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What vitamins are in buckwheat? Useful properties and calorie content of buckwheat

Many people know about the benefits of buckwheat. This nourishing rich fruit porridge has a pronounced flavor, thanks to which it is perfectly combined with various meat, mushroom, fish and vegetable dishes. But in this article we will not talk about taste, but about the benefits.

Do you know what vitamins in buckwheat are contained in maximum quantities and how useful is this porridge? Or maybe you need a special menu and wonder if it's worth to introduce this product into it? Let's consider in detail the composition and properties of different dishes with buckwheat.

Why is buckwheat useful?

Buckwheat - croup, which is considered to be one of the most useful. It is rich in many valuable substances. Thanks to the content of carbohydrates, which are digested very slowly, this croup is suitable even for the diabetic menu, because it does not affect the sugar level.

Rich in buckwheat and fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. The calorie content of this cereal is 313 kcal.

For those who do not eat meat and other animal products, buckwheat is an excellent source of protein.

Well, in terms of vitamins and trace elements, this grain is a true record holder. A unique composition determines the enviable popularity of buckwheat.

It is also important that a minimum of effort is required to grow unpretentious buckwheat. She is not afraid of weeds and aphids, persistently experiences dampness and drought, and therefore agrarians can dispense with practically no chemistry. Thinking about how many vitamins are in buckwheat and how useful it is, be sure to consider the purity of raw materials, which are grown without the abundance of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers.

Vitamins and minerals

There is a belief that buckwheat is a valuable source of vitamin C. In fact, its content in this crop is insignificant. What vitamins in buckwheat are in fact? Let's consider in detail, than this croup is rich.

In 100 grams of buckwheat contains so many vitamins:

  • B1 0.3 mg.
  • B2 - 0.14 mg.
  • B3 - 6.2 mg.
  • B6 - 0.34 mg.
  • B9 - 0.03 mg.
  • E is 0.8 mg.

In addition, there is an insignificant amount of beta-carotene and vitamin PP.

Another common myth concerns calcium. He is in buckwheat, but there are not so many - 70 mg in 100 grams of the product. Much more phosphorus (334 mg), potassium (325 mg) and magnesium (258) are much more in this crop. High content and other useful microelements: sulfur, silicon, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese.

Who needs to eat buckwheat?

Doctors recommend that buckwheat must be included in the diet of people suffering from atherosclerosis, liver diseases, hypertension, disorders of the digestive tract, immune system disorders. It is irreplaceable for those who are prone to swelling or have problems with joints.

Doctors often introduce this product into the menu of people with diabetes.

Buckwheat - an excellent dish for the diet of recovering patients, pregnant and lactating mothers, athletes. Buckwheat porridge is suitable for children's complementary foods.

It is useful to people of age, because it helps to cope without problems with such problems as hypertension, joint pain, digestive disorders. With the help of this valuable cereal, you can fight slagging the body.

By and large, buckwheat in the morning is useful to everyone. This dish will give a charge of energy and vivacity for a whole day. Doctors recommend eating buckwheat in the morning, on an empty stomach, washing with kefir.

Correct buckwheat porridge

To get the most benefit, you need to know how to prepare this or that product. Buckwheat will preserve all the valuable ingredients if you know some rules.

  1. Rinse the rump until the water is clean. Gather the grains, remove all unnecessary.
  2. Boil the water. It should be exactly twice as large as cereals. It is important to understand not only what vitamins in buckwheat are inherent in nature, but also their features. Most of the nutrients are water soluble, and therefore an excessive amount of fluid will inevitably lead to losses.
  3. Load buckwheat in boiling water. Add salt or sugar, depending on what you plan to cook.
  4. Boil the porridge over low heat, closing the lid.
  5. Finish the dish tightly and wrap the pan with a towel. Leave for about 5 minutes. During this time, the croup will decay, become tender. At this stage, you can add butter.

It is possible and even desirable to cook porridge in a multivariate. You can use the minimum amount of liquid and save time. Even more lucky for those who have a steamer - this method is the best.

Green buckwheat

This unusual product could be obtained earlier only in stores of goods for vegetarians and vegans, today it is found in many large supermarkets.

Green buckwheat is a raw grain that has not undergone preliminary heat treatment.

What vitamins are in buckwheat green? All the same as in the usual product. But in the untreated croup there is also a routine - a unique substance that contributes to the folding of blood.

Green buckwheat can be eaten little by little to prevent heart attack and stroke, strengthen the cardiovascular system, treat hemorrhoids.

You can cook a buckwheat from green buckwheat, boiling it in water. But this product is much more useful in raw form. To taste it resembles something in between the young sunflower seeds and green peas. Just pour 4-5 tablespoons of seeds with kefir or fermented milk and leave for several hours. You can soak green buckwheat for the night to get a ready breakfast in the morning - useful and tasty.

Sprouted grains

Green buckwheat can be easily germinated by laying on a damp cloth and leaving it on the sunny windowsill for a few days. A similar product is used for weight loss, as well as general health improvement of the body. Vitamin-rich sprouts help to strengthen immunity, remove waste products, are natural antioxidants.


Buckwheat - groats, which is useful to almost everyone. But some restrictions still exist.

Buckwheat is considered a very popular product for mono-diet. The effect is based on the high content of complex carbohydrates, for the burning of which the body's fat is used. Remember that this diet can not last more than five consecutive days. Buckwheat mono-diet is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, weakened people. Strongly not worth the risk and those who have at least some small problems with the pressure. It is enough to eat this product 2-3 times a week.

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