gram-positive bacteria allows us to successfully assign it in such cases:

  • With infections of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, bronchitis pneumonia, sinusitis;
  • Gynecological diseases, for example, adnexitis or endometritis;
  • Infections of the skin, soft tissues and bones - erysipelas, pyoderma, furunculosis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis;
  • Pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • Sepsis, peritonitis;
  • Meningitis, encephalitis, Lyme disease;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • For the prevention of postoperative complications.

"Cefuroxime": instructions for use

The price of the drug allows it to be used by any patient, since it is relatively inexpensive - only 250-400 rubles. Therefore, it is used as a hospital for intravenous or intramuscular injection, and for outpatient treatment for oral administration. Patients note that it is very convenient to take "Cefuroxime". Its dosage is determined individually, depending on the severity of the infection and its localization. Usually this is 250-500 mg divided into 2 divided doses per day. You can drink tablets regardless of your meal. If one tablet is accidentally missed, it should be taken immediately, as it was recalled, the next dose should not be earlier than 5 hours later. Do not double the dose without consulting a doctor.

The dosage for intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug "Cefuroxime" is calculated slightly differently. It is recommended to do injections in a hospital environment, since incorrect injection can cause side effects. Usually prescribed from 0.75 mg to 1.5 g three times a day. Depending on the severity of the infection, the dose may be increased, but not more than 6 g per day. Optimum for most infections use 60 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight per day.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. But most often apply "Cefuroxime" for a week. In severe infections begin treatment with injections - 2-3 days, then switch to oral intake. It can last up to 10 days, and for serious diseases, for example, with Lyme disease - 20 days. Interrupt treatment before the time specified by the doctor is not recommended. This can not only cause the appearance of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics, but also the development of serious complications.

Features of use in children

"Cefuroxime ascetyl" is used to treat infectious diseases at any age. The drug is widely distributed in pediatric practice. Do not use it only to treat newborns and premature babies.

The only feature of the use in children is the need for accurate dosing. Dosage is determined not by age, but by the weight of the patient. Intravenous or intramuscular injections are done in a hospital setting. Usually children older than 3 months require 30 to 100 mg per kg of body weight per day. This amount is divided into 3 admission. Oral administration for children under 12 years of age is recommended not to use a tablet, but a suspension. It is better tolerated by children, babies drink it easily. And dosage in this form is more convenient.


"Cefuroxime" is a medicine that is one of the most commonly prescribed for serious infections. But despite its high efficiency, it can not be used by everyone. Do not prescribe this drug for individual intolerance, physical exhaustion, weakened immunity, as well as in the presence of allergies to any drug group of cephalosporins or penicillins. You can not drink "Cefuroxime" for serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the presence of bleeding. It is not recommended to use this medication also for the treatment of elderly patients, since after 60 years the risk of side effects increases.

Side effects

Like all other antibacterial drugs, "Cefuroxime Axetil" can cause negative reactions. Especially often they occur in people with intolerance to penicillins. Injections can cause severe soreness in the injection site, the appearance of infiltration and even damage to the walls of the vessels. Tablets "Cefuroxime 500" most often negatively affect the digestive tract. Therefore, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, impaired bowel and liver function are the most common side effects from such treatment. In addition, the drug can cause such consequences:

  • Rash, itching and other allergic reactions;
  • Increased tendency to bleeding;
  • candidiasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • Dizziness, confusion;
  • Bleeding;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • Change the picture of blood.

Specific guidance on the use of the drug

In the pharmacy, you can buy "Cefuroxime" only with a prescription. Instructions for use, price, analogues and dosage features - all this information can be obtained from your doctor. The dosage of the drug is determined strictly individually, for example, if the kidney function is impaired, it must be reduced and taken under constant medical supervision.

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to be treated with "Cefuroxime" during pregnancy and during lactation. Special studies of such treatment have not been conducted, but it is believed that this agent does not have a toxic effect on the embryo. Although the rationale for prescribing the drug should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the state of the mother. But breastfeeding for the period of treatment is recommended to be discontinued, as "Cefuroxime" is actively allocated with milk.

Interaction with other drugs

Like all other antibiotics, "Cefuroxime Axetil" actively suppresses the intestinal microflora. As a result, the synthesis of vitamin K, which participates in the processes of blood coagulability, is disrupted. Therefore, with simultaneous use with anticoagulants, as well as with salicylates or NSAIDs, there is a risk of bleeding.

If you apply "Cefuroxime" with loop diuretics, its toxic effect on the kidneys and urinary system increases. And sharing with antacids slows its absorption, so the effectiveness of treatment decreases.

"Cefuroxime": analogues

Sometimes it happens that the patient does not have the opportunity to buy the drug with this name. But different pharmaceutical companies produce several drugs, the main active ingredient of which is cefuroxime. If you take into account the dosage and consult a doctor, you can use any of them for treatment. What drugs can replace "Cefuroxime"? Analogues of its most common are: "Aksef", "Auroxetil", "Biofuroxim", "Zinatsef", "Zinnat", "Kimatsef", "Tsefoktam", "Cetil", "Cefumax" and others. It is not recommended to replace the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor independently for preparations with a different composition, even if they have a similar effect.

Reviews about the drug

Most doctors, when it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics, often make a choice in favor of the drug "Cefuroxime". Reviews about such treatment are usually positive. People note the high effectiveness of the drug. Most patients noticed that on the second day their condition improved significantly. And only in rare cases there are side effects.

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