EducationSecondary education and schools

Self-management in school: yesterday and today

It seems to many that self-government in the school is a product of modern society and the manifestation of its freedoms. But if people of middle age and older remember their childhood, then they will see examples of such organizations. Take at least links with link soldiers, the council of the detachment with the chairman, the council of the school squad. Even in the lower grades, Octobrists had asterisks, which were commanded by the children selected from among the pupils. And if we compare self-management in school today with the self-government system of Soviet times?

In Soviet times, such a school organization was called upon to help the administration monitor and organize the activities of students. The administration did not consult, but gave orders - what, how and when to do it. And the authority of the administration could be dismissed by the class president of his council.

Today, self-government in the school allows pupils to take part in the life of the school. A council of self-government does not obey the administration and can not be disbanded by it. But, according to the plan, he can influence the decisions made by the administration by participating in their discussion.

Modern self-government in the school is aimed at educating the younger generation to participate in public life, to form an active civic position and to eradicate inertia of thinking. Simply put, school self-government is called upon to help to grow out of our children not passive inhabitants, but widely and freely thinking people who are ready to change obsolete norms and, if necessary, defend their rights.

In the process of such education, children develop a sense of personal and social significance, the ability to harmoniously combine personal and collective interests. And also the ability to independently make decisions and take responsibility for their implementation develops.

But to think that such undertakings should only affect the upper classes is an unforgivable mistake. By adolescence, many views and stereotypes have already been formed, and hormonally conditioned negativism prevents adults from perceiving new settings. Therefore, one should begin to develop responsible attitude and creative approach to public life, forming self-government in the primary school.

For the successful conduct of this work, it is necessary to stimulate the independent activity of junior schoolchildren in the organization of extracurricular activities. For example, to give them the opportunity to independently draw up a plan for extra-curricular activities, to allow them to prepare class hours, festive events, various reports and speeches.

You can also start with the fact that in a game form, create on the basis of a class collective a certain "state" with the president, the minister of finance, the minister of culture and other "important persons." Of course, it will simply be necessary to arrange the release of its own currency, which will appear as a wage in the "state". Also, it "fined" will pay fines, and all the rest will deduct "income tax" in the classroom. This option makes schoolchildren very actively participate in the life of the class, because they are not so far gone from fairy tales and games, and the proposed form of self-management meets their internal needs.

Self-management in school is not only beautiful theses and programs. It is also a strictly systematized, well-structured structure, headed by the council of the school chosen by the general voting of the students with its chairman.

Also in each class is selected an asset from the number of students. It is these "governing bodies" representing self-government in the class that act as representatives of apprenticeship at meetings with the administration. And it is they who organize and supervise socially useful work in the school - collection of waste paper, watch, general cleaning of classes.

But everything described above is an ideal of self-management in school and, unfortunately, a rarity. In many schools so far it has remained only a beautiful word, which is remembered only in the so-called "School Self-government Day", when lessons are taught by senior students instead of teachers. On what all ends.

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